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The Materialist Mindset


On another thread we have been discussing various issues related to materialism. Toward the end of the thread Origenes and I had a brief exchange on the question of whether morality can be grounded in the materialist worldview. kairosfocus highlighted part of our exchange here, which is worth reviewing and part of which I will quote below.

In this post I want to home in on a nuanced, but critical, disconnect between those arguing for grounded morality and some materialists. Specifically, why is the argument regarding an objective morality lost on some materialists?

Let me be very clear that I am not arguing against objective morality here. The case for such has been made by kairosfocus, Origenes and others in these pages, not to mention its long tradition of philosophical underpinnings.

Rather, this post examines the materialist mindset and explains why the argument for objective morality may be lost on many materialists.

There are essentially 4 categories of materialist:

1. Strong Materialists

These materialists assert a fully materialistic view of reality: everything, all reality, is just a confluence of matter and energy. Things are as they are – we are as we are – because of a long series of interactions and reactions of particles and energy over time. There is nothing more than the physical and the material.

These materialists are, typically, also determinists. Meaning, by Blackwell’s Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology, that “human actions and natural events are determined by what preceded them.” Blackwell’s also notes that for true determinists “free will would be an illusion.”

This* is the view that would lead one of the most prominent historians of evolutionary biology and population genetics to proclaim “There are no gods, no purposive forces of any kind, no life after death . . . There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no free will for humans” (the late William Provine, The Andrew H. and James S. Tisch Distinguished University Professor at Cornell University, Debate at Stanford University, April 30, 1994).

This strong materialistic view of reality logically undercuts itself, as many have noted over the years, thus becoming little more than incoherent self-contradiction. Whether the strong materialists actually believe their self-contradictory doctrine is an open question. But it appeals to a certain audience, sells a lot of books, and packs the lecture halls. Thus, the doctrine has definite practical utility – even if that utility remains unrelated to truth or reality.

Many debates over materialism and truth and morality often focus on this brand of strong materialism. Specifically, those arguing against materialism tend to assume that this is the brand of materialism that they need to counter. When encountering a materialist, they will naturally assume that they are dealing with a strong materialist. Thus, their arguments against materialism tend to cluster around the self-contradictory nature of the strong materialist position. They may also point to the lack of real-world application, noting the fact that essentially no strong materialist actually leads their life in accordance with their self-contradictory doctrine.

These arguments against strong materialism are sound and need to be made. They provide a valuable check against an absurd and corrosive doctrine that attempts to undermine the very basis of rational thought.

But these arguments do not adequately address the majority of materialists. Most materialists are of another stripe, which is why the well-made, knock-down, ever-so-carefully-crafted arguments against strong materialism don’t convince them. Despite the strong materialists’ high profile and the wealth and academic prestige they have accumulated peddling their self-contradictory nonsense at book signings and in lecture halls, they remain a small group.

There are two other groups of materialists that are much more numerous.

2. Weak Materialists

Unlike the few well-known strong materialists, weak materialists are legion.

Weak materialism holds that although the material and the physical is the most important part of reality – or at least the original source of reality – it is not all of reality. This leaves plenty of room for variation and opinion, with the result that weak materialists come in as many varieties as colors on your color wheel.

What they all share, however, is a general foundational premise. Like the strong materialists, they believe that reality began with only the physical and the material: In the beginning was not the Word, but in the beginning were the particles.

Yet the weak materialists differ from the strong materialists in that they believe at some point the purely physical and material gave way to that which is not purely physical and material. At some point the physical and material transcended itself. Many weak materialists recognize the range of human experience: love, altruism, consciousness, intelligence, morality, free will. Unlike the strong materialists who argue (but never consistently act thusly) that all of these things are but an illusion, many weak materialists acknowledge that these things are real, that they form an important part of the fabric of our existence.

For such an acknowledgment, the weak materialist should be commended.

The materialist opponent, however, will quickly object, pointing out that there is no explanation, under materialism, for how such things came about. After all, what is it about the starting point of particles and energy that can ever ground love or free will or morality? How can the purely physical and material transcend itself? What law of physics and chemistry, what kind of particle or interaction, could possibly explain such a state of affairs?

The answer? Nothing.

There is nothing in materialism that can rationally ground such non-materialistic concepts. Yet this does not deter the weak materialist. The weak materialist is quite happy to divorce in her mind the acknowledged existence of something from the source of its existence. This is not completely irrational at an early point in the analysis. After all, recognizing the existence of something is a separate question from explaining its existence.

And so the weak materialist, recognizing as she does the existence of, say, altruism or morality, is not convinced by arguments that assert the materialist position is inconsistent with such non-material concepts. Instead, she thinks to herself, “That isn’t right. That doesn’t describe my position. I do believe in love and consciousness and free will and morality.” She might even be forgiven for becoming annoyed by continued assertions that such things are inherently inconsistent with materialism.

And this is where the rubber meets the road:

They aren’t inherently inconsistent with her view of materialism. At least not (a) with the form of materialism she ascribes to, and (b) with the basic observation that such non-material concepts exist as opposed to the explanation of how they came to exist.

This is the logical underpinning of the weak materialist thought pattern. Now we get to the question of whether such a position can be fully grounded in the evidence, whether the materialism can provide an explanation for the observation.


It is important to recognize that the materialist “explanation” for the existence of something like free will or morality is substantively no different than the materialist explanation for the existence of any other aspect of observed reality, such as the existence of living organisms, or the immune system, or DNA. In the past Characteristic X did not exist. Then at some point Characteristic X arose, or “emerged,” or “evolved.” No explanation. No details. No demonstrated causal connection from the particles to the outcome. It just did.

This is really no different from the materialistic creation story generally. At some point organisms did not exist. Then, through a happy coincidence of particle collisions, they did. At some point DNA did not exist. Then, through a happy coincidence of random chemical reactions, mistakes and errors, it did. Again, no explanation. No details. No demonstrated causal connection from the particles to the outcome. It just did.

The situation is perhaps somewhat worse, we might note, for the materialist philosopher than the materialist evolutionist. The evolutionist can at least point to the concrete existence of various molecules and atoms and imagine that they came together to form something like a living cell. True, the math and the physics and the chemistry and the engineering don’t add up. But at least there are particles, and organisms are made up, at least partly, of particles. So although incredibly naïve and spectacularly lacking in supportive detail, at least it is theoretically possible under some wildly-imaginative, cosmic-lottery-level scenario that such a thing might have . . . perhaps, possibly, hypothetically . . . occurred.

But the materialist philosopher doesn’t even have that much. There is no known, or even rationally-proposed, mechanism that will get you from particles to things like thought, intelligence, love, free will, morality.

So that difference in kind and degree is important to keep in mind.

Ultimately, however, the explanatory framework – the rhetorical stance and the approach taken by the materialist philosopher must be the same as that taken by the materialist evolutionist. The thinking is quite simple, it just assumes that things like morality somehow came about through material processes.

As I noted to Origenes on the other thread:

This may not seem very intellectually satisfactory to the objective observer, but the materialist is perfectly happy to argue that morality evolved as a result of [insert made-up reason here]. It isn’t fundamentally different than any other system or characteristic evolving. No details. No particular reason or direction. It just did.

So while I agree with your general point, and Rosenberg’s frank admission, the entire issue becomes lost on the committed materialist. After all, the entire view of history and creation and all that this entails, is just — as you aptly noted — nothing more than a long accidental sequence of particles bumping into each other.

And those particles, so the thinking does, don’t have to ground anything. Not design, not functional complexity, not information. Nothing. Just wait long enough for the particles to bump into each other enough times, and — Ta Da! — here we are. Whether we are talking about molecular machines or morality, it is all the same in the materialist creation story.

Remember, this is all right in line with the Great Evolutionary Explanation for all things:

Stuff Happens.

It is really no more substantive than that.

This is all rather frustrating for the opponent of materialism who is trying to carry on an objective debate with a weak materialist. He can make sound argument after sound argument about the lack of materialist explanation and the fact that matter and energy cannot ground morality.

But the argument will unfortunately have little sway on the weak materialist who acknowledges the existence of things like morality, but is satisfied with whatever vague or speculative explanation materialism can offer, or is happy to put the whole issue on the intellectual shelf, waiting with naïve hope for the distant day when the promissory note of materialism can hopefully be cashed.

3. Unsure Materialists

Then there are materialists who are unsure about all of this, primarily because they have never really thought about these issues and have never deeply considered what grounds their morality. You’ve met many such individuals: your roommate from your freshman year of college, your work colleague at the water cooler, your uncle at the family reunion.

Many of these individuals don’t oppose the idea of morality, even perhaps an objective one. They just cling to the materialist storyline because perhaps it is what they heard in school, perhaps they are under the misimpression that a material explanation for living organisms is at hand or soon to be forthcoming, perhaps it gives them an excuse to avoid looking in the mirror and closely examining their own morality or behavior, perhaps they enjoy the provocative nature of the materialistic position, or perhaps being a materialist makes them feel more “scientific” than those Bible-thumping rubes.

The good news is that at least some of these unsure materialists might be amenable to examining the issue in more detail and, perhaps, could even be convinced to examine their assumptions.

Many people fall into this category.

4. Grounded Materialists

Finally, grounded materialists are materialists who have carefully thought through the basis for their materialism, have discovered a causal connection from the purely physical and the material to the purposeful and the moral, and have offered a rational grounding for moral behavior – for what “ought” to be.

As far as is known, no materialist has ever fallen into this category.


* Based on good feedback from Bob O’H and goodusername, I have removed one sentence I originally had about Dawkins’ “selfish gene” concept, as it was distracting from the central point of the OP and was not necessary for the main discussion of materialism and morality.  It would be an interesting topic in its own right for another time, if I get a chance.  As I had said and repeat here, I don’t know if Dawkins would consider himself a strong materialist, though materialism certainly underlies his overall philosophy of origins.

William @ 51 - I already answered your second point in 50.Bob O'H
May 5, 2017
01:50 AM
Bob O'H asks:
I think this is a bigger problem for the objectivist account of morality: if there is an objective moral code, how come it changes?
If there is an objective physical world, how come our understanding of it changes over time, and how come different societies have had different models of it?
That is how morals and ethics are socially constructed, and it’s more easily explained by a model where they are socially constructed: societies are not homogeneous, so different parts of society can evolve different social rules.
Except that the "socially constructed" model of morality doesn't explain the phenomena of people raised in a particular society with a certain social contract who advocate for changes in that social contract that contradict the popular or mainstream views. They will even disobey the social contract to the point of risking their own lives and the comforts and safety of their loved ones. If morality is socially constructed, what are they risking their comfort and lives for? Why should they? Why should anyone? Unless you believe that moral obligations are objective and carry serious consequences, why risk so much to disobey the current social contract?William J Murray
May 5, 2017
01:12 AM
kf @ 48 - Who's talking about nihilism? (aside from you, obviously) Eric @ 49 -
People have a sense of what ought to be, even before the so-called social contract is in place.
Do you have evidence for this? Actually, I'm not sure what you mean - the social contract has been in place for millennia.
If this were not so, then no-one would ever be petitioning for change or modifications to the social norm. People all the time, including people who buy into the social contract idea, are regularly seeking to influence the direction of society — presumably not by random accident, but by what they think ought to be the norm.
Quite so. That is how morals and ethics are socially constructed, and it's more easily explained by a model where they are socially constructed: societies are not homogeneous, so different parts of society can evolve different social rules. And because we are capable of thought, we are also capable of changing our individual and collective minds (homosexuality is one example where moral attitude in the US and western Europe have already changed a lot). I think this is a bigger problem for the objectivist account of morality: if there is an objective moral code, how come it changes? I suspect the best one can do is a hybrid model: some morals are objective, others are socially constructed. But then how do you tell the difference?Bob O'H
May 5, 2017
12:35 AM
Bob O'H @47: I am willing to grant that certain aspects of our conduct, perhaps even certain aspects of our ethics or morality are due to some "social contract." But mostly at the edges. The social contract idea is seriously flawed if we are talking about the overall morality of a society. People have a sense of what ought to be, even before the so-called social contract is in place. If this were not so, then no-one would ever be petitioning for change or modifications to the social norm. People all the time, including people who buy into the social contract idea, are regularly seeking to influence the direction of society -- presumably not by random accident, but by what they think ought to be the norm. We scarcely need look any further than the daily newspaper to see that calls for change are frequent and vociferous. Whether we are talking about calls for action on climate change, criminal justice, gay marriage, reproductive rights, addressing the needs of the poor, healthcare, or any of a dozen other issues -- in all these cases the call for change in the current social status quo arises, by definition, not from what the societal norm already is, but by what such individuals think the societal norm ought to be. Surely we are not suggesting that we just wait around aimlessly and then once the social contract is in place (presumably put in place by the impersonal "them"), then we now know what our morality is, what we ought to do? Of course not. The idea that the foundational values of society derive from some social contract is like suggesting that two companies realize they should go into business after they have signed a contract. That is precisely backwards from how it works in reality. The flow of causation is from the morality to the agreement of how to implement that morality, not the other way around. We don't agree how to behave and then realize that is how we should behave because we've agreed to it. So, yes, the social contract idea might have some limited merit in specific cases around minor areas at the edges. We could probably brainstorm and come up with a handful of decent cases. But for the most part it gets the reality completely backwards. The contract doesn't provide the intent. It reflects it. That is the way contracts always work.Eric Anderson
May 4, 2017
10:49 PM
BO'H: Do you realise where manipulation and might make 'right,' 'truth,' 'rights,' 'law' etc gets you? At best, soft nihilism. And that's not news, it was recognised a long time ago by Plato in the aftermath of Athens' collapse:
Ath [in The Laws, Bk X 2,350+ ya]. . . .[The avant garde philosophers and poets, c. 360 BC] say that fire and water, and earth and air [i.e the classical "material" elements of the cosmos], all exist by nature and chance, and none of them by art . . . [such that] all that is in the heaven, as well as animals and all plants, and all the seasons come from these elements, not by the action of mind, as they say, or of any God, or from art, but as I was saying, by nature and chance only [ --> that is, evolutionary materialism is ancient and would trace all things to blind chance and mechanical necessity] . . . . [Thus, they hold] that the principles of justice have no existence at all in nature, but that mankind are always disputing about them and altering them; and that the alterations which are made by art and by law have no basis in nature, but are of authority for the moment and at the time at which they are made.-
[ --> Relativism, too, is not new; complete with its radical amorality rooted in a worldview that has no foundational IS that can ground OUGHT, leading to an effectively arbitrary foundation only for morality, ethics and law: accident of personal preference, the ebbs and flows of power politics, accidents of history and and the shifting sands of manipulated community opinion driven by "winds and waves of doctrine and the cunning craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming . . . " cf a video on Plato's parable of the cave; from the perspective of pondering who set up the manipulative shadow-shows, why.]
These, my friends, are the sayings of wise men, poets and prose writers, which find a way into the minds of youth. They are told by them that the highest right is might,
[ --> Evolutionary materialism -- having no IS that can properly ground OUGHT -- leads to the promotion of amorality on which the only basis for "OUGHT" is seen to be might (and manipulation: might in "spin") . . . ]
and in this way the young fall into impieties, under the idea that the Gods are not such as the law bids them imagine; and hence arise factions [ --> Evolutionary materialism-motivated amorality "naturally" leads to continual contentions and power struggles influenced by that amorality at the hands of ruthless power hungry nihilistic agendas], these philosophers inviting them to lead a true life according to nature, that is,to live in real dominion over others [ --> such amoral and/or nihilistic factions, if they gain power, "naturally" tend towards ruthless abuse and arbitrariness . . . they have not learned the habits nor accepted the principles of mutual respect, justice, fairness and keeping the civil peace of justice, so they will want to deceive, manipulate and crush -- as the consistent history of radical revolutions over the past 250 years so plainly shows again and again], and not in legal subjection to them [--> nihilistic will to power not the spirit of justice and lawfulness].
At worst? See the history of the past 100 years. KFkairosfocus
May 4, 2017
05:14 PM
However, it is difficult to view all morality purely as a social contract ...
Why so? Just because (as you go on to imply) the beliefs are deeply held, doesn't necessarily mean that they are not ultimately social. They are instilled from an early age, when we are impressionable, which may be enough to make them strongly held.Bob O'H
May 4, 2017
11:57 AM
You may base morality on social rules and agreements, but when you deal with a faction with more power, military and economic power. Your social constructs are destroyed and replaced with something else. We need a common ground for our moral principles, that's where religion comes as a force that unifies different people in a single moral frame. Take that and you will eventually get chaos.kurx78
May 4, 2017
11:36 AM
rvb8 @21:
So we would expect to see an abundance of God inspired subjective morality in the religious, and an equal?, lack of morality in people like me. I am logically incapable of being moral because I have no subjective foundation for that morality?
If you had read the OP carefully, you might have realized that I have not argued that materialists lack morality, nor have I argued that you are “logically incapable” of being moral. Furthermore, although not part of this OP, since your comment reflects a misunderstanding of the theistic position, I will correct your misunderstanding. Traditional theism, certainly the Judeo-Christian tradition, does not argue that theists have morality and materialists don’t. Quite the contrary. Indeed, it teaches that everyone has an inherent sense of morality as part of their being. Do people do bad things in the world? Sure. Is there an internal struggle within us to choose right from wrong? Absolutely. But nearly everyone has a basic sense of morality as part of what it means to be made in the “image of God.” You certainly don’t have to accept the theistic position, but you should at least understand it. So, no. No-one is arguing that you aren’t moral or can’t be moral. Indeed, a theist would argue that you have inherent morality. This despite materialism’s lack of grounding of that morality, not because of it. It's not that you don't have morality. It is a question of whether your doctrine can ground that morality.
Why is it then that our prisons are full of the religious, and there is a conspicuous absence of evolutionary biologists? Do prisoners not understand subjective morality, what is right and what is wrong? There are an abundance of carpet bagger preachers, and yet an absence of physicists. . . . the vast majority of ALL criminals in the world, have some religious grounded, subjective, morality. . . .
Thanks for the humor for the day! I presume you understand the concept of sampling bias? Your comment reminds me of the old joke about the evils of bread, based on the statistical fact that nearly everyone who had committed a crime had eaten bread in the week prior to their criminal activity. (By the way, statistics is most certainly not "materialistic".)
This would save a hell of a lot of confusion. So many words to so inconclusive a purpose . . .
Yes, my analyses of issues, including in this case, tend to be more in depth and more fulsome than a simplistic comment like “morality is based on self interest”. I believe there is value in analyzing things in more detail, and have had some valuable exchanges already with Bob O’H and others on this thread. It does require some careful thought and introspection and intellectual effort. But I realize it isn’t for everyone.Eric Anderson
May 4, 2017
09:23 AM
john_a_designer @20:
Nevertheless if, as Provine concedes, atheistic materialism provides no foundation for ethics and morality, from where do moral materialists get their morality? It appears they have to co-opt somebody else’s system of morality and ethics. That makes any form of materialism/naturalism a pretty destitute world view– doesn’t it?
I know you're talking to Bob O'H, but perhaps I can respond briefly. It seems there are two primary possibilities under weak materialism, as I've outlined, either: - some configuration of matter and energy leads to non-material things like morality; or - some configuration of matter and energy leads to beings that happen to have free will and consciousness (IOW, to us), and then we create our morality via some social contract. I take it most weak materialists adhere to the latter view. However, it is difficult to view all morality purely as a social contract and, when pressed, most everyone will admit to a more foundational sense of morality -- certainly they feel that way in their own life, whether or not they are willing to admit it in a public debate forum.Eric Anderson
May 4, 2017
08:59 AM
Origenes @18: Thanks for the great quote. In the part you quoted he seems to be setting up the problem of consciousness and thought from the materialist perspective. Does he go on to offer any solution? I can't quite tell from the cited portion. Or does he ultimately conclude that thought is also an illusion? In any event, the reason I was willing to remove that is because the particular sentence was about what the strong materialists generally deny, not what follow logically from their position. You are probably right that strong materialism means there is no rational thought, but the strong materialists think they are having thoughts. Presumably they also think they are having rational thoughts. That is of course the point at which their position becomes self-refuting and incoherent. But most of them don't admit as much, never starting their book or their lecture with a disclaimer about the fact that no-one should take what they are about to say seriously. In any event, if we can find a couple more specific examples of strong materialists admitting that even their thoughts aren't really thoughts or aren't rational, maybe you can convince me to put it back in. :)Eric Anderson
May 4, 2017
08:49 AM
goodusername @8:
Even if we assume that the above does explain the origin of love or altruism – how would that imply that they don’t exist, or are an illusion? Love is a feeling – would the above mean that I don’t actually have the feeling? That I’m having an illusion of a feeling?
Essentially, yes. That is what the strong materialist position says. Something abstract, something non-material, doesn't really exist. Whether it is hard to define or pin down is immaterial (pun intended). Everything is just matter and energy, so that feeling you think you are feeling, indeed the thought you think you are having, is just an interplay of matter and energy -- just a particular configuration of particles no different than a rock or a pile of sand.Eric Anderson
May 4, 2017
08:39 AM
Bob O'H said:
First, I think it would help if you didn’t conflate free will and morality. My guess is that there is nobody in category 1, because we all agree that morals exists (in one form or another), and people act (for whatever reason) according to moral principles. This is true even if free will is an illusion.
Wrong. If there is no free will, people do not act "according to moral principles". They act "According to whatever chemical/biological causes dictate". It is only if moral principles exist as such and humans can understand those principles and freely choose to behave in accordance with them regardless of physical causation otherwise that humans can act in accordance with moral principles. Otherwise, it's all just nonsensical words crafted to make behavior appear to be something it cannot be.William J Murray
May 4, 2017
07:01 AM
RVB8 makes an excellent example of an atheist that is utterly incapable of comprehending the issues, proudly spouting out talking point rhetoric that, while emotionally satisfying for those of his ilk, carries with it zero logical weight or value wrt the points under discussion. It's like a college debate about whether or not an answer to a complex logic problem is correct, and RVB8 jumps in with "Well, most students who answered like you are in on athletic scholarships, so you must be wrong!" Bloody hell.William J Murray
May 4, 2017
06:54 AM
B0B`OH - Bob you are getting ahead of yourself in your conclusions, you have to take a step back and show how free will and morals can come and have a basis in a purely material world. You cannot start with we act like we have free will and morals so lets go from there it does not work that way. Please define morals and ethics , and then show how they can arise and have concrete foundations in a material world. If the reality is that an intelligent designer made us with free will and morals and that is a fact , you cannot argue after the fact that these things just happen to exist.The same would be the case if in reality these were a product of a material world but you cannot assume in either case. Just one more thing , please give a definition of moral,if everything is a product of evolution why is good, good and bad , bad apart from survival benefits.Marfin
May 4, 2017
06:53 AM
Bob Oh: Mike @ 19 – I see, I don’t have any doubt – that is a death threat. You're funny. And cluelessly missing the point.mike1962
May 4, 2017
06:25 AM
BO'H: In order to be functionally rational we must be responsibly, volitionally, rationally free. The responsibilities towards truth, logic, fairness, diligence etc cannot be evaded without shipwreck. KFkairosfocus
May 4, 2017
05:30 AM
On to the second part of Eric's 17 -
In summary, we have three categories: 1. Strong materialists who argue morality is an illusion. ... 2.a. Weak materialists who believe morality is real, real in some objective sense. 2.b. Weak materialists who believe morality is real, in the limited sense that it can be defined to exist. ... ... —– Based on the above, I would say #1 is a small group of individuals. But they tend to be rather outspoken and are often the first ones people think of when they think of materialists or determinists. #2.a and 2.b are more of a mix. My impression is that many people try to switch back and forth between the two, depending upon what the issue is and what they are arguing for. Some might, for example, argue against objective morality (2.b) but then in another context assert that there are certain values we should strive for (2.a). Where do you think you would fall in these categories? Where would you see most of your materialist colleagues falling?
First, I think it would help if you didn't conflate free will and morality. My guess is that there is nobody in category 1, because we all agree that morals exists (in one form or another), and people act (for whatever reason) according to moral principles. This is true even if free will is an illusion. I'd be curious to know of any examples you have of 2a. I'm not aware of any, but this is not something I've researched to any extent. I think I'm in (or very close to) 2b. I'm not going to comment on where anyone else will be - I wouldn't want to mis-represent anyone else's views (there's enough of that already).Bob O'H
May 4, 2017
04:44 AM
Eric @ 17 -
I guess we could try to parse Provine’s comments that way, but I’m not sure what kind of ethics or morality one could possibly propose if there is no free will.
Ones just like the ethics and morality we'd have if we had free will. Only there's not much we could do about following them. :-) More seriously, even if we don't have free will, we all act as if we do. So in practice the issue is moot.
If there is no meaning in life and no free will, as Provine asserts, then ethics and morality are nonsensical — nothing but illusory words masking the fact that we are just witnessing the impersonal dance of matter and energy.
I don't see why ethics and morality are nonsense in this case - we still have to get along with each other, regardless of whether there's a reason for being here, or if we have free will. So having ethics and morals, as guides to how to get along, is still sensible. ....
My description of the foundation for such a position is not clear because, frankly, there isn’t a clear description or explanation about how matter and energy could lead to free will or morality (for brevity I’ll just refer to “morality” from here on out, but the principle applies to similar concepts). But, in essence, there must be some mechanism, some confluence of matter and energy, that gives rise to morality.
If you want a clear answer to how matter and energy lead to morality, you'd have to solve the consciousness problem first, I think (well, unless you consider ants to have morals, which I certainly think can be argued). Given that we haven't solved that problem, I think the best we can do (as materialists) is make the assumption that there is a solution, and go from there. Which leads to the notion that morals are socially constructed. (as an aside, this approach means that we don't have to be materialists, as we only need to start with humans as conscious agents living in a society, to develop the argument)Bob O'H
May 4, 2017
04:17 AM
RVB8, kindly closely observe:
to put a correct view of the universe into people’s heads . . . [we must get them] to accept a social and intellectual apparatus, Science, as the only begetter of truth . . . . we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door . . .
I trust you see the ideological impositions, assertions and underlying philosophical commitments that more than justify a philosophical, plumb-line test evaluation. Starting with the self-refuting error of Scientism tied to that of a priori evolutionary materialism. In effect, redefining science as applied materialistic, evolutionary atheism, and imposing this warped ideology as yardstick of truth and right etc. KFkairosfocus
May 4, 2017
01:55 AM
RVB8, I quickly note that you -- among others -- were conspicuously absent when I recently hosted Dr Selensky. Your rhetoric invites the inference that you are of course fending off the plumb-line test of a comfortably crooked yardstick. And, on other recent gambits, you are also feeding polarisation. FYI, this thread addresses the imposed, institutionalised, indoctrinating a priori materialism that . . . as Lewontin inadvertently admitted . . . utterly rules the roost in key contexts. In further response, I point out that there was a reason why Newton called what he was doing Natural Philosophy, the border between "Science" and meta issues that bring up philosophical considerations is exceedingly fuzzy. Phil, plumb-line issues are focal for the moment, because your side has played some pretty questionable ideologically driven moves. Thanks for confirming to us that you fear serious worldviews analysis. KF PS: Lewontin:
. . . to put a correct view of the universe into people's heads [==> as in, "we" have cornered the market on truth, warrant and knowledge] we must first get an incorrect view out [--> as in, if you disagree with "us" of the secularist elite you are wrong, irrational and so dangerous you must be stopped, even at the price of manipulative indoctrination of hoi polloi] . . . the problem is to get them [= hoi polloi] to reject irrational and supernatural explanations of the world, the demons that exist only in their imaginations,
[ --> as in, to think in terms of ethical theism is to be delusional, justifying "our" elitist and establishment-controlling interventions of power to "fix" the widespread mental disease]
and to accept a social and intellectual apparatus, Science, as the only begetter of truth
[--> NB: this is a knowledge claim about knowledge and its possible sources, i.e. it is a claim in philosophy not science; it is thus self-refuting]
. . . . To Sagan, as to all but a few other scientists [--> "we" are the dominant elites], it is self-evident
[--> actually, science and its knowledge claims are plainly not immediately and necessarily true on pain of absurdity, to one who understands them; this is another logical error, begging the question , confused for real self-evidence; whereby a claim shows itself not just true but true on pain of patent absurdity if one tries to deny it . . . and in fact it is evolutionary materialism that is readily shown to be self-refuting]
that the practices of science provide the surest method of putting us in contact with physical reality [--> = all of reality to the evolutionary materialist], and that, in contrast, the demon-haunted world rests on a set of beliefs and behaviors that fail every reasonable test [--> i.e. an assertion that tellingly reveals a hostile mindset, not a warranted claim] . . . . It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us [= the evo-mat establishment] to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes [--> another major begging of the question . . . ] to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute [--> i.e. here we see the fallacious, indoctrinated, ideological, closed mind . . . ], for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door . . . [--> irreconcilable hostility to ethical theism, already caricatured as believing delusionally in imaginary demons]. [Lewontin, Billions and billions of Demons, NYRB Jan 1997,cf. here. And, if you imagine this is "quote-mined" I invite you to read the fuller annotated citation here.]
May 4, 2017
01:43 AM
Bob O’H: … even if we are nothing but a pack of neurons, I don’t see why we can’t have love, morals, etc.
Even if there is nothing but black, I don’t see why we can’t have red, green, blue, etc.
Bob O’H: Just as the Mona Lisa is “just” some paint on canvas, but it is still much more.
Absent conscious intelligent observers the Mona Lisa is just some paint on canvas — and nothing more. See? What you call ‘being much more’ is not an intrinsic part of the physical Mona Lisa. The ‘much more’ — the conveyed message — existentially depends on a receiver agent.Origenes
May 4, 2017
01:36 AM
BO'H: it's satire, but you are not facing the issue at stake. KFkairosfocus
May 4, 2017
01:21 AM
WJM & HeKS (also, EA): The cumulative descriptions are all too familiar, falling into "types" we can readily recognise. There are the aggressively trollish activists, who think that they can conflate a Thor with Jehovah and the Tooth Fairy (not to mention the Flying spaghetti Monster) and mock those ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked IDiot Fundy Christofascist Creationists. Ours is so philosophically ignorant and so polarised an era that people do not sense the many ways in which their schemes of evo mat scientism simply do not add up. And, it is oh so convenient to have an ad hominem laced IDiotic fundy creationist strawman to pummel and if necessary, set alight to create a toxic smoke cloud to cover a hasty retreat. The sad irony is, they become the mirror image of the strawman caricatures they project. (Much as the black shirts stalking Berkeley should be looking in the mirror to find the REAL fascists.) We cannot escape having a worldview, and if we swallow an ideology that sets up a warped yardstick as the standard of truth, right and being "brite" then the real truth and right will never pass the test. For, such are aligned to reality, not the warped yardstick of error. So, the next ideological move is to fend off plumb-line tests that would challenge one's comfort zone. (As in, don't you dare bring up philosophical issues, or counter-evidence and warranting challenges or self evident truth based test cases or I will fix you, you fundy dummy.) Thus, we see the polarised, closed-minded, hostile, selectively hyperskeptical evo mat scientism trollish activist patterns that are oh so familiar. But, there is another case, indeed. The more genteel enabler, who EA has aptly captured and who HeKS draws out from a slightly different angle. Ironically, Provine recognised this type too. Indeed his notorious 1997 U Tenn Darwin Day keynote targetted just this type:
>Naturalistic evolution has clear consequences that Charles Darwin understood perfectly. 1) No gods worth having exist; 2) no life after death exists; 3) no ultimate foundation for ethics exists; 4) no ultimate meaning in life exists; and 5) human free will is nonexistent . . . . The first 4 implications are so obvious to modern naturalistic evolutionists that I will spend little time defending them. Human free will, however, is another matter. Even evolutionists have trouble swallowing that implication. I will argue that humans are locally determined systems that make choices. They have, however, no free will [--> without responsible freedom, mind, reason and morality alike disintegrate into grand delusion, hence self-referential incoherence and self-refutation. But that does not make such fallacies any less effective in the hands of clever manipulators] . . . [1998 Darwin Day Keynote Address, U of Tenn -- and yes, that is significant i/l/o the Scopes Trial, 1925]
What happens here is, of course, that unless we have genuinely responsible, rational insight and freedom, reason collapses into grand delusion, and so does the integrity-driven, conscience guided moral government that holds lives, communities and institutions -- including Science! -- together. But that does not fit with the implications of the dominant evo mat ideology. So, what happens is a retreat into comfortable fuzziness that in effect picks and chooses based on what feels comfortable. This especially fits an ultra-modernist, "my truth" era. For instance an ambiguous adhering to "compatibilism" allows the feeling and projection of volition and responsible rationality, but this is actually little more than a fur-covered strawman. Underneath, the compatibilism allows using the hard dynamic-stochastic computational substrate view to fend off those who take the requisites of freedom seriously, while giving logic a swivel to fit in with the hard materialists on the faculty board or wherever. Often, we can see this with some Christian Darwinists, or with Atheists/ Agnostics who are a step or two closer to hard evo mat. A similar pattern holds for the notions that mind etc "emerged" at some point in "evolution" and that with enough looping complexity, an artificial intelligence will emerge. Asimov's I Robot is a classic exposition of this. In effect, we are wetware evolved robots, and soon enough we will have robots that are like we are, save the hardware will be based on Si and Fe not C-Chemistry in Aqueous medium. And don't you dare suggest that this is little more than saying "abracadabra," poof, magic happens. All of this thrives on unexamined incoherences, and so is inherently unstable. It is in the end a politically negotiated view, not anything that could stand scrutiny on a level playing field. In short, we see soft form nihilism: manipulation backed up by power makes 'truth,' 'right,' rights' etc. Soft nihilism, of course is on a crumbling cliff edge. We are in a lot more danger as a civilisation than we wish to openly admit. KFkairosfocus
May 4, 2017
01:20 AM
Mike @ 19 - I see, I don't have any doubt - that is a death threat.Bob O'H
May 4, 2017
12:35 AM
I just registered to attend the Westminster Conference on Science and Faith in Pennsylvania. Anybody else going? Here's the link: https://www.evolutionnews.org/2017/05/with-so-much-at-stake-in-science-and-culture-you-need-to-join-us-may-11-12-for-the-westminster-conference/Truth Will Set You Free
May 3, 2017
07:51 PM
WJM #26, Heh, I see our experiences and assessments are very similar. I didn't happen to mention in my comment at #22 most of the stuff you just did, but I was thinking all of it and have found precisely the same things. The 3rd paragraph particularly resonates with me. I don't mind at all talking to people who haven't spent tons of time thinking deeply on these issues. Most don't see the importance. But what's particularly annoying and induces uncontrollable eye-rolling is the people who smugly claim to be so much more intelligent and rational than theists but who do not have the first idea what they're talking about on these issues or recognize the irony in praising their own rationality while adopting a position that they don't realize utterly undermines rationality itself.HeKS
May 3, 2017
06:33 PM
Actually, most atheists that I run into have never seriously considered atheism at all; they are atheists because (1) they found the idea of god they encountered or were subjected to ludicrous, and (2) they basically lumped all ideas of god into the Thor/Ra/Cthulhu/Spaghetti Monster waste bin, believing none were worth serious consideration ... and so started calling themselves atheists by default. IOW, "Theism is obviously ridiculous, so atheism must be true." Often, they were taught or became enamored of the false religion/science warfare thesis and latched onto materialism because they mistakenly thought science and materialism went hand in hand. Or, even more erroneously, thought science disproved theism or religion and proved materialism. The combination breeds a particularly self-satisfied, superficial troll who thinks they're just oh so smart because they don't believe that god nonsense and they make themselves feel superior by taunting and laughing at theists, inserting themselves over and over into discussion they have no means to even begin to understand. Philosophy? phhht. God is stupid. Necessary being? blah blah blah. Morality? Empathy! Convergence of fine tuning and fundamental principles? All possible by chance! Free will? How dare you call me a meat robot! The angels are clawing their eyes out.William J Murray
May 3, 2017
06:19 PM
Well presented Eric. I think your post is a fair assessment of each category. The exchange/answers by you with KF at #11 and to Bob at #17 further elucidate and expose the paradox of the materialist belief systems, weak and strong. Attempting to avoid the paradox their beliefs create leads to weak rejoinders by materialist. I think you outlined and highlighted succinctly the categories materialist fall into. Many weak materialist are unaware of the moving sands beneath their feet. And how easily sands shift during these discussions. This is often not caught by casual observers, nor weak materialist themselves. The ingredients of the cake they bake is not edible logically as a whole, nor does the cake stand under scrutiny. Rather like a souffle without appropriate preparation, the materialist position falls in upon itself.DATCG
May 3, 2017
05:25 PM
Eric, a few annotations:
2. Weak Materialists Unlike the few well-known strong materialists, weak materialists are legion. Weak materialism holds that although the material and the physical is the most important part of reality – or at least the original source of reality – it is not all of reality.
It’s hardly a rational position, is it? It sounds very much like those ‘unsure materialists’, who ‘never really thought about these issues.’ How much sense does it make to say: “Hello! I’m a materialist; I hold that not all of reality is material.”
This leaves plenty of room for variation and opinion, with the result that weak materialists come in as many varieties as colors on your color wheel.
I’m sure it does.
What they all share, however, is a general foundational premise. Like the strong materialists, they believe that reality began with only the physical and the material: In the beginning was not the Word, but in the beginning were the particles.
And the laws …
… love, altruism, consciousness, intelligence, morality, free will. Unlike the strong materialists who argue (but never consistently act thusly) that all of these things are but an illusion, many weak materialists acknowledge that these things are real, that they form an important part of the fabric of our existence. For such an acknowledgment, the weak materialist should be commended. The materialist opponent, however, will quickly object, pointing out that there is no explanation, under materialism, for how such things came about. After all, what is it about the starting point of particles and energy that can ever ground love or free will or morality? How can the purely physical and material transcend itself? What law of physics and chemistry, what kind of particle or interaction, could possibly explain such a state of affairs? The answer? Nothing. There is nothing in materialism that can rationally ground such non-materialistic concepts.
This is where the weak materialist should become an ‘unsure materialist.’
Yet this does not deter the weak materialist. The weak materialist is quite happy to divorce in her mind the acknowledged existence of something from the source of its existence.
You cannot do that and remain a materialist. Materialism is a claim about the source of any existence. To be a materialist is holding the belief that everything is material and/or has a material explanation. You cannot say: “Hello. I am a materialist. I am not sure that things have a material source.”
This is not completely irrational at an early point in the analysis. After all, recognizing the existence of something is a separate question from explaining its existence.
You are correct of course, however my point is that one cannot do so and claim to be a materialist at the same time.
And so the weak materialist, recognizing as she does the existence of, say, altruism or morality, is not convinced by arguments that assert the materialist position is inconsistent with such non-material concepts.
Well, that is the consequence of the erroneous idea that the materialist position was upheld while being open to a non-material source for altruism and/or morality.
Instead, she thinks to herself, “That isn’t right. That doesn’t describe my position. I do believe in love and consciousness and free will and morality.” She might even be forgiven for becoming annoyed by continued assertions that such things are inherently inconsistent with materialism. And this is where the rubber meets the road: They aren’t inherently inconsistent with her view of materialism. At least not (a) with the form of materialism she ascribes to, and (b) with the basic observation that such non-material concepts exist as opposed to the explanation of how they came to exist.
I have to protest! Her view of materialism doesn’t make any sense. It’s like this guy who claims to be a solipsist, but accepts the independent existence of other people and isn’t very worried about not being able to explain that fact and meanwhile claims to be a solipsist.Origenes
May 3, 2017
04:12 PM
And once again, rvb8 shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of the issue at hand.HeKS
May 3, 2017
04:09 PM
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