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Laszlo Bencze on the recent Rosetta probe landing on a comet


From ScienceDaily:

“With Rosetta we are opening a door to the origin of planet Earth and fostering a better understanding of our future. ESA and its Rosetta mission partners have achieved something extraordinary today.”

“After more than 10 years travelling through space, we’re now making the best ever scientific analysis of one of the oldest remnants of our Solar System,” said Alvaro Giménez, ESA’s Director of Science and Robotic Exploration.

“Decades of preparation have paved the way for today’s success, ensuring that Rosetta continues to be a game-changer in cometary science and space exploration.”

“We are extremely relieved to be safely on the surface of the comet, especially given the extra challenges that we faced with the health of the lander,” said Stephan Ulamec, Philae Lander Manager at the DLR German Aerospace Center.

“In the next hours we’ll learn exactly where and how we’ve landed, and we’ll start getting as much science as we can from the surface of this fascinating world.”

Interesting that a lifeless interplanetary body is described as a “world” and the lander is considered to have “health.”

Humans cannot really get away from thinking like this, can we? 😉

Also, from European Space Agency:

Comet 67P is one of numerous short period comets which have orbital periods of less than 20 years and a low orbital inclination. Since their orbits are controlled by Jupiter’s gravity, they are also called Jupiter Family comets.

From Laszlo Bencze,

“It is hoped the project will inform us of who we are and where we came from.”

These words wrap up a video presentation I just viewed on the Internet. Once again we see a statement of faith which so permeates our world that no one notices it IS a faith statement, a metaphysical proposition, a religious credo. Just about everyone accepts the notion of bottom up creation implicit in the statement. Of course we come from the raw materials of which we are made as everyone agrees. If these raw materials happen to be abundant on comets, then it is perfectly reasonable to say we come from comets. Comets are our ancestors in a long, unbroken lineage that makes perfect scientific sense. Randomness is the ideal creator in this material chain of being because randomness can have no purpose, no morality, no restriction, no meaning. Hence randomness explains a meaningless world perfectly. But what randomness does not explain is why we would have a sense of it being a perfect explanation? What is it that tells us randomness is the answer? What is it informs us there are any answers? In fact, why do we even have questions?

As Robert Spitzer points out in his book New Proofs for the Existence of God, this desire for complete knowledge coupled with the fact that we as humans “know that we do not know” points towards a divine essence of complete intelligibility and unrestricted understanding which is a backdrop to our thinking. This is the Great Designer who not only creates the raw materials of our universe but assembles them into the complex structures capable of housing souls who are dim reflections of their creator. That is “who we are and where we came from.”

See also: In search of a road to reality

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VunderGuy @ 6
And this implies the truth of hard naturalism… how, exactly?
It worked. What more do you want? Seversky
"But it was done. And while I don’t doubt there were a few fervent prayers offered up for its success, what actually put probe on comet was good ol’ naturalistic, materialistic science. Nothing more, nothing less." And this implies the truth of hard naturalism... how, exactly? VunderGuy
From the Rosetta website
Comets are the most primitive objects in the Solar System. Many scientists think that they have kept a record of the physical and chemical processes that occurred during the early stages of the evolution of our Sun and Solar System. The abundance of volatile material in comets makes them particularly important and extraordinary objects. This characteristic demonstrates that comets were formed at large distances from the Sun and have been preserved at low temperatures since their formation. Cometary material therefore represents the closest we can get to the conditions that occurred when the Sun and our Solar System were born.
In other words, landing on this comet may give science access to near-pristine examples of material that is older than anything we've found on Earth, maybe stuff that existed before our planet formed. I'd say that's mildly interesting from a scientific perspective. Seversky
i don't think its a big deal landing on the comet but just cool. It tells nothing but what the comet is made of. Nothing to do with our planet. it sounds like they need to justify the money and effort and make it like a big deal. its just cool to land on a orbit rock just like in star wars. Robert Byers
There's no question this was an extraordinary scientific and technological achievement. Launching a probe from the surface of the Earth to rendezvous with a comet, not where it was that day or the next, but where it would be ten years in the future and billions of mies away in interplanetary space. Even worse, it couldn't just head straight there. The only way it could build up its speed to the over 41,000 mph it needed to get alongside the comet was to slingshot round the Earth and Mars. Just imagine trying to calculate all that. But it was done. And while I don't doubt there were a few fervent prayers offered up for its success, what actually put probe on comet was good ol' naturalistic, materialistic science. Nothing more, nothing less. Seversky
Data from Comet 67P will not tell us the answers to ontological, aetiological and teleological questions ... who we are, from where we came, to where we are going. Comet 67P data could inform us concerning the physical phenomena associated with celestial objects. The reported hopes of scientists and science news writers are not detectable and derivable from physical phenomena. Expecting the data from physical phenomena to disclose the meaning and purpose of life smacks of animism ... that in the constituents of matter resides an embedded source of primary information we can not discover otherwise. Primary information embedded in the constituents of matter, which informs us of existence, cause, and purpose, could be inferred. A strong inference of intelligence is a natural response, yet will the scientists and science news writers become convinced that the informing intelligence must be caused or transferred by an intelligent agent? redwave
OT: Michael Denton's Privileged Species Premieres in Seattle to a Packed House - November 14, 2014 Excerpt: If life exists elsewhere (in the universe), its home would remind us of Earth and the aliens would reminds us of ourselves. The periodic table, so wonderfully concise, is a recipe for us. Oh, and for our way of life too. While focusing on the unique properties of water, carbon, and oxygen, Denton shows that the chemical elements appear beautifully structured to allow the development of technology, from our use of fire to the rise of computers. He emphasizes that this "stunning series of coincidences" is not a matter of scientific controversy, and in fact represents the great scientific discovery of the past century. It's a matter of fact, not interpretation. Denton observed that properties of nature uniquely fit for life continue to be discovered regularly and he offered the prediction that in the upcoming century scientists will uncover more and more. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2014/11/michael_denton_091241.html bornagain77

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