The section of interest starts at 12:30 where Dawkins is asked, “what would it take to make you believe in God.”
Short answer by Dawkins, “nothing”. He presumes if he saw a miracle it would be a hallucination or technologically advanced aliens. This is a change from his previous claim that his mind could be changed.
0. Dawkins response reminds me of some of the Darwinists at UD responding to questions about 500 fair coins. Even if they saw credible evidence of design, they’ll find a way to disbelieve it, whereas by contrast they’ll rush to accept the most flimsy explanation in defense of mindless evolution and mindless OOL.
1. Regarding hallucinations, HT selvaRajan for finding the answer to my question about a particular malady called Charles Bonet Syndrome.
2. For all our criticism of Dr. Dawkins, the man is quite charming. If charm were the sole mechanism for what truths I hold dear, I think I would have become a Dawkinist. I felt somewhat the same way watching Bill Nye and thinking how happy I was to sit in the classroom being taught science by my Darwinists professors. How seductive it is to be deluded to think the human mind can be the salvation for the human soul. I suppose I’m a believer today in ID and God because I came to the realization science and art for all their grandeur and majesty cannot cure the deepest needs of the human soul, and this need began my quest for evidence of God.
3. The opening 12 minutes was actually good, and when Dawkins was asked what is the best argument for God, he says, “fine tuning”, but then appeals to the multiverse as an explanation.
4. The rest of the interview after 12 minutes got boring quickly.
5. HT Mike Gene