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Fri nite 13th!!! and NO frite? No, we got something, it turns out.


File:A small cup of coffee.JPG Choc biscuits this way please. Government to reincarnate Dalai Lama?

From an atheist people’s republic: Get this:

Atheistic China Claims ‘Right to Reincarnate’ Dalai Lama

Look, we dunno except local EMS worldwide should help anyone screaming and fainting:

China’s Communist Party is officially atheist, but that has not stopped it from making some impassioned claims on the afterlife.

Some of the strongest language at this week’s annual national congress has been reserved for the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader. The fury is over his claim in recent interviews that he may not be reincarnated, ending the Dalai Lama’s seven-century lineage. His comments undercut Beijing’s plans to pick a China-friendly successor to the Dalai Lama after he dies.

Can we rule out zombies from the Chinese government? Nah.

What about the US First Amendment (much trashed by progressives):

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Look, your news writer isn’t even an American (no, really, honestly). But doesn’t that Amendment sound like better protection for whatever you believe about the Dalai Lama than the Chinese government would offer?

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Aurelio Smith: You are amazingly incapable of seeing the point. 95% of the column-writers and commenters at Panda's Thumb are committed to exactly the atheist materialism that rvb8 is committed to, which is why he finds it a "reliable" source of information. He refuses to read discussions of evolution written by people who are *not* atheist materialists. He has explicitly stated that he does not do so, and does not intend to make any time to do so. That is, he reads only for the purpose of confirmation bias. Yet he teaches at a university. No one who accepts the legitimacy of reading only to confirm his own biases should be allowed to teach in any university anywhere. It's a spit in the eye of the very idea of the university to walk around with that attitude. As for my supposed inability, my typical reading on the subject encompasses everything from the writings of Darwin and Wallace through modern synthesis founders such as Gaylord Simpson through to Dawkins (Blind Watchmaker), Gould (Structure of Evolutionary Theory), and Shapiro (Evolution). Very few of the writers on Panda's Thumb have made contributions to evolutionary theory as great as those of any of the aforementioned writers. To get an idea of what evolutionary theory is about, I'll go with the giants rather than the pipsqueaks any day. You and rvb8 can keep bowing and scraping before the pipsqueaks. Timaeus
Wasn't the name, Panda's Thumb, even embarrassingly misconceived? Axel
rvb8: I didn't realize you were a humorist. Panda's Thumb provides "reliable information"? That's a real knee-slapper! Back in the days of my youth, when someone wanted to get a laugh, they would speak of *Pravda* as providing "reliable information"; so I get your joke. You *were* joking, right? Timaeus
Mung, news does indeed rely on facts, and collecting evidence. The fact that these are not used in the production of modern news does not make me deluded, so much as poorly serviced, as it were. (Fox news is actually an oxymoron). So where do I go for reliable information? I go to several sources, the BBC, Reuters, the Guardian, ScienceDaily, PandasThumb, AnswersinGenesis (heh:)) etc. I collate data for a given world event and come to a conclusion, what do you do? rvb8
OT: Happy 'pi' day (which is also Albert Einstein's birthday) What pi sounds like – music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOQb_mtkEEE bornagain77
rvb8: News, news relies on facts, as does science. You poor deluded soul. Mung
News, your ability to not know news is truly astounding. Your ability to accept the tiniest sliver of confirmation for your unsupported ideas (Hawkings says the universe is designed), and unquestioningly run with those is beyond confirmation bias, and extends into the land of BA77's willful delusion. News, news relies on facts, as does science. This actually quite clearly explains your antipathy towards science. rvb8
At this years CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; rubber stamp nonsense) many decisions were made. Making the Dalai a State responsibility is their way to show their atheistic credentials. They ridicule religion by saying we invent the doctrine. Come on News, the Catholic church has been doing this for a thousand years. The immaculate conception, the celebacy of priests, and many other doctrine were created on high. The Chinese are simply following a long followed Western tradition, they are merely doing it in our time. The fact you find it ridiculous, kind of raises questions as to why you follow the past ridiculousnesses. rvb8
OT: An oldie but a goodie: podcast - Michael Behe: Challenging Darwin, One Peer-Reviewed Paper at a Time http://www.discovery.org/multimedia/audio/2015/03/michael-behe-challenging-darwin-one-peer-reviewed-paper-at-a-time/#more-10081 bornagain77
Look, your news writer isn't even an American (no, really, honestly). But doesn't that Amendment sound like better protection for whatever you believe about the Dalai Lama than the Chinese government would offer?
Um, yes? daveS

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