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Exoplanets: Robbing the term “Earth-like” of meaning


From Nathaniel Sharping at Discover blogs:

Every time astronomers discover another exoplanet, the first question is,”Does it look like Earth?” Finding an Earth-like exoplanet would certainly increase our chances of finding life, as we know it, on that distant world. We could finally prove that we’re not all alone in this big, cold universe.

But, when we see planets described as Earth-like, we should be skeptical. With our current instruments, it’s hard for us to even find other planets out there (although it’s gotten much easier), much less see if there are oceans, atmospheres, plants or animals. Furthermore, what does it even mean to be “Earth-like?” Does it just need to be in the habitable zone? Or does it need to have liquid water and a similar atmosphere?

The question likely won’t be resolved anytime soon.More.

We’re hearing this caution more often now. The risk is, people will just lose interest.

See also: Mashable: Quit promoting just any new planet as Earth-like

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Finding an Earth-like exoplanet would certainly increase our chances of finding life, as we know it, on that distant world. We could finally prove that we’re not all alone in this big, cold universe.
Here you see an example of the "scientific reasoning" of materialists. Their belief is that life will automatically evolve in certain types of environments/conditions. Evidence for this belief? None, except that life exists on earth and so their deduction based on this fact is 1) life evolved by accident here 2) It will also evolve anywhere else the conditions are similar. That is an example of their "scientific" reasoning and it is all built on the assumption that life evolved by chance here on earth. WOW! How scientific is it to base this kind of reasoning on assumption? Well, it is not very scientific at all, as long as no room is granted for God, that doesn't really matter. They are willing to believe any impossible sounding idea. That assumption of life automatically evolving comes into play in the following statement as well: So to PROVE that we are not along in the universe, all we have to show is that there really is another planet like earth somewhere out there. LOL! WOW! Again, how "scientific" is this type of assumption? Abiogenesis is a given in their minds! What does that tell you? But I have to commend the guy for his honesty about all the hype of earth like planets out there! At least he has this part right!
But, when we see planets described as Earth-like, we should be skeptical. With our current instruments, it’s hard for us to even find other planets out there (although it’s gotten much easier), much less see if there are oceans, atmospheres, plants or animals. Furthermore, what does it even mean to be “Earth-like?” Does it just need to be in the habitable zone? Or does it need to have liquid water and a similar atmosphere?
Again, that part is certainly true. This whole article highlights what these people are willing to BELIEVE AND how unskeptical they are about their own beliefs! tjguy

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