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Intelligent Design

Hate Mail with a Religious Theme

Now and again I receive irate emails. The funniest of these come from Peter Pajakowski, who makes me appreciate the Polish jokes I heard growing up in Chicago. For the record, I have no shame, enjoy the attacks of critics, and think I’m completely right. So there.

Enjoy the following two letters: Read More ›

John Mark Reynolds in Touchstone — Out of Touch?

My friend and colleague John Mark Reynolds at Biola University has just published a piece in Touchstone titled “Séances & Science: The Lessons of the Spiritualist Challenge to Darwinism” (go here). The piece is meant as a warning to the ID movement not to repeat mistakes of the past. Read More ›

The Undermining of Science?

If intelligence is a real causal power in the natural world that is not reducible to the law-governed interactions of matter and energy, then how can intelligent design avoid undermining science? This worry can be restated as follows: Read More ›

“Intrinsic Intelligence”

Just Check the ID
By Sally Jenkins
Monday, August 29, 2005
Washington Post

….Jeffrey M. Schwartz, a neuroscientist and research professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, is a believer in ID, or as he prefers to call it, “intrinsic intelligence.” Read More ›

Bill Buckley on ID

In the United States, the battlefront is in the schools, on the question of evolution and creationism. If a 14-year-old student is introduced to the contingent possibility that life evolved as it did because its creator so willed it, which of the following risks, from the hard-line evolutionists’ point of view, is that student taking? 1) His intellectual disqualification by admitting creationism, for which there is no scientific no warrant, into his thinking? 2) A lifelong intellectual confusion, perhaps disabling in its consequences, which will keep him from prevailing as a responsible thinker and actor? Or perhaps, 3) a lifetime as an agent of teleological confusion, with the result that he will not only mislead himself, but also mislead others? Read More ›

ID in Italy

ID is in the news in Italy. The University of Milan has published an article on recent developments in ID in the U.S. (Vita e pensiero, vol. 4, September 2005). A preview of that article was published in a national newspaper called L’Avvenire, 13 August 2005, p. 23 by a journalist named Luigi Dell’Aglio, and it has already generated reactions (both positive and negative). Cardinal Schönborn’s article in the The New York Times (July, 2005) has provoked a steady stream of media attention, and the Italian press is swimming right along in the path.

ID in Canada

“Blind Science” by Ted Byfield: http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45996

ID Cartoon Wars

http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050819/OPINION02/308190001/1093 vs. http://www.markfiore.com/animation/super.html