Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Has SETI found something at last?


Well, if you count this:

In “ETI researchers now focus on exoplanets beyond solar system”( MSNBC.com, January 11, 2012), we learn, “Kepler planets targeted in search for signals not caused by natural phenomena”:

Now scientists involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) have analyzed their first data from radio telescope observations of Kepler planets. The researchers are searching for radio signals that aren’t likely to be caused by natural phenomena, and thus could represent an extraterrestrial message.

So far, the scientists have already found a few signals that fit the bill — but don’t get too excited just yet.

“(O)ur analyses have generated a few ‘hits,’ but all are undoubtedly examples of terrestrial radio frequency interference” caused by radio signals broadcast here on Earth, …

They can tell because the patterns from two different planets are the same; the only alternative that comes to mind is that aliens on two different planets are watching the same vacuous 1970s sitcom.

(Oh wait! That explains it. They want to avoid cutting us cheques for royalties … the rats! We always said around here that the aliens would NOT turn out to be shining moral examples.)

“Even though these signals are interference, detecting events with similar characteristics to what we expect from ET is a good indication that the first steps of our detection algorithms are working properly,” the scientists wrote.

Seriously, friends wonder why we should expect aliens to use radio waves, as opposed to drumming or telepathy. Well, we’ll see.

Maybe it’s best we put a hold on the Oklahoma-sized welcome cake, visible from space … ?

(Oh wait! That explains it. They want to avoid cutting us cheques for royalties … the rats! We always said around here that the aliens would NOT turn out to be shining moral examples.) They obviously have a different extradition treaty from the one Britain has with USA, or all the TV pirates would be teleported here for prosecution. Jon Garvey

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