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MAN ON THE MOON + 45 years, Sunday, July 20 1969, 20:18 GMT . . .


This weekend, the Apollo 11 Moon Landing happened forty-five years ago to day and date.


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I remember sitting on the stone ledge of our patio after church on Sunday, July 20, 1969 sipping a drink as radio carried the story of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Then, that evening my Dad tuned to a shortwave station in the darkened living room as we heard, live, the story of the Moon Walk. The next morning, the Gleaner headline was I think two inches high in block capitals.

Let us remind ourselves of this now long ago but still important event in the history of science and technology. END

A-b: The Moon landings (and one rescue) were observed, reported events. If you did not know of it but came across the landing sites, the FSCO/I in the landing stages, Moon Rovers, writings on various items and even flags would point to design as cause. Which is quite similar, per vera causa, to explanation of such FSCO/I in cell based life. However, this was not about that, it was a moment to pause and remember a culminating point of a genuinely major achievement that has powerfully shaped science and technology since. A moment that, sadly, has largely been forgotten. And yet the very PCs we are using trace to technological and scientific progress fostered by that programme . . . which has more than abundantly paid back the US$ 12 bn investment. KF PS: It should still be possible to use a reflector telescope in reverse with a Lidar to flash the special corner reflectors and measure the distance to the Moon. kairosfocus
And I always thought that it was staged in a Hollywood set. Acartia_bogart
it really did define human accomplishment in sciency stuff. Its so dramatic in its true results. it was a accomplishment of america, not the world, even though a german was behind some concepts. it helped trump the soviets for what that was worth. it was very great and cool. It was not matched by later landings there or anywhere from now on. Nowhere cool to go now however. Robert Byers
A thought: was it coincidence that July 20 is about two weeks after July 4; or were they originally hoping for that date? Or is there a configurational reason and that was the closest they could get? (According to my vague memory, the Moon was near on enough full at the time [at Tranquility Base the Sun cast shadows visible in pictures], but I remember having a conversation with an elderly gardener under our backyard Breadfruit tree shortly after the launch; he doubted they could actually get to the Moon . . . per memory the Moon was overhead in the sky.) Any ideas? KF PS: Pics I Googled show Earth in about a Quarter phase, suggesting near to first or last quarter for the Landing. kairosfocus
Forty-five years ago, let us remember . . . and here is Armstrong in an interview. kairosfocus

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