Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

There Comes a Time


It happened this morning at 9:13 AM, a moment I shall never forget. The historians had always told us this day would come, but it just seemed impossible. Yes spontaneous origins seems absurd, they agreed, but the inexorable march of science will find it out. It always does. Don’t get in the way of science they warned, and now they have turned out right. And we are too loyal pupils of inductive philosophy to resist any conclusion by reason of its strangeness. Newton’s patient philosophy taught him to find in the falling apple the law which governs the silent movements of the stars in their courses. And if evolutionists can with the same correctness of reasoning demonstrate Epicureanism to be true, we shall dismiss our objections, and admit, with the characteristic humility of philosophy, our failed intuition that something does not come from nothing. All this ran through my mind as I read through Cynthia Moss’s new paper on bat evolution. It all seemed so contrived, but nonetheless, there it was:  Read more

Evolved from what? There is no evidence of any "half-bats". Fossils of bats from 40 million years ago look like modern bats. So the very first bat-like creature on Earth could fly on membrane wings and navigate with echo location. In fact, several unrelated bats appear to have each "developed" echo location separately. (The same way the unrelated bats got their wings and figured out how to fly.) To assume without evidence that any uniquely bat feature is an adaptation of some missing predecessor is the business of myth-making. The Science part is marveling at the ingenuity of the successful designs. mahuna
Bats fly with breathtaking precision because their wings are equipped with highly sensitive touch sensors, cells that respond to even slight changes in airflow.
So really, now that you know this, how difficult is it to believe an eye could evolve from a similar light-sensing spot? Mung
the paper explains that the bat’s specialized airflow sensors evolved in order “to guide motor behaviors.” Also, the paper does not simply limit itself to bat evolution, but brilliantly concludes that vertebrate nervous systems, in general, “have flexibly adapted to accommodate anatomical specializations for flight.”
Peer-reviewed paper proves that evolution acts for various purposes and is directed to achieve certain goals. Silver Asiatic

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