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A riot human shield — the face of C21, 4GW Culture-form Marxist insurgency


Here is an image from Portland, of the “wall of moms” human shield; one, that is NOT being prominently featured in the major media that are busily trying to paint Federal officers defending a court house after 50 days of rioting as Nazi-style storm troopers:

U/D, Jul 24: It seems, I need to show typical logos of the Antifa, to make a point clear:

Logos of the Antifa

Let me further add, from redspark dot nu, evidently a pro-Antifa site:

Since its original emergence in the early 1920s, fascism as an ideology and a movement has been met with fierce opposition. From the very beginning, communists (along with other leftists) have taken up the cause to not simply resist, but to actively oppose and crush fascism wherever it has cropped up. One such organization, the Roter Frontkämpferbund (“Red Front Fighters’ League”), was formed in 1924 by the German Communist Party as a paramilitary organization to carry out militant antifascist work. In order to continue their militant antifascist work after the Roter Frontkämpferbund was banned, the German Communist Party formed another organization which was the first to bear the name Antifascist Action. Antifaschistische Aktion operated until its demise in 1933 under the violent repression of the Nazi regime, which itself was defeated by the Soviet Red Army in 1945.

A significant resurgence of fascism began in the late 1970s and early 1980s as more white nationalist organizations began to emerge and grow in numbers as capitalism found itself once again in crisis . . . . As this militant, white-supremacist fascism began to grow during the 1980s, so did the resurgence of militant anti-fascism. Groups adopting the name Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) in the UK and Europe and Anti-Racist Action (ARA) in North America started to appear—the first being the AFA in London, England (1985) and ARA in Minneapolis, USA (1988). While these organizations have often included fighting sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and other forms of oppression within their mandate, combating street-level fascism has been their primary focus.

Like the organizations of the 1920s and ‘30s, these AFA and ARA groups (or simply antifa, as they are colloquially known) consisted of communists, anarchists, and other non-aligned leftists brought together for the express purpose of confronting and preventing local fascist organizing . . . .

Fighting fascism is direly important—like fighting police violence, environmental destruction, homelessness, etc. is direly important—but you can’t cure a disease by chasing after the symptoms alone. Defeating street-level fascists does not by itself stop those fascists who are moving amongst the ruling class any more than stopping one pipeline saves a body of water from contamination by other extractive industries. To ultimately solve these problems is to wage a much larger war. As these issues are all symptoms of capitalism, the solution is found in working class organizing in order to take power and thus dictate the society in which we wish to live. We will only do this by connecting anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-patriarchal, pro-environment organizing with revolutionary anti-capitalist organizing aimed towards achieving the dictatorship of the proletariat.

We can note several things regarding the photo:

— “Class War” is instantly recognisable, Marxist revolutionary/insurgency terminology. (This identifies that the ideology here is clearly Marxist, here, in Frankfurt School cultural strategy “long march through the institutions” form.)

— The A-with-circle is a logo for the “Antifa,” showing the alliance with BLM, i.e. we see a network of front organisations, with hints of astro-turfing

— Use of human shields with cameras, and particularly of “moms” is meant to force a cruel dilemma: allow riot or appear to be bullying oppressors, with the enabling media watching.

— Similarly, “moms” tries to deconstruct key family and protective values of Western Civilisation, so this is also anti-civilisational. (And if you are trying to undermine family and the cultural norm that protects women and children from violence, that is misanthropic.)

— The media framing indicates their complicity in the Police are fascist thugs defending an illegitimate fascist regime narrative. (We can freely use mirror psychology to infer what these would do were they to hold untrammelled power. Likewise, this directly connects to defund/abolish the police. Add it up: you must be disarmed, the police will protect. The police have no duty to protect any particular individual or property. In the face of favoured rioters, the police are told to stand down. If you try to defend yourselves or deter assault, you will be stripped of weapons (inviting round two), you will be charged with felonies and will face the financial costs involved. And if you try to move away, major media may pursue and further doxx you, inciting the Red Guards to make a follow up visit. Is this where we really want to go? Have you thought about the consequences of rule 6.5 mm and the 1,000 yard veto? )

— Such is the face of C21 4th Generation Revolutionary/Insurgency war operations.

Now, we need to ask some pointed questions regarding what is going on, and why we are being fed manipulative narratives, starting with:

Where we are, not where we wish we were:

Can we read the signs of our times and act before we go completely over the cliff? Time, indubitably, will tell. I think, the next 6 – 18 months will be strategically pivotal. END

PS: Overnight, let me add a framework on the dynamics of the state:

U/d b for clarity, nb Nil

. . . and another on the political spectrum:

PPS: A Balkan woman tries to warn us:

Being on the fascist side of things is always a way to get yourself to ignominy. I think that’s probably why so many people here choose pseudonyms. Of course, you’ve always got elderly people whining about the gays, and they are one step out. Life gets better one death at a time.Retired Physicist
July 25, 2020
08:45 PM
“ ill . Trying to discredit and marginalize the BLM protests as the product of some shadowy, monolithic “Culture-Form Marxist” conspiracy, belittling the “moms” in Portland, who have interposed themselves between the police and the more volatile protesters in order to prevent violence,” Like the guy said, there are a whole lot of fascists who don’t realize they’re fascist until it happens. Sad that there are so many Good Germans in America. Too bad conservatives are cowards.Retired Physicist
July 25, 2020
08:38 PM
KF and ET, do you think it wise to send heavily armed federal agents who have had no training in handling large crowds and protests into Portland? To me, that sounds like a very bad decision.Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
06:25 PM
KF @29 Now Antifa is producing lines of "Veterans" supporting their violent effort to establish a communist hegemony. They will continue to scrounge around for some group of supporters that can't be denigrated or discounted due to their unassailable social status. Next it will probably be orphaned children. @MrAndyNgo on twitter provides an accurate look at what the front line looks like in Portland. Antifa and crew are no doubt working hard to discover who he really is so they can deal with him on a personal level. As the Portland PD has been handicapped in dealing with violent protests, by not being allowed to use common crowd control devices like CS gas or non-lethal munitions, if there were no Federal LEO presence at the Federal courthouse it would be an empty burned out shell by now. Police departments in other cities, such as Seattle, are also being hamstrung by their civil leadership. The Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best in her own words to the officers on her force: "Simply put, I cannot ask any of you to do this work limited only to your sidearm, baton, and body as tools. These are not tools that are reasonable in modern policing for crowd control." Reading between the lines of this nothing good will occur in Seattle this weekend. There is a meme on the internet "some people just want to watch the world burn" and all joking aside, this is becoming more apparent every day. Some people seem to think that out of the ashes some other society will magically arise and everyone will live better lives without struggle or want. The only thing lacking for this movement to have a Kairos is that there is no national leader controlling it. There are too many competing interests among the left involved for there to be any wide or unified support. As an example, a left leaning journalist asked Jalil Abdul Muntaqim, a 1970's Black Panther serving a life sentence for murder, what he thought about BLM. He said there was no ideology there that he could get behind. BLM is not your 70's radical leftist movement. Their insistence on inclusion of the LGBTQ+ agenda sets them apart from other Black civil rights organizations. Here in the South, we have a new Black rights organization, the Not eFfing Around Coalition, or NFAC. The NFAC organizes marches of armed supporters with many real military veterans. One look at them no doubt makes the BLM founders, and Antifa, tremble. BLM is just a slogan and not any meaningful or organized movement for anyone's civil rights. As Marxists they are also gun grabbing leftists. Antifa are unhappy millennial miscreants with little knowledge of anything outside their own miserable existence. They think guns are inherently evil. Neither are equipped to deal with the kind of civil unrest they want to produce. The NFAC being a prime example.LoneCycler
July 25, 2020
02:57 PM
ET, actually fairly unlikely. Unless serious killings begin or media and big names go too far, then it's rule 6.5 mm and the 1,000 yard veto. Problem is, they easily are that foolish. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
02:49 PM
I'm waiting for some right-wing civilian militia to show up.ET
July 25, 2020
01:36 PM
ET, worse, communist subversives exploiting the pain of a once enslaved and long oppressed race; mine. Ruthless, demonic betrayers of the deeply wounded. My very name tells me what I need to understand about such. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
12:22 PM
I wouldn’t paint the feds as the bad guys. Just that they have made bad decisions.
Not yet, anyway. The people are the problem
But assaulting and injuring peaceful protesters to get at them is self-defeating.
They shouldn't be there mixing with the violent losers
You may get the guilty person but you create tons of negative press and create more distrust of the police and government.
The USA is so great even the crybabies want to stay. The press is a bunch of biased babies.ET
July 25, 2020
11:54 AM
BLM protests? They looted and destroyed minority owned businesses in Minneapolis Including black owned businesses. They are akin to rabid skunks and racoons.ET
July 25, 2020
11:51 AM
KF@39, I repeat, we will just have to agree to disagree. I am comfortable with that. The world would be a very boring place if we all agreed.Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
11:43 AM
Sev, turnabout projection fails. The connexions are demonstrated and documented. See my remark just now to MMT to see where I read this as heading. Marches of folly -- unsurprisingly -- tend to lead to disaster. And, BTW, I don't like a certain contractor in chief but understand why an exasperated public put him into office. The dynamics that are playing out are far beyond any one personality, we are -- astonishingly -- seeing the return of Marxism as civilisation-level 4GW strategic threat. Not, coming from the Red Guard Cannon fodder but from those using them as storm troops and seeking to utterly dominate the main pillars of influence that hold up a dominant worldview and cultural/policy agenda bent on utter folly. Remember what Herr Schicklegruber did to the SA once their usefulness was past. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
11:39 AM
MMT, if you imagine I am trying to persuade you, you are missing at least 1 - 2 dimensions in this version of chess. Kindly note, this isn't my first rodeo: I am an eyewitness to Communist Insurgency triggered civil war and its aftermath to 40 years to date. At this point it is obvious that you are impervious to evidence, including direct evidence on what sort of insurgents are at work. That is very familiar to me, as is the attempt to divert into a personality-based tangent. The sad truth is, only pain will wake up too many, and a significant fraction a full generation later will still be in denial. The facts of the OP are established, further context for those who need it has been drawn out and that is enough. That there will be many in denial is a less than happy expectation, but it is just that: as expected. I will give a prediction: as outrageous lawlessness and anti-civilisation planks have been nailed into a major party platform, a lot of eyes have been opened. Over the next six months, that party will most likely suffer a heavy and to them unexpected loss. Street chaos will go up, but that is good, the problem will then be utterly undeniable and those who expended political capital on a march of folly will be in no position to be good people in the storm. Here is my context for that. Over the following year, the crisis will break, and I believe, in favour of our civilisation; though severe, permanent harm and loss will have needlessly happened. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
11:36 AM
A Riot Human Shield — The Face Of C21, 4GW Culture-Form Marxist Insurgency
It is instructive to note that, while you continually decry so-called "Alinskyite" tactics for manipulating public narratives and disparaging opponents, you seem to have no difficulty in adopting them when the need arises and deploying them with an imporessive skill . Trying to discredit and marginalize the BLM protests as the product of some shadowy, monolithic "Culture-Form Marxist" conspiracy, belittling the "moms" in Portland, who have interposed themselves between the police and the more volatile protesters in order to prevent violence, as Antifa stooges seems to be straight out of the Alinsky playbook. As for being the face of a "C21, 4GW" insurgency capable of bringing down Western civilization, I believe you are missing the mark very badly. If I were to go to my local shooting-range and fire two shots from a pistol, I might hope to put two holes into a paper target but I would not expect to devastate a number of European nations, cause a centuries-old monarchy and a ramshackle empire to collapse into revolution and ruin and bankrupt a third. Yet this is what followed when self-proclaimed Yugoslav nationalist Gavrilo Princip fired two rounds from an FN Model 1910 .380 semi-automatic pistol and killed Austrian ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on 28 June 1914 in the city of Sarajevo. Why the difference in the two outcomes? Simply that the shots fired by Princip led to the catastrophic release of pent-up social, political and economic tensions that had been building for years beforehand throughout the continent. The minority groups in the United States have endured the most egregious marginalization, discrimination and persecution - up to and including lynchings - for centuries, most of it committed with impunity by members of the majority white population. The bloodletting of the Civil War purged some of that anger but, in spite of the passage of the 13th Amendment, a recalcitrant South soon reasserted its racist propensities which continue to this day. A string of killings of black people by mostly white police in what were, to put it mildly, questionable circumstances have brought people of all ethnic backgrounds to the point of agreeing "enough is enough". If you ignore that, if you pretend that it is not the surfacing of anger over longstanding social, political and economic inequalities, then you risk bringing about the kind of catastrophe you hope to avert. Of course, the elephant in the room, is the presence in the White House of some one who is displaying alarming autocratic tendencies which you prefer to downplay or ignore. This is man who, even before he was elected said on 23 January 2016 "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters." And he was right. This is a man who has denigrated and insulted longstanding allies while fawning over some of the worst dictators currently on this planet. This is a man who wallows in the adulation of evangelical Christian leaders who are themselves a measure of how venal and morally depraved some manifestations of the faith have become in this country. More significantly, Trump's remark in 2016 was born out indirectly by the farcical impeachment trial before a Senate dominated by a craven and compliant Republican majority. A Senate which had made it clear beforehand that under no circumstances would they vote to convict. A Senate whose Republican leaders boasted about cooperating with the White House about the hearing. Tell us, in what regular criminal trial do the leaders of the jury connive with the defendant to rig the outcome of the case? In what regular criminal trial does the jury decide what evidence is to be admitted and which witnesses shall be heard? You protest loudly at perceived threats to the rule of law and order and yet let slide one of the most brazen examples of manipulating the process for personal gain in recent times. It doesn't stop there, however. We see how, with the connivance of conservative legal groups, he has installed what he believes are sympathetic judges on the bench of courts low and high. How are we to trust the courts to administer justice fairly and impartially when the person on the bench is there because they are judged to be a Trump partisan? We see how he has appointed a bunch of corrupt cronies to the high offices of state. We see how he appoints acting officials to a wide range of lower positions no doubt because it makes it easier to remove them at will if they displease him in some way and avoids lengthy and - in his view - timewasting Senate confirmation hearings. Moreover, these appointees are there because he believes they are loyal to him personally rather than the Constitution of the United States. Is there any doubt that Trump, if he thought he could get away with it, would change the oath of allegiance to the United States to an oath of allegiance to him personally, just as Hitler did in Germany in 1934? This is a man who clearly regards the restraints on Presidential power crafted into the US Constitution by the Founding Fathers as no more than frustrating impediments to his unfettered exercise of that power. This is a man who has simply brushed aside previous so-called "norms" of acceptable political behavior and is pushing the legal boundaries as far as they will go. This is a man who, to get around problems with sending Federal troops against US citizens has, with the connivance of his compliant AG and minions at the relevant departments of state, cobbled together what he no doubt regards as a private army of officers from a number of Federal law enforcement agencies. And lest there be any doubt that these officers will do his bidding - or what his bidding could become - I remind you of what a force of regular armed infantry, cavalry and tanks under the command of Douglas MacArthur, George Patton and Dwight Eisenhower did to the so-called "Bonus Army", a peaceful protest by a large number of unarmed World War One veterans and their families on 28 July 1934. Those actions stand in my mind as a permanent stain on the reputations of those officers. But if Trump ever comes to believe he can get away with the same then I believe he will certainly do it, if only to look tough. in the eyes of his political base. Are there groups on both left and right who are trying to exploit these protests to serve their own political agendas? Of course there are. That will always be the case until we find a better way of doing things. Is there some vast, shadowy and powerful Marxist conspiracy bent on world domination behind these protests. No, of course not. Most people in this country have no idea what Marxism means beyond being something evil that all good Christians should ward off by making the sign of the cross. As for critical whatever theory, it may well have merit if it means taking a long hard look at behavioral and cultural norms that have disadvantaged a large section of the population but they are derived from a European school of philosophy typically expressed in a prose so impenetrable that virtually no one outside of their little group could understand what the hell they were saying. To suggest that such fringe groups alone could bring about a revolution in the United States is such an absurd over-estimation of their relative power as to be a conspiracy theory. What will do irreparable damage to the polity of the United States is an occupant of the Oval Office so amoral and corrupted by personal wealth and ambition that he comes to view the country as his personal fiefdom. He is already dropping heavy hints that he might reject the outcome of the next election if it doesn't go his way. He clearly respects and envies the likes of Kim Jong-Un, President Putin and President Xi, each of whom has arranged to be the permanent and absolute authority in their respective states just as Hitler and Stalin and Mao did before them. I have no doubt that this man has the ambition to become the sort of totalitarian leader that has caused - and continues to cause - so much oppression and suffering elsewhere in the world. I regard the protesters in Portland and elsewhere, including the Antifa sympathizers as being in a sense on the front line of resistance to a nascent tyranny in this country and it does you no credit to disparage and marginalize what they are standing for and standing against.Seversky
July 25, 2020
11:27 AM
KF, I have noted that anyone you can’t convince of the truth of your opinion is labeled as having zero credibility. ET
To try to spin that so the feds are the bad guys is just ignorant desperation.
I wouldn’t paint the feds as the bad guys. Just that they have made bad decisions. Obviously, any protester that uses violence and property damage, or incites others to do so, is a criminal and should be charged. But assaulting and injuring peaceful protesters to get at them is self-defeating. You may get the guilty person but you create tons of negative press and create more distrust of the police and government. I am not saying that the feds have no role to de-escalate the situation, just that the role they have adopted is counter-productive.Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
11:11 AM
MMT, you are enabling at this point. Credibility duly reckoned at zero. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
10:46 AM
The question is NOT if the situation is better or worse. The question is who is causing it to be worse. And it is obvious that it is the same people who were the cause for the feds to step in in the first place. To try to spin that so the feds are the bad guys is just ignorant desperation.ET
July 25, 2020
10:45 AM
KF, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
10:33 AM
MMT, insofar as they mark a standing up to clear insurgency, rather than passivity in the face of sustained riots, that is a positive step: defending law and order. Of course, those who are caught up in the wave of what has been going on will not acknowledge that. That does not change the fact. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
10:17 AM
KF, none of this answers the following question: Has the federal response made things better or worse?Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
10:04 AM
MMT, in this context, using troops with or without quotes is enabling a slander. The uniforms were clearly marked police, and a court process is currently in train; the charge in context is obvious, rioting . . . though I would prefer the old fashioned UK style reading the riot act then ordering dispersal and promptly following up with adequate, effective force. Oh yes, the attempt to block police from using less lethal, riot control weaponry is duly noted. I understand, there has been a problem of doxxing police officers too -- which is criminal intimidation. You seem to be taking at face value claims of media etc voices that on track record of the past several years have no credibility; at this point, I would not take "the sky is blue" from such at face value. No, peaceful assembly is not rioting involving arson, assault with missiles (bricks, frozen water bottles fast setting cement loaded milk shakes, etc) the use of war hammers (a long skateboard used as a club is far more dangerous as it has metal protrusions). Looting is not peaceful protest. Just in: using a power saw to cut through a police barrier is not peaceful protest. Destroying places of business is not peaceful protest. Hitting elderly people with knuckle dusters is not peaceful protest. Swarming and battering mothers is not peaceful protest. Jump-kicking a little girl in IIRC the head is not peaceful protest. Blocking traffic, swarming and beating people, clubbing people, shooting people are also not peaceful protest; which have all happened over the past several months. I must also note that I have taken time to further document the ideological connexions at work. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
09:34 AM
The federal response has been tame. Police officers and federal officers have been pelted with rocks, bottles of ice and Molotov cocktails. I am surprised people haven't been shot. The democrats are to blame for this mess. They are the whiny losers in the USA.ET
July 25, 2020
07:56 AM
in easily shown fact, there are no federal troops sent in, but only Federal policing officers from DHS.
That is why I put “troops” in quotations. Police must identify themselves. Police must notify you of why you are being arrested. Police don’t put arrested suspects in unmarked rental vans. Police don’t (or shouldn’t) fire tear gas or beanbags at crowds that are causing no harm. All of this has been documented for these federal “police”. You should be reminded that it is not an offence to hold signs with anarchy symbols in them, Nazi flags or confederate flags. Their presence is not justification for using tear gas. A gas, by the way, that does not come risk free. I am not opposed to some level of federal response. But the federal response has been excessive, only made worse by the words of Trump and the acting director of Homeland Security.Mac McTavish
July 25, 2020
07:51 AM
FWIW: A local journalist (and longstanding critic of Antifa who was hit in the head with a cement loaded "milkshake" and hospitalised with a brain haemorrhage) : https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1285839279843753985
Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo I recognize a lot of the so-called “moms” as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. Most of these people aren’t mothers & many don’t even identify as female. #PortlandRiots
(Notice a very familiar sign in the video.) Worth pondering. FYI, street theatre for media amplification is a longstanding part of agit prop. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
06:36 AM
MMT, kindly see the just above. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
04:36 AM
F/N: I have added to the OP, some summary clips from red spark dot ru, an Antifa supporting site that tries to rationalise Antifa:
Since its original emergence in the early 1920s, fascism as an ideology and a movement has been met with fierce opposition. From the very beginning, communists (along with other leftists) have taken up the cause to not simply resist, but to actively oppose and crush fascism wherever it has cropped up. One such organization, the Roter Frontkämpferbund (“Red Front Fighters’ League”), was formed in 1924 by the German Communist Party as a paramilitary organization to carry out militant antifascist work. In order to continue their militant antifascist work after the Roter Frontkämpferbund was banned, the German Communist Party formed another organization which was the first to bear the name Antifascist Action. Antifaschistische Aktion operated until its demise in 1933 under the violent repression of the Nazi regime, which itself was defeated by the Soviet Red Army in 1945. A significant resurgence of fascism began in the late 1970s and early 1980s as more white nationalist organizations began to emerge and grow in numbers as capitalism found itself once again in crisis . . . . As this militant, white-supremacist fascism began to grow during the 1980s, so did the resurgence of militant anti-fascism. Groups adopting the name Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) in the UK and Europe and Anti-Racist Action (ARA) in North America started to appear—the first being the AFA in London, England (1985) and ARA in Minneapolis, USA (1988). While these organizations have often included fighting sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and other forms of oppression within their mandate, combating street-level fascism has been their primary focus. Like the organizations of the 1920s and ‘30s, these AFA and ARA groups (or simply antifa, as they are colloquially known) consisted of communists, anarchists, and other non-aligned leftists brought together for the express purpose of confronting and preventing local fascist organizing . . . . Fighting fascism is direly important—like fighting police violence, environmental destruction, homelessness, etc. is direly important—but you can’t cure a disease by chasing after the symptoms alone. Defeating street-level fascists does not by itself stop those fascists who are moving amongst the ruling class any more than stopping one pipeline saves a body of water from contamination by other extractive industries. To ultimately solve these problems is to wage a much larger war. As these issues are all symptoms of capitalism, the solution is found in working class organizing in order to take power and thus dictate the society in which we wish to live. We will only do this by connecting anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-patriarchal, pro-environment organizing with revolutionary anti-capitalist organizing aimed towards achieving the dictatorship of the proletariat.
It should be quite clear what this is. Especially as "dictatorship of the proletariat" -- the goal of class warfare on the way to the ever-receeding utopian golden age of Communism -- is a self-description of Communist regimes. I refer to Havel's Power of the Powerless to see what that entails. We are NOT dealing with strawman caricatures. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
04:27 AM
PPS: Here is Britannica online on critical theory:
Critical theory, Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt School. Drawing particularly on the thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, critical theorists maintain that a primary goal of philosophy is to understand and to help overcome the social structures through which people are dominated and oppressed. Believing that science, like other forms of knowledge, has been used as an instrument of oppression, they caution against a blind faith in scientific progress, arguing that scientific knowledge must not be pursued as an end in itself without reference to the goal of human emancipation. Since the 1970s, critical theory has been immensely influential in the study of history, law, literature, and the social sciences.
Read between the lines of this sanitised, genteel discussion. This report will give a more strategic appraisal.kairosfocus
July 25, 2020
03:34 AM
F/N: Let us presume the linked Antifa Manual (allegedly found on some uni campus) is satirical parody; though, some out there on YT etc are actually trying to promote it and its teachings. But then, we have to ask, why does it ring so close to the truth? That should be food for thought, on when satire is hard to tell from reality. When it comes to BLM, I clip:
Niger Innis, the spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, blasted the Black Lives Matter movement for what he sees as “hard truths” about the group’s agenda.“They take their instructions, their guidance from the Marxist playbook,” Innis, who is black, said to Laura Ingraham about the Black Lives Matter movement this week. “Look, I’m going to tell some hard truths that people aren’t going to want to hear.”“The BLM movement, Black Lives Matter movement, was founded by Alicia Garza and a number of other co-founders that were promoting a hard Marxist and LGBT agenda,” Innis continued.“Look, I don’t have a problem with people exercising their First Amendment rights. You have the right to organize, you have the right to protest, you have the right to come up with an agenda. But I’ll be [snip] if you use the suffer[ing] and misery of black Americans and our legacy to the United States of America as your shield and use us as cannon fodder when your agenda really has not a [snip] thing to do with saving black lives.”Innis acknowledged that many of the protesters enraged by the death of George Floyd are innocent and mean well but are “misguided.”Niger Innis, son of the late Roy Innis, a black American activist and politician, criticized the Black Lives Matter push to defund the police and argued that the group has its sights set on eliminating Western values as a whole.“If you look at their agenda, defunding the police, that would put black lives in danger,” Innis warned. “But it’s even more than that, Laura. They have, as a part of their platform, on their own website that we want to disrupt — disrupt! — the Western-prescribed nuclear family.”“They want to overthrow capitalism. They want to overthrow Western civilization, and they see America as the biggest clear and present danger to fulfilling that agenda, and they are using black people to do it.”
I think, perhaps, we need to pause and reconsider. KF PS: I note from NBC, a list of six planks of the BLM official platform:
The six platform demands are: 1. End the war on black people. [--> projection of a slander, there is no war against people who are black; this is blood libel] 2. Reparations for past and continuing harms. [--> The reparations demand is a polarising impracticality that refuses to acknowledge or work with programmes that are feasible and would be effective, start with the UN sponsored 0.7% of GDP for targetted aid that is in the OECD] 3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people. [--> continuing on the slander, implication here is, abolish police, an anti-civilisation move. Likewise, prisons are not to be equated with cages. We need to ask pointed questions on managing criminality and preserving civil society.] 4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access. [--> in short, direct endorsement of Marxist Socialism, refusing to recognise the failure of that system or how it cost 100 million lives] 5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us. [--> Democracy already gives community control, this is a demand to put Red Guards in charge of policing etc. The 4am knock on the door and a trip to the gulag are predictable consequences] 6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society. [--> demand to set up black ideologue controlled zones] To achieve those demands the group offered a set of solutions that include the demilitarization of police [--> the demand is to ABOLISH by defunding] and an end to systemic attacks on black youth [--> this is "systematic" racism, a critical theory, deconstructionist Kafkaesque maze], including black members of the LGBTQ community. They call for the passing of state and federal laws that acknowledge and address the impacts of slavery and the passage of H.R. 40 to form a commission to study reparations proposals. Another of the recommendations calls for the “retroactive decriminalization and immediate release of all people convicted of drug offenses, sex work-related offenses and youth offenses.” [--> a slander against the justice system and a move that would create a surge in criminality without sound policing and courts]
Is this what we really should support or enable?kairosfocus
July 25, 2020
02:42 AM
DP, Pardon, but Mr Floyd's case, horrible though it was, is not representative of typical or common policing behaviour and within days the officers involved were charged; they are under due process of law as we speak, and there may be more to the story and its context than meets the public eye. With all due respect, the photograph in the OP illustrates something quite different and absolutely pivotal; something, that apparently there is refusal to face -- that is why it is necessary to headline it. Namely, that Marxism is not only not dead, but is resurgent and is coming at us through culture-form long march through the culture and institutions, through academy-domination by so-called critical theories generally tracing to the Frankfurt School and also with clear admixture of post modern deconstruction techniques. In that context, it is unsurprising to see calls for class warfare using the indisputable symbol for Antifa. Which in turn pivots on characterising those who differ with the agenda enough to object or question, with the slanderous tag, fascist/nazi. So, no, for cause I do not buy the attempt to make an analogy between smearing ID with Biblical Creationism in an attempt to tag it as . . . right wing christofascist, theocratic terrorism and tyranny. Surprise, the critical theory and deconstruction slander tactics were lurking there all along. In short, what was done to ID and to Creationism are precisely a manifestation of the same tactics. KF PS: apparently, you are unfamiliar with Mao's Cultural Revolution coup from 1966 - 76, which used the Red Guards as foot soldiers to create mob rule and recapture power he had lost through discrediting himself through the failed great leap forward. Let me simply put Wiki on the table as a quick, testimony against interest 101. Remember, this is what they cannot but acknowledge, there is a lot more there:
Red Guards (simplified Chinese: ???; traditional Chinese: ???; pinyin: Hóng Wèib?ng) was a mass student-led paramilitary social movement mobilized and guided by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966 through 1967, during the first phase of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which he had instituted.[1] According to a Red Guard leader, the movement's aims were as follows: Chairman Mao has defined our future as an armed revolutionary youth organization.... So if Chairman Mao is our Red-Commander-in-Chief and we are his Red Guards, who can stop us? First we will make China Maoist from inside out and then we will help the working people of other countries make the world red...and then the whole universe.[2] Despite being met with resistance early on, the Red Guards received personal support from Mao, and the movement rapidly grew. Mao made use of the group as propaganda and to accomplish goals such as destroying symbols of China's pre-communist past, including ancient artifacts and gravesites of notable Chinese figures. Moreover, the government was very permissive of the Red Guards, and even allowed the Red Guards to inflict bodily harm on people viewed as dissidents. The movement quickly grew out of control, frequently coming into conflict with authority and threatening public security until the government made efforts to rein the youths in.
(Perhaps, you do not know that I lived through a 4th Gen Civil War in my native land, at the turn of the '80's. What I am seeing is all too familiar.)kairosfocus
July 25, 2020
02:05 AM
MMT, in easily shown fact, there are no federal troops sent in, but only Federal policing officers from DHS. (I add, specific arrested individuals have just been charged for itemised rioting related offences.) This has been willfully mischaracterised by activists, pols and the enabling media, in order to feed a patently false narrative of a fascist coup. By the principle of exposed turnabout projection [such projection being a major agit prop stratagem], one can readily see that they are very aware that in putting red guards on the streets to bully and riot, they have crossed a terrible threshold. A key insight is to recognise that in reality, Fascism and Nazism -- National Socialist German Workers' Party -- were statist, socialist politically messianistic and often nihilistic in character. This is part of why I am insisting on correcting the many flaws in the outdated L/R political spectrum, where while there is an identifiable, predominantly marxist left (Marxism became the dominant form of socialism in mid-late C19) that traces to the days of where one sat in the French Assembly, right has deteriorated into little more than disagreeing with the left viewed as centre of gravity of politics and policy. Then, as to those caught up, the ideology of the left is almost self-evidently true, of course, those who differ are incoherent, stupid, ignorant, insane, racist/fascist, sexist, anti-LGBT+ etc, or just plain evil. So, the position self-reinforces by undermining serious discussion on the merits, polarising society and building up to 4th gen civil war or at least insurgency. This is a grave error and obscures the real issues of liberty, justice and the need to buttress democratic systems opened up through the waves of change between c 1450 (invention of movable type alphabetic printing) and 1688 - 1787, the Glorious Revolution (with Bill of Rights) and the American Constitution. It is a terrible sign when for weeks people and local politicians are supine in the face of Red Guards running literal riot and their backers, with local police on obvious stand down orders and then when protective actions are taken against the mob, the accusation is that checking the mob is incipient tyranny. Democracy is not mob rule and genuinely peaceful protests are not arsonous rioting, looting, defacing, destroying symbols of a civilisation ranging to churches, statues of saints, statues of great writers, abolitionists and the flawed but great men who struck off the pivotal reframing of democracy with safeguards and cultural buttressing that opened up a modern world of freedom with good, reformable order. Where, once one allows peaceful protests (against what, on what sound warrant, with what reasonable proposals for reform) to be infiltrated by rioting and as one continues to go along, one becomes an enabler of the rioting. This actually discredits whatever was reasonable in one's protests. I repeat, the USA is a reasonably functioning democracy, with many means of peaceful assembly, petition, argument, negotiation and more, locally and federally. There is no excuse for rioting, blocking traffic, assaulting passers by, mayhem, arson, attacking police doing the thankless job of law enforcement, shooting, murder, mob rule. All of which have been happening. So, no, I do not buy attempts to induce us to disbelieve our "lyin' eyes." I think, the name for this move beyond mere spin is gaslighting. Our obvious breakdown in the face of chaos is a dangerous sign and over the next 6 - 18 months, we have a chance to get back to sound ground. If we fail, our civilisation will descend into a dark night of Cultural Revolution championed by Red Guards running riot through our streets and institutions, to the advantage of their sponsors. We have 6 - 18 months. KFkairosfocus
July 25, 2020
01:46 AM
DavidP: You say we should not polarize what has already been polarized. We should not distort what has already been distorted. Black Lives Matter, just not all black lives. Millions have been murdered in the womb under the guise of women's rights. We have reached a point where more black children are aborted than born. Black on black violence are more black lives lost that do not matter to BLM. It does not matter how many die this weekend in cities across the United States, since it does not fit an agenda. There are close to 1,000,000 police officers in the United States of varying races, religions, national origin and sex. Statistics prove a white male is more likely to be shot by police than anyone else, but it does not fit an agenda. BDS is an organization within American colleges and universities. They have a goal of isolating Israel and leaders who have gone on record saying Jews are not human and Israel has no right to exist under any circumstances. Jews are more likely to be assaulted on campuses than anywhere else, yet it does not fit the agenda and ignored by much of the media. Venezuela went from being the wealthiest country in their region to a starving populace. The suffering and dead do not matter, since it does not fit the agenda. It is every bit as ignored by the media as anti-Semitism in the United States. The left despises Israel and proudly continues Goebbels' work. Israel is the only democracy in the region, which is more than enough for leftists. Other leftists hate Israel for being a Jewish state. The Democratic party continues to be home to anti-Semites, just as it always has.BobRyan
July 25, 2020
01:32 AM
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