“To rule out god, first get to know him.” Oh yeh. Good luck with that one.
Atheists often see gods and religion as being imposed from above, a bit like a totalitarian regime. But religious belief is more subtle and interesting than that. In these articles we lay out a new scientific vision that promises to, if not resolve ancient tensions, at least reset the terms of the debate.
Like it or not, religious belief is ingrained into human nature. And a good thing too: without it we would still be living in the Stone Age.
Viewing religion this way opens up new territory in the battle between science and religion, not least that religion is much more likely to persist than science.
Of course, the truth or otherwise of religion is not a closed book to science: the existence of a deity can be treated as a scientific hypothesis.
Not among these people, because they would not be able to address the possibility that God (not “god” exists.)
Are these people government-funded in the UK?
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