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Why has so much science become science fiction?


Recently, we’ve been discussing the principal defect of methodological naturalism (MN) here at UD (it is not in principle testable or falsifiable). So it is a safe harbour for science fiction masquerading as science.

As it happens, I’m starting a series at Evolution News & Views, “Science Fictions,” that examines this issue as it applies to great science quests and controversies of our time:

As a journalist who has covered the intelligent design controversy for 12 years, I ended up asking a question repeatedly (and invested most of my career researching it): What exactly has materialism done for science? It is promoted by many as the very fuel of science, but that turns out to be a fiction. In areas of great interest, such as the origin of the universe, life, humans, and the human mind, materialism in fact has been a major stumbling block.

To see this clearly, one must wade through thousands of documents—glowing press releases, fatuous pop science journalism, serious and not-so-serious books and articles, and broadcasts, and distill the basic message clearly and simply.

My first post, next week, concerns the puzzling unpopularity of the Big Bang. Keep you, er, posted.

Semi-related: video MSU Professor William Penn: Republicans "raped this country", "are a bunch of dead white people" Box
Darwin's contribution to science is that he made storytelling permissable. Well, he and Hutton, and Lyle to be more precise. Uniformitarianism cannot be proved. It is simply assumed and then stories are made up to try and explain the observations. These stories must, of course, match the paradigm to be accepted. tjguy

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