Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Darwin’s followers SHOULD take Prof Woodward’s Darwinism and Intelligent Design course


To help them adjust to not speaking Power to truth any more.

Yesterday, we noted that Trinity College of Florida now offers an online “Darwinism & Intelligent Design” course.

UD News wrote to ask the prof, Thomas Woodward, why our readers should take the course. Should the combox Darwin fans take it? Needless to say, we only have good quality Darwin fans here*, and we would not want them wasting their time or money or energy. He replied,

For one, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that a quality online course, focused exclusively on the history of the scientific controversy between ID and Darwinism, has ever been offered, particularly, as taught by one who was “there from the start, taking notes and gathering video clips.” So…if someone wants to be come thoroughly conversant on WHY ID has thrived, in spite of, and even somewhat because of, the rhetorical onslaught of the Darwinists, this course will equip them to know this topic thoroughly.

Also, the course features some “never seen before” historic footage of the founding of ID, with Phil Johnson, Behe, and other guys “coming on board.”

So…I hope some can take advantage, and/or make their networks of ID sympathizers aware of it. We can enroll people up to August 16, even though (technically) it starts on Aug 9th.

Darwinists should take it to see all that they have missed, in the substance of this debate, if they have lived on the pablum of superficial sound bytes for the past couple of decades.

Now that non-Darwinist microbiologist James Shapiro is writing regularly at the Huffington Post, Darwin’s followers will have to get used to hard questions, and not all from ID theorists.

* Of course, they could always hang out, After the Bar Closes, and grouse.

Fortunately there are so many online sites that discuss creationism and ID that no online course is necessary to fully explore the subject matter. You can read this blog and check out the Discovery Institute. Read material at Access Research Network. Read Dembski and Stephen C Meyer and David Berlinski online. Check out Dr. Lennox and Dr. Werner Gitt. Go to Creation-Evolution headlines. You could stick your toes into the YEC waters at ICR and AIG and Creation.com. The internet is a continual classroom if you know where to look! radaractive
humbled, " first world college fees are too high for a third world student like myself :(" yes, very difficult as I. sergio sergiomendes
I did write to Trinity asking for further information. I was very eager to enrol. Unfortunately, first world college fees are too high for a third world student like myself :( humbled
News, "Many non-Darwinists are quite hostile to design as well, but that matters little just now insofar as they are co-belligerents against a gigantic and well-funded fraud in science that keeps tens of thousands of tenure bores in place for life." true also in chemistry, astronomy, physics, computer, political, economic, psychology sciences? sergio sergiomendes
Sergio, we have some good Darwinist commentators who might be interested, and you sometimes see their comments here. They are sometimes thoughtful. "non-Darwinist" means simply people who understand the damage that the Darwin cult is doing to biology - the parade of just-so stories and/or the marketing of atheism as some kind of a science and/or all the reasons we know that natural selection acting on random mutation neither does nor can do what Darwin and his followers hope. Many non-Darwinists are quite hostile to design as well, but that matters little just now insofar as they are co-belligerents against a gigantic and well-funded fraud in science that keeps tens of thousands of tenure bores in place for life. News
News, "combox Darwin fans" mean ?? "non-Darwinist" mean ID support?? sergio sergiomendes

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