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CoVid Spike Protein and Myocarditis Study: The Covid “Vaccine” is a Spike Protein Initiator.


Today at Phys.Org,
this press release and linked paper can be found. Now, listen to this:

A research team led by Bristol’s Professor Paolo Madeddu exposed human heart pericytes, which are cells that wrap small blood vessels in the heart, to SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Delta variants, along with the original Wuhan virus. Surprisingly, they found the heart pericytes were not infected.

Intrigued by this finding, in a second test-tube experiment, the researchers challenged the cardiac pericytes with the spike protein alone, without the virus. The spike protein made pericytes unable to interact with their companion endothelial cells and induced them to secrete inflammatory cytokines, suggesting the spike protein is harmful to human cardiac cells. Interestingly, the team found that antibodies blocking CD147—a receptor for the spike protein—protected heart pericytes from damage.

So, they found that the “spike protein” ALONE is “harmful to human cardiac cells.

And what does the CoVid vaccine do? It injects mRNA so that cells, in which the mRNA finds itself, will PRODUCE ONLY the “spike protein.” The rest of the virus is not injected. What a study!! And, of course, VAERS data is being sabotaged.

YOU MUST TAKE YOUR VACCINE OR ELSE!! Two days ago there was a story about a healthy 37-year-old who got the injection and suffered a heart attack almost immediately and then died two days later. This has become a crime against humanity.

What a wicked world we live in.

Tumor gene in vaxx? https://thecovidworld.com/dna-transcribed-from-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-contains-mutant-gp130-tumor-gene/ Lieutenant Commander Data
Peter McCullough Side-by-side important reports reverse transcription, nuclear DNA code for Spike, both significant discoveries. Enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive Spike synthesis driving the pathogenesis of a whole new genre of chronic diseases. https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1498125115942445058 Lieutenant Commander Data
Who thinks covid insanity is over is making a big mistake. It's just the beginning for a tyrannical world dictature. Project Veritas: Biden[big pharma] Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible Lieutenant Commander Data
One of the most comprehensive video to learn about covid in context . There are revealed too many incredible details to be possible to make a summary that would capture the real picture. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | This Past Weekend Theo Von Lieutenant Commander Data
One of the most comprehensive video to learn about covid in context . There are revealed too many incredible details to be possible to make a summary that would capture the real picture. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | This Past Weekend Lieutenant Commander Data
Yes, what we're experiencing is essentially a coup. With the rapid increase of the Omicron variant, you might want to consider the following information: The Omicron variant is supposed to be as contagious (R0) as chicken pox! Our dentist requires all his patients to swish and gargle with 0.5% povidone iodine (aka "PVP-I") for 30 seconds before beginning any dental procedures. Apparently, it’s been shown to be an effective virucidal mouthwash. Note that PVP-I is NOT the same as tincture of iodine. Studies: I found several studies on its efficacy, including one done in Germany: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7454736/ A study done in Japan was published in the Japan Dental Science Review, Nov. 2021: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7959263/ There are many other studies--published and preprint, in vitro and in vivo--and several health and dentistry associations recommend the use of povidone iodine as a safety measure. Both 1% and 0.5% concentrations were studied and seem to be effective when gargled for 30 seconds (also inside nose and sinuses). Treatment: After suspected exposure to Covid-19, we gargle with a 0.5% solution of PVP-I for 30 seconds and apply it with a Q-tip to the inside of the nose. I know, gross. We use this treatment prophylactically after any potential exposure in an enclosed public space such as grocery shopping excursions. This treatment temporarily destroys ALL viruses and bacteria in the mouth and throat even for people who are Covid-positive according to another study (and nose if you use Q-tips to swab or perform a nasal rinse). For Covid-positive patients, the pharyngo-oral cavity is a reservoir for the virus, and the Omicron variant seems to be localized to the mucus membrane surfaces in the upper-respiratory tract. For Covid-positive patients, the treatment is continued for 6 days, after which Covid-19 drops to undetectable levels. It's best to use this treatment 2-4 times a day (or once every 2-4 hours). Price: After checking the outrageously expensive offerings online ($32.99 for an 8 oz. bottle or $4.04/oz. for one brand), I bought a gallon of medical 10% Povidone Iodine for $34. That’s enough to make 10 gallons of 1% solution at about 2.4 cents per ounce! Safety: Studies have shown that a 1.25% (or even 5%) povidone iodine is safe for use as a mouthwash for at least 5 months without significant absorption of iodine or irritation of mucosal tissues. However, people who are allergic to shellfish (iodine) should use a different topical treatment. "Cool mint" Listerine also supposedly works according to one study, but regular Listerine burns and gave me a slight sore throat. Preparation: I poured one 1/4 cup of 10% povidone iodine into an empty 18 oz plastic water bottle (which holds 22 ounces) and then added nine 1/4 cups of filtered water to reduce it to a 1% solution (or you can add only a 1/8 cup to create a 0.5% solution). The 0.5% solution merely tastes blah and is fairly tolerable. Obviously, all this information is subject to change after additional studies are completed. Please keep up with the research Note: Our dentist is concerned about the oral microbiome. It seems that biofilms can shield beneficial bacteria, but sustained use of anti-bacterial/anti-viral rinses isn't likely a good idea due to increased risk of systemic hypertension from suppression of a healthy oral microbiome. Personally, I consider everyone I interact with as having chicken pox. Masks apparently don't really help much (if any), but I'm fine with making others more comfortable and obeying stupid, unscientific, but relatively harmless government directives. -Q Querius
Yes, the spike protein causes massive bodily destruction. It had been know for well over a decade. So... let's.... THINK.... now.... What do these facts, in conjunction with similar evidence, mean really? What does it point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that? Here's the answer, here's what that ULTIMATELY means... It means that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE --- you and I (see https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html ). And psychopaths are NOT typically how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is (see linked source above). But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains... If your employer (even educational or federal employers) wants you to take a Covid vaccine give him/her one of these form letters of exemption found at https://www.lc.org/exempt "2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into...3 shots to feed your family!" --- Unknown yikes
And regarding my statements on major pharmaceutical companies, this video was recently uploaded: INSIDE Big Pharma: employees say their careers have been made into a lie | Ep. 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ9A3NjXHw8 So sad! I'm not sure what can be done on decisions that puts people at risk for the sake of profits. Any ideas? -Q Querius
I guess the things that bother me most is that we now know that much of the early information that was disseminated by government agencies was delivered as if it were authoritative, but turned out to be false. This destroyed my trust in these agencies--they need to be dissolved. Furthermore, the media did as much as possible to create hysteria, spread blame, and make the pandemic completely political at the expense of damaged mental health, drug and alcohol abuse, seriously damaging the economy, and preventing medical investigation of off-label drugs, which currently includes about a third of all prescriptions. It would have been so much more helpful and reassuring had these entities been more honest and transparent: - Here's what we think we know so far about Covid-19 . . . - From other virus pandemics here's what we've seen in the past . . . - There are a large number of studies in progress . . . - Here's what we recommend at this time, subject to weekly updates . . . - We will keep you informed with regard to the results of new studies as they become available . . . - Until we know more, we recommend greater precautions for the following types of people and crowded locations such as . . . - We've accelerated testing on several experimental vaccines that might help people at serious risk of death from Covid-19 . . . - There are several investigations how this pandemic started and what can be done to prevent them in the future . . . - The U.S. Attorney General has launched a criminal investigation into the off-shore export of gain-of-function research specifically outlawed in the U.S. by the Obama administration . . . But no. The government agencies responsible were totally unprepared for a pandemic and then used it to assert their power, overriding constitutional rights. Political appointees lied and squirmed about what they did and didn't do to avoid being fired or prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Pharmaceutical companies were eager to have vaccines mandated for their profits and won't release all their protected research for 70 years. The media obviously valued publishing sensationalized stories for larger circulation over human lives--journalistic quackery. And every scam-artist in the world queued up to also make a quick buck. What's emerged in the U.S. is an overwhelmingly cynical greed for money and political power, not to mention people who use this as an excuse to turn the U.S. into a totalitarian socialist state, in which there are no reported pandemics or other crises, only mysterious deaths and strangely empty store shelves that no one dares complain about. -Q Querius
I apologize I misunderstood What you meant by the context of your message I am sorry AaronS1978
AaronS1978, I was not attempting to insult anyone. I was reacting to phrases such as, "Right now I have not yet seen..." "A neighbor of mine..." "I am the only person at my work place..." "Another friend..." I was kind of surprised to hear those sorts of phrases here, since we're usually such copious citers of research (into evolution, etc.). So upon seeing all those sorts of claims, I figured I should throw in my personal evidence, which also includes co-workers, family and friends. Around me, only the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions are suffering unusually from covid. I have serious concerns about my government, and in general do not trust it. When it comes to abortion, teaching of evolution, and other matters pre-covid, yes, I think they are basically going to wreck us while trying to create their fantasy utopia. And they'll grab power from us by any means they can. But I don't see quite the same level of perfidy as others here in regards to covid specifically. The stats I see are not drastically out-of-line with what I see around me, such that I would be suspicious about all of them. If other people's personal experiences do contradict the public stats re covid, then that should be shared also. EDTA
EDTA @22 Your comment is not anecdotal, that’s actually what is repeated by most media outlets that are politically aligned with democrat. I literally hear it every single day on the news What you’ve done is regurgitated what they said. All you did was declare no specifics, no descriptor, nothing, you cannot even call anecdotal “In my experience everybody that’s how the vaccine died and people who haven’t had the vaccine lived” About the same value of what you said in reverse This is about the equivalent of somebody who sticks both fingers in their ears and goes “ nah nah nah I’m not listening nah nah nah I’m not listening” So you’re attempt to invalidate people doesn’t work, In fact it’s kind of insulting to imply that their experience didn’t happen to them because you attributed to being anecdotal So here’s some nice information on how awesome effective the vaccine is https://ourworldindata.org/vaccination-israel-impact https://tenor.com/rIS6.gif AaronS1978
An example of warped people who want to save lives. So not woke!
Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID
https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-study-offers-strongest-proof-yet-of-vitamin-ds-power-to-fight-covid/ jerry
What is killing people in vast numbers is their lack of essential nutrients such as zinc and vitamin D. How many studies have to be published linking such deficiencies to covid deaths and severe cases before someone steps up and announces it? COVID-19 is just a case of natural selection. People who cannot take care of themselves are getting eliminated. And I blame the governments and the media. ET
Buffalo @21, Yes, I agree with you. Vaccines supposedly protect the vaccinated against an infection, but this doesn't seem to be the case with Covid-19. The injection should probably be called a prophylactic treatment. -Q Querius
EDTA @22, Fair enough. No, I'm not suggesting any intent to kill anyone. But healthy young people are dying (rarely) or injured and no one is sure why, although the spike protein itself has been implicated. Consider that there have been other problems in the past--thalidomide immediately comes to mind--and that's why there needs to be adequate testing, follow up, and complete transparency, which has certainly not been the case. It's my understanding that epidemiologists know that one can't chase a virus with a vaccine--it will simply make new mutations that are less vulnerable. Take how influenza vaccines are handled every year as an example. Nevertheless, bureaucrats across the world have gone mad with all kinds of inappropriate mandates, mandates for their own sake that are now known not to work, have been harmful overall, and they're still vigorously enforced in half the world. My opinion is that only the most vulnerable should be offered the injection, and that on a voluntary basis. -Q Querius
Well, since we're all sharing anecdotal evidence, I might as well share mine. Of all the people I know who have had the vaccine, no side effects. More serious covid cases in those without the vaccine than with. All standard stuff. I don't trust drug companies completely, but is it in their interests to kill all their customers? EDTA
These are not vaccines as we know them so we need to quit calling the mRNA shot a vaccine buffalo
Incidentally, a bunch of people I know suffered adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccination: - A neighbor of mine suffered severe dizziness after the injection (he couldn't even drive his car for two weeks) and complained of a fuzzy brain for the next two weeks. He declined additional jabs. - A progressive friend who was all in favor of mandating the vaccine got so sick after the first injection that he declined additional ones. - Another friend whose healthy father just passed away from myocarditis that manifested shortly after getting the injection. - A "follow the science" friend and his wife got seriously ill after choosing to be injected after recovering from Covid early on. They're probably more cautious about the vacuous assurances from government medical administrators now. - One of my adult children got the first two injections and was set back years in a battle against another disease (as were others with that same condition). Why do I mention this? Three reasons: 1. The passionate assurances we constantly get that reactions to the vaccine are super rare seem to be falsified statistically in my direct circle of friends and relatives. People who I've talked to have similar stories. 2. None of these people reported their adverse reactions to the Covid-19 VAERS database, which I'm told is hard to do. 3. Government medical organizations are certainly not transparent with the information that they do collect. Reluctantly, I can no longer trust them. -Q Querius
Jerry @15,
I spoke with a doctor a few weeks ago who said if he did what he wanted to do, he would be in jail.
How very sad! A few weeks ago, I finished a book titled "Live Not by Lies." It gave advice to Christians about living in a totalitarian state (as we're now becoming) presented by those who survived the Soviet Union and Wasaw Pact Eastern European states. Don't sweat the trivial stuff, but just know what hill you're prepared to die on. Don't parrot the lies of the state to be politically correct. A totalitarian state is far more fragile than one thinks. They cannot tolerate truth.
Yes, the people pushing the vaccines might have committed crimes against humanity. The warped people are/were those preventing treatment so that vaccines could get emergency approval.
Very possibly so . . . check this out: https://famous-trials.com/nuremberg/1903-doctortrial And now, the New Nuremberg trials, 2021 https://justice4poland.com/2021/10/18/new-nuremberg-trials-crimes-against-humanity/ What do you think? -Q Querius
So this might be a little off-topic but I’m going to mention it anyways, my wife’s work place and my workplace have been nuked affectively by COVID-19 Both workplaces we’re fully vaccinated except for myself and my wife which we both have had the disease once before Right now I have not yet seen a single person with the vaccine Not get the disease with full symptoms It has been approximately 28 breakthrough cases that is how many people I have seen personally get the disease with their magic vaccine I am the only person at my work place that had little to no symptoms when I got it again I didn’t even know I had it. I was the last one to get it. I am leaving quarantine today with zero symptoms and zero chronic symptoms I didn’t even get a cough the second time through or a runny nose I have seen People sicker after getting the vaccine then I did with having Covid part two electric Boogaloo And after reading all of the crap going on in Israel with the stupid vaccine I am thoroughly convinced it is trash and it is no more effective than a flu shot but a lot more dangerous AaronS1978
Good point, Seversky, “ This appears to be in vitro or test-tube research and what happens in the test-tube doesn’t always translate to what happens in a living body.” Now just pop along and volunteer for the in vivo trial, eh? And “ If there is some sort of sabotage I would think it would be more likely to come from antivaxxers trying to flood the system with fake reports.” You mean, anti-vaxxers show up for vaccine, get jabbed, then pretend they had serious heart issues afterwards.? Fauci told you to say that, eh? Belfast
Luckily, there don’t appear to be a whole lot of unattached “spike proteins” floating around. If there were then shouldn’t we be seeing un uptick in the incidence of myocarditis cases? Is that what we are in fact seeing?
Yes. There's great concern about the incidence of myocarditis in those infected with Covid and also those who are vaccinated.
And what does the CoVid vaccine do? It injects mRNA so that cells, in which the mRNA finds itself, will PRODUCE ONLY the “spike protein.” Not exactly. What the vaccine does is cause human body cells to grow “spike proteins” on their surface so as to give our immune system a sort of “heads-up” on what to watch out for. Again, it’s not producing clouds of free-floating “spike proteins”
You can work for Moderna and Pfizer now. In fact, the mRNA can leave the point of injection and travel throughout the body. And, if memory serves me, it has a special affinity for heart cells. And there, in the heart, the heart cells themselves produce the spike protein.
So now it’s a crime to try and protect people from a highly infectious disease that is killing them in large numbers?
No, it's a crime to inject potentially lethal substances into the bodies of those whose risk of dying from the agent you're attempting to protect them from is the same as the common cold. And, when it comes to those under 19 years of age and healthy, they are more likely to be killed in a car accident than die from Covid. And what, exactly, does this "vaccine" do? Well, for sure it doesn't stop the spread of the disease. And recent evidence suggests that having two vaccinations and then a booster makes you slightly 'more' likely to get omicron. So, what's the purpose? People are dying. And the problem with the VAERS system isn't the posting of fictitious cases (is this projection on your part to think this way?), but the manipulation of both the data and the website. PaV
So now it’s a crime to try and protect people from a highly infectious disease that is killing them in large numbers?
Been happening for 2 years. By the people pushing the vaccines. The question always was, were the vaccines necessary? If not then hundreds of thousands have died unnecessarily in the US. Maybe millions worldwide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9jMONZMuS2U I spoke with a doctor a few weeks ago who said if he did what he wanted to do, he would be in jail. Yes, the people pushing the vaccines might have committed crimes against humanity. The warped people are/were those preventing treatment so that vaccines could get emergency approval. jerry
Two different types of cells. No mention of ACE2.
I mentioned that ACE2 was prevalent on endothelial cells and these are mentioned in your study. Also
The ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 This study performed the first state-of-art single cell atlas of adult human heart, and revealed that pericytes with high expression of ACE2 might act as the target cardiac cell of SARS-CoV-2
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7184507/ jerry
So, they found that the “spike protein” ALONE is “harmful to human cardiac cells.”
This appears to be in vitro or test-tube research and what happens in the test-tube doesn't always translate to what happens in a living body. The question of why free-floating "spike proteins" should elicit such a response in pericytes where ones with viruses hanging off them don't is certainly intriguing. Luckily, there don't appear to be a whole lot of unattached "spike proteins" floating around. If there were then shouldn't we be seeing un uptick in the incidence of myocarditis cases? Is that what we are in fact seeing?
And what does the CoVid vaccine do? It injects mRNA so that cells, in which the mRNA finds itself, will PRODUCE ONLY the “spike protein.”
Not exactly. What the vaccine does is cause human body cells to grow "spike proteins" on their surface so as to give our immune system a sort of "heads-up" on what to watch out for. Again, it's not producing clouds of free-floating "spike proteins"
And, of course, VAERS data is being sabotaged.
Anyone can contribute a report to the VAERS database. If there is some sort of sabotage I would think it would be more likely to come from antivaxxers trying to flood the system with fake reports of vaccine side-effects in an effort to discredit them.
This has become a crime against humanity.
So now it's a crime to try and protect people from a highly infectious disease that is killing them in large numbers?
What a wicked world we live in.
What a warped world you live in, Seversky
Jerry: I invite you to read the Phys.Org press release and then the article, which you can open up by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. From the PR:
Dr. Elisa Avolio, the study's first author from the University's Bristol Medical School, said that "pericytes are essential cells of the heart, although their role in maintaining the structural integrity of the coronary vascular tree has emerged only recently. Our ongoing research on human cardiac pericytes indicates these cells co-operate with coronary endothelial cells during healing from a heart attack. This new study shows that the spike protein jeopardizes this interaction and transforms pericytes into inflammatory cells. Hopefully, CD147 blocking antibodies could represent a new treatment to alleviate cardiovascular complications in COVID-19 patients."
Two different types of cells. No mention of ACE2. PaV
Yup. This entire monstrosity is an carefully planned and scheduled genocide, purely for the sexual pleasure of the psychopathic MDs and Public Death Officers. That’s all.
What? dogdoc
If the spike protein causes myocarditis in vivo, but the virus does not, what do we make of studies like these: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01630-0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8328065/ dogdoc
more seriously attacks the heart
Is this different from the spiked protein attaching to the ACE2 receptor which may lead to clotting issues as it prevents the ACE2 from operating properly. jerry
There are two points here: (1) they’re reporting proof of Covid’s attack on heart tissue, but, more importantly, (2) they’re telling us that the spike protein—the formula for which is brought into cells via the “vaccine,” when unaccompanied by the virus itself— think vaccine, more seriously attacks the heart. PaV
Here is a comment made almost two years about the effect of the spiked protein on heart problems https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/112094/#comment-700038 jerry
Headline from Alex Berenson today
Covid deaths in Israel have hit an all-time daily high. The mRNA vaccine experiment has failed. IT MUST END NOW
I ridiculed Chuckdarwin the other day because he misrepresented the deaths due to the vaccine. He reported a small percentage but it was actually about 2 1/2 times larger than he said but still a small percentage. But while small most of these deaths were unnecessary because they were on people with low chance of getting serious effects from getting infected. jerry
So, if you let people who don't know you decide to (forcibly) inject substances into your body, what else are you really stupid about? Andrew asauber
So in layman’s terms, this means that covid virus infection doesn’t cause myocarditis? The sole risk is from the vaccine?
Almost two years ago MedCram reported on the clotting effects of the spike protein attaching to the ACE2 receptors of endothelial cells. I believe it was reported here too. It was well known that the virus had these effects way before any vaccines appeared. jerry
PaV, that little 'nuance' about the spike protein is in this recent video
Doctor’s Orders – video https://rumble.com/vqjt12-doctors-orders.html
As to: "This has become a crime against humanity".,,, "What a wicked world we live in",,, Well, that just about says it all. Of related note to 'a crime against humanity' is this personal story,,,
Life and Death in Bureaucratized American Medicine – January 25, 2022 Excerpt: Outbreak Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was going about his ordinary practice in Monroe, New York, when he suddenly found himself at the epicenter of one of the first covid outbreaks in the US. Patients he’d been taking care of for twenty years were looking to him for help, and he had nothing to offer them. So, he prayed to God for help and set about doing some research. A Theory A video from MedCram.com, a medical information and teaching site, was sent to him. It explained how the mineral zinc inhibits viral replication. All the strains of covid, influenza, and RSV (a common respiratory virus) use the same enzyme to replicate themselves inside the cell. Zinc blocks that enzyme, and thus stops the virus from replicating. But zinc can’t get into the cell on its own. It needs help. That help can be supplied in the form of a zinc ionophore, which can deliver the zinc into the cell. There are four readily available zinc ionophores: chloroquine (or hydroxychloroquine – HCQ); ivermectin; quercetin, a bioflavonoid; and epigallocatechin (EGCG), a green tea extract. Quercetin and EGCG are available over the counter. HCQ and ivermectin require a prescription. ,,,,, As had become his practice, he explained their options. Both patients chose the early treatment regimen, and Dr. Meyer put in an order for them to receive ivermectin. But the orders were not filled. When he inquired as to what had happened, he was told that the Chief Medical Officer had interceded and prevented the pharmacy from filling the orders. Both patients died. At this point, things got very real for Dr. Meyer.,,, Termination Soon after that, Dr. Meyer was summoned to a third meeting. This time, he was to leave his patients waiting and come immediately. When he arrived, he was informed that he had been terminated from the hospital, effective immediately. He was allowed to collect his personal belongings, and then he walked out of the building. https://salvomag.com/post/whos-calling-the-shots-in-your-doctors-orders
So in layman's terms, this means that covid virus infection doesn't cause myocarditis? The sole risk is from the vaccine? BartM
Yup. This entire monstrosity is an carefully planned and scheduled genocide, purely for the sexual pleasure of the psychopathic MDs and Public Death Officers. That's all. polistra

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