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Correction: It was the New York Times that called the Mann-Steyn case the new Scopes Trial


Further to “Scopes Trial symbolism co-opted in the climate change controversy?”, Mark Steyn corrects a small point: It was the New York Times, not himself, that compared the current libel suit against him (climate change controversy) to the Scopes Trial. He merely rendered the thought as a graphic.

(Steyn is being sued by the climate prof who invented the now-controversial hockey-stick graph. Trust us, the backstory is better than Hollywood, and includes a scientist’s elastic efforts to associate himself with a Nobel Peace Prize. See also “Quit saying you are a Nobel Prize winner if you are not.)


Steyn reader Joseph Wilkinson is quoted noting actual Scopes history:

You’ve been billing this case as the “Scopes Monkey Trial of the 21st Century.” And in a way it is. But I’ve read the transcript of the real Scopes Trial. It was nothing like Inherit the Wind (even though ITW is wonderful cinema). Darrow spent most of the case with an ‘offer of proof’ – having his excluded experts testify outside the presence of the jury so that he could preserve his issues for appeal.

ITW = Inherit the Wind, a progressive screed against intolerance of progressives that claimed a basis in the court case, wtih which it had nothing to do.

By the way, today is the day Evolution News & Views announces Censor of the Year: a tribute to Darwin’s followers’ contribution to intellectual inquiry in biological science.

And the winner is …

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In the queue. News
OT: News did you catch this? When Dinosaurs Flew - February 4, 2014 Excerpt: A study published online by PeerJ on Jan. 2 detailed the examination of a startlingly complete and pristine specimen of an ancient, dinosaur-era bird: Hongshanornis longicresta, which flapped throughout what is now China roughly 125 million years ago during the early Cretaceous Period. This particular specimen, discovered a few years ago in rocks from northeastern China, is the latest example of the unexpected diversity of primitive birds that have been unearthed from that part of the world.,,, Roughly 90 percent of the skeleton is complete, with wings and tail so finely preserved that the outlines of feathers and what may be dark color bands on the tail can still be seen. That high level of preservation — particularly around the wings and tail — has allowed the team to perform an aerodynamic analysis of the bird, revealing how it likely flew. Michael Habib, assistant professor of research at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, analyzed the shape of the wings and tail and determined that the bird “flitted about,” bouncing through the air with bursts of flapping. The flying style is far closer to that found in modern birds than what was supposed of ancient flyers — which have been thought to rely more on gliding due to a lack of enough muscle mass in flying appendages to achieve flapping bursts. “This isn’t a mode of flight we expected from Cretaceous birds,” Habib said, adding that its small size and overall shape are comparable to that of modern birds. “It was pretty much a Cretaceous starling with a larger tail like a mockingbird.” Transported to the modern world, it wouldn’t look like anything special to the casual observer, until a closer examination revealed claws at the end of the bird’s wings and tiny teeth in its beak.,,, http://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/1622/when-dinosaurs-flew/ bornagain77

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