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One bat species turns out to be seven

File:Sturnira lilium lostuxtlas2008.jpg
“Sturnira lilium”, Little Yellow-Shouldered Bat/Tobusaru

Did we say genes do nothing? Naw, we never said that. Genes do something. One thing they do is knock the guts out of free form taxonomy. See, for example, this item at Popsci.com, when a specialist at the Field Museum in Chicago started looking more closely at some of the institution’s 58,000 bat specimens, using genetic analysis:

But what if a specimen does not belong to the species written on its label? What if the collection is wrong? [Bruce] Patterson’s recent work, published last year in the journal Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, suggests that this might be the case. Such a finding has far-reaching implications. What if, upon closer examination, other specimens can be separated too, divorced into a constellation of interrelated but distinct species? What if, in fact, almost nothing is really what we think it is?

One species turned out to be seven, genetically.

With these newly published data, the larger Sturnira genus of bats to which Sturnira lilium belongs has grown too, ballooning from a known handful to a wide, diverse group. “About 1960,” says Patterson, “there may have been four or five species of Sturnira bats. That eventually grew over the years to fourteen species in 2005. But with our study we’ve documented twenty-three genetic units that seem to bear the hallmarks of species.”

The implications are wide-ranging — and impossible to ignore. One of the previously undescribed species is found only in a narrow coastal territory that runs south along the Pacific seaboard from Colombia to Ecuador. As deforestation strips it of its habitat, it has become an immediate conservation target. Another species is limited to the Lesser Antilles, a chain of rocky volcanic islands in the Caribbean Sea. Suddenly, Sturnira has become the single most diverse genus in the Western hemisphere. More.

Patterson thinks it true “for all sorts of organisms.” Actually, there may be things we don’t yet understand generally about how (or when) speciation really occurs. There isn’t anything like agreement on how many species there even are.

Don’t forget how much of the whole concept of a “species” is obscured and vitiated by the hunt for observed Darwinian speciation.

See also: DNA doesn’t even tell teeth what they should look like

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Jegu. Darwins idea is wrong. Yet biology is wonderfully complex. YEC and ID say so. So its likely in that complexity to allow great innate mechanisms that upon crossing thresholds kick in to allow creatures to fill the earth as God ordered. Robert Byers
Mung Creatures can lose or gain attributes. people did after the flood. It must be clever and innate mechanisms within bodies in which a whole system is so connected that enough changes can happen all at once. like when a woman is pregnant . many changes occur all at once in her from a innate mechanism. Robert Byers
Robert, That is unlikely. Going from a mouse to a bat is more evolution than can happen by Darwinist mechanisms in millions of years, much less a few thousand. Jehu
This yEC strongly suspects bats are only a post flood rodent adaptation. so no bats before the flood.
What functions did rodents lose in order to become bats? (Assuming the Salvador Cordova "evolution is just loss of function" thesis.) Mung
The idea that species are either in transition or extinct is Darwinian I assume. The bats comply with this idea no problem. So would ID I presume again. Any/All fossil evidence would be "transitional" for both Darwin/ID. Intelligent Transition or NonIntelligent Transition is the crux I would think... ppolish
This yEC strongly suspects bats are only a post flood rodent adaptation. so no bats before the flood. therefore the mechanism to quickly turn rats into bats would easily be so fluid as to defy species concepts. The origin of species has not been demonstrated or proven. Just untested hupothesis. Robert Byers
And if that was not enough to drive them batty: Bat Evolution? - No Transitional Fossils! - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/6003501/ Of related note: Bats hunting their prey - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p08Y0oRAX3g The bionic antinomy of Darwinism Excerpt: For example, the bats have an echometer emitting 100 kHz supersonic pulses at a frequency of 30 times per second. These waves are reflected and distorted by the surrounding objects and their echoes are intercepted and elaborated by the bat to catch its prey and also just to get around. The signal processing of these echoes is so accurate to allow bats to fly, twisting, looping and zig-zagging through the air, into a completely dark room intersected by tens pianoforte strings without grazing them. The bat’s echometer has more accuracy, more efficiency, less power consumption and less size than any artificial sonar constructed by engineers. https://uncommondescent.com/biology/the-bionic-antinomy-of-darwinism/ Here's a figure showing bats and dolphins group together on the same tree based on Prestin sequence comparisons. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/580955_215152708593734_182588468516825_355811_30197372_n.jpg further notes on prestin optimality: Prestin-driven cochlear amplification is not limited by the outer hair cell membrane time constant. - June 2011 Excerpt: Outer hair cells (OHCs) provide amplification in the mammalian cochlea using somatic force generation underpinned by voltage-dependent conformational changes of the motor protein prestin.,,, These data suggest that minimal ?(m) filtering in vivo ensures optimal activation of prestin. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21689600 Power Efficiency of Outer Hair Cell Somatic Electromotility - Excerpt: Results show that the motor (OHC) is highly efficient over a broad range of auditory frequencies. Results also show that the motor is likely controlled by the brain in a way that allows the listener to focus attention on specific frequencies, thus improving the ability to distinguish sounds of interest in a noisy environment. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2705677/ Ultrasound Technology Advanced by Dolphins and Bats - November 2011 Advances in ultrasound technology is being inspired by a new Israeli research project that studies dolphins, bats and mole rats. Excerpt: Bisonar – the way animals interpret returning signals – involves superior, real-time data processing, according to Intrator, whose research was reported in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Bisonar animals send ultrasonic sounds called “pings” into the environment. The shape of the returning signals, or echos, determines how these animals “see” their surroundings, helping them navigate or hunt for prey. Humans, however, cannot produce such an accurate picture, Intrator noted. “Animal 'echolocations' are done in fractions of milliseconds, at a resolution so high that a dolphin can see a tennis ball from approximately 260 feet away,” the scientist explained, adding that animals are able to process several pieces of information simultaneously. With echolocation, a bat can tell the difference between a fly in motion or at rest, or determine which of two fruits is heavier by observing their movements in the wind, Intrator said. ,,, the research could lead to cutting-edge navigation systems and more accurate medical imaging. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/149851#.UGzChFEsE30 bornagain77
It's enough to drive any Chiropterologist batty. (I had to say it.) Mung

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