Nature thinks this paper could “rock quantum theory to its core”: Excerpt:
“On a related, but more abstract note, the quantum state has the striking property of being an exponentially complicated object. Specifically, the number of real parameters needed to specify a quantum state is exponential in the number of systems n. This has a consequence for classical simulation of quantum systems. If a simulation is constrained by our assumptions – that is, if it must store in memory a state for a quantum system, with independent preparations assigned uncorrelated states – then it will need an amount of memory which is exponential in the number of quantum systems.” – Matthew F. Pusey, Jonathan Barrett, Terry Rudolph, “The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically”
Recalling the New Scientist editor who, acknowledging that the riddle of free will is unsolved, is convinced that there is no free will, due to the compete derminism of the universe: One asks, How could he know that, if it would be exponentially difficult to even specify a quantum system (which is not determinist anyway)?