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Unwelcome history: the roots and fruit of the Eugenics movement — “Eugenics is the self-direction of human evolution”

(NOTICE: Dr Larry Moran, the response to your assertions is here.) I see where UD’s News has let us know that the Eugenics Society’s papers will shortly be digitised and made available to the public. It is therefore appropriate to highlight again the Logo for the 2nd International Congress on Eugenics, with Alexander Graham Bell as honorary president and Major Leonard Darwin (son of Sir Charles) as major speaker, so we can see how leading people all across the world from North Carolina, California and Canada to Britain,  India, Japan and — sadly tellingly — Germany, were thinking about “the self-direction of human evolution”: It is worth noting — from Wiki testifying against interest as usual — that Major Darwin’s Read More ›

Eugenics Society papers to be digitized

Some revelations there, for sure: The American Association for the History of Medicine has recently reported that the Wellcome Library, with the permission of the Galton Institute, will be digitizing the papers of the Eugenics Society. According to the report, “The collection will be digitized in full and made freely available online, subject to Data Protection and privacy issues as set out in our access policy <library.wellcome.ac.uk/assets/WTX063805.pdf>. This will become part of the Wellcome Digital Library <library.wellcome.ac.uk/node350.html>.