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Evolution Professor: Contradictory Evidence Doesn’t Matter Because We’re Still Evolutionists


One of the most bizarre defenses of evolution, which I first encountered years ago, is that contradictory evidence doesn’t matter because it was investigated by an evolutionist. Like planting your flag on the Moon, or like a trademark or patent, the first one there, or the first one with the idea, gets to claim it for their own. Evolutionists discovered ORFans, for example, so ORFans cannot be contrary to evolution.  Read more

So I suppose that Lavoisier was wrong to appropriate Priestly's concept of dephlogisticated air and dub it oxygen. How ridiculous can one get? Paul Giem
OOPS, wrong link, corrected link: The Old Man Upstairs - Dr. Brian Mattson - video - 13:15 minute mark - it's a heart problem not a head problem http://www.harvestchurch.tv/sermons/elephant-in-the-room/#652 bornagain77
After a few years of debating atheists, I have finally realized the problem is a heart problem not a head problem The Old Man Upstairs - Dr. Brian Mattson - video - 13:15 minute mark - it's a heart problem not a head problem http://www.harvestchurch.tv/sermons/elephant-in-the-room/#661 bornagain77

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