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Decluttering neuroscience hype: One great tip


Remember when neurohype was supposed to replace thinking about thinking? Neuroskeptic offers a spring cleaning tip:

… take this sentence about stress and the benefits of meditation.

“Stress activates your amygdala, creates a red alert, activates your flight-or-fight symptoms, and heats up your system. Your thinking brain gets totally frozen and completely hijacked by your emotional brain.”

Impressive – but what happens if we take out the word “brain”, and the other neuroscientific terms like “amygdala”? Then we’re left with

“Stress creates a red alert, activates your flight-or-fight symptoms, and heats up your system. Your thoughts get totally frozen and completely hijacked by your emotions.” More.

A normal sentence in English.

If technical terms don’t tell us anything new, they’re not adding information.

See also: Would we give up naturalism to solve the hard problem of consciousness?

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I say the concept of a emotional thinking verses real thinking is false. All emotions are thoughts. It couldn't be any more thinking! These emotions are just conclusions of importance. Yes they will interfere with normal thoughts acting with the memory. We don't freeze but our memory is obsessed for a moment with a inportant conclusion. The bible speaks volumes on human thoughts but never mentions emotions. A emotion doesn't exist without the substance of a thought. So the thought being there doesn't any EMOTION help. its just a thought that leads to passion. there are no emotions. its a flawed classification. Robert Byers

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