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Super-deep views of the universe

Abell 2744, a massive cluster in the constellation Sculptor
Abell 2744, a massive cluster in the constellation Sculptor

From BBC News:

Although Hubble has previously identified galaxies at this early epoch, astronomers were surprised to find objects 10 to 20 times more luminous than anything seen before.

“These just stuck out like a sore thumb because they are far brighter than we anticipated,” said Garth Illingworth of the University of California at Santa Cruz.

“There are strange things happening… we’re suddenly seeing luminous, massive galaxies quickly build up at such an early time. This was quite unexpected.”

Oh. Thanks. I wish NASA would label their published images as rendered with false color or artist's impression. It would seem a liitle more honest. -Q Querius
It is an image rendered by a NASA artist from the digital data. buffalo
Wow, how spectacular! And mysterious. But it looks like the result of a food fight. The axis for each galaxy seem to be random but it isn't. See http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-4357/640/2/L111/fulltext/20344.text.html One wouldn't expect this arrangement from a roughly uniform inflation, even tidal effects and waves of reflection of the "fabric of space" included. Maybe rapid inflation can account for the effect for which "dark matter" was postulated. If you inflate the space occupied by a spiral galaxy, you might be looking at spiral arms with not enough mass to explain their rotation and shape. Interesting stuff to think about! -Q Querius
And what's with all the blue lights? Being so far away, the blue stars and the blue galaxies behind the bright galactic formation should have shifted significantly to red, no? I mean, according the the Big Bang hypothesis, the farther light sources are supposedly moving away from us at very high speeds and should generate strongly redshifted light. This Hubble picture seems to contradict this prediction. Mapou
“There are strange things happening… we’re suddenly seeing luminous, massive galaxies quickly build up at such an early time. This was quite unexpected.”
It is worse than unexpected. It is in direct contradiction to the Big Bang hypothesis. It falsifies it. Mapou
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1 OldArmy94

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