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Wow. Catholic Darwinism goes nuts.


We ran a bit late on our religion coverage yesterday. The new atheists have not produced as many interesting scandals and uproars recently. Besides it is gardening season in many places anyway.

That said, catching up, here is something O’Leary for News certainly didn’t know:

A few years ago, a Mass was composed titled “Missa Charles Darwin” (Missa means Mass). The piece is based on the five-movement structure of the traditional Mass. It sounds very much like Renaissance church music, but the texts from Scripture have been replaced by excerpts from Darwin’s writings, including On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man.”

Or is this a joke we didn’t get?

No wonder News’s pastor can hardly stand to hear the fellow’s name mentioned. 😉

The above is from an excerpt from Nancy Pearcey’s Finding Truth, and here, here, and here are three more excerpts.

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Missa Charles Darwin:

Actual mass, if anyone cares:

The Toronto Oratorians should know better. The music is actually quite nice - set to a Latin language text. A Missa Darwin should be composed by mutations and selection based on random environmental factors. Unfortunately (for their purposes), they've got an intelligently designed composition. Silver Asiatic
News, this comment of mine to Seversky https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/unbelievable-the-tenured-academics-response-to-faked-gay-marriage-opinion-study/#comment-566250 on a "News" moderated thread is still awaiting moderation. Could you release it please. Charles

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