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When it comes to Olympic feats, humans are no match for animals


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In “Weightlifters No Match for Insects” (August 4, 2012), CEH Headlines offers “For Olympic season, here are more comparisons between human and animal capabilities.”

Weightlifting: The BBC News showed that, as remarkable as it is for a human to lift 2 or 3 times his body weight, leaf-cutter ants do better: 50x their body weight – and they’re not even contenders for the gold. A male rhinoceros beetle can lift 850 times its own weight – equivalent to a human world champion “lifting six double-decker buses weighing over 8000 kg.” There’s more: “But, the species to beat is a tiny mite that has been shown holding forces of up to 1180 times its weight and even pull 530 times its weight on a vertical surface.” More, way More.

Humph. We invented popcorn and movies, traffic accidents and litigation. What animal can match the sheer genius of that?

Anyone can lift a thousand times an ant’s weight. What’s so great about that? Seems to me to be more “humans aren’t special” propaganda./
Urban, The amazing thing here is mites can lift over 1100 times their body weight! This speaks of amazing design. No one is trying to put down humans. If you know anything about CEH headlines, you will understand that just the opposite is true. Although various animals can outdo humans in just about every category, the overall award - the decathlon award if you will - goes to humans. No other living creature comes close to being able to do what humans can do.
I'll be more impressed when the leaf ants can re-train to do the coxless fours and triple jump as well. Jon Garvey
Anyone can lift a thousand times an ant's weight. What's so great about that? Seems to me to be more "humans aren't special" propaganda. UrbanMysticDee

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