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1) Dawkins wants to land porn on Muslim world? 2) Dawkins yawnfest has just got to stop?


Well, for sure we would vote for #2, if we were offered some kind of ballot. Anyway, amazing stuff here:

Richard Dawkins’ insanity has now become an English institution – like warm beer and rain. On Saturday morning, a tweet from his account asked why we don’t send lots of “erotic videos” to theocracies, adding that it should be “loving, gentle, woman-respecting” (I guess this involves the pizza delivery boy calling the next day). If we’re going down this road, I also hear that Islamists aren’t very keen on bacon, so perhaps we should bombard the Iranian countryside with pig carcasses? Also, miniature bottles of gin. And photos of hot guys making out – in a “men-respecting” and “gentle” sort of way.

Hey. Maybe Dawkins should test drive it all in a snow dump in Canada first. Especially the pig carcasses.

Snow dump: Well, in near north Canada we have to get snow off urban roads, right? So there are huge dumps of snow. There is even one near the otherwise elite and highly sophisticated offices of Uncommon Descent News.

The thing is huge and awful, and just keeps growing with each weather event but the pig carcasses might sink to the bottom.

It would be a good place to test Dawkins’ idea because no one would notice any assumed assaults on decency until May or so.

Hey, a guy could howl and bark at the moon out there tonight, and —honestly — no one would likely notice.

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uoflcard @ 53 For all you know it might have been planted to make him look worse - that is, if you could make him any worse!Me_Think
February 3, 2015
06:23 AM
Didn't they find a mountain of porn in Bin Laden's hideout?uoflcard
February 3, 2015
06:18 AM
I'm holding my breath. I assume your socks are already off.Petrushka
February 2, 2015
12:10 PM
Mapou is smart enough not to specify any date or even a range of dates for the revelation. Advice from Bill Murray obviously taken. Will there be some among us who will not taste death before the big day?
Oh, it's almost at the door. Most of you will witness it. Get ready to live in interesting times. And by the way, it's not just atheists and Darwinists that will eat a mountain of crow. The other religionists (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Voodooists, Satanists, etc.) will also be joining you in the crow-fest. Nobody's immune. Like I said, it will knock everybody's socks off. It will be an equal opportunity event. Wait for it.Mapou
February 2, 2015
12:06 PM
Mapou is smart enough not to specify any date or even a range of dates for the revelation. Advice from Bill Murray obviously taken. Will there be some among us who will not taste death before the big day?Petrushka
February 2, 2015
11:07 AM
Mapou: And like I said, I’ll be watching the whole thing unfold with a can of beer in one hand, a bag of cheetos in the other and a smirk on my face. Some expect to be rewarded with seventy-two houris in their paradise, others will be content with beer and cheetos.Piotr
February 2, 2015
09:56 AM
MF @ 44 "they should have the liberty to decide if they want to be “treated” and the liberty to decide how they want to pursue happiness" Perhaps autism was a bad example but I'm sure you knew what I was getting at. As for the liberties of the minority, I do respect those BUT! The UK people were given the chance to vote on the redefinition of marriage, we said NO, twice..but the government said tough and allowed it anyway. Many of us were against the redefining of marriage not necessarily because of the homosexual element but more for the pandora's box that we knew would be opened because of the new law. Since then we have had all manner of deviants demand equal rights, see for instance: Pedophile support group seeks ‘truth and dignity’ - Want same rights as homosexuals https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pedophile-support-group-seeks-truth-and-dignity-want-same-rights-as-homosex How long, before using the same arguments, will it be before the kiddie fiddlers and other deviants gain the legal right to sexually assault and abuse our children? Don't say it won't happen either because that's what we said about abortion 20 years ago, that's what we said about redefining of marriage to include the homosexual minority. It has and could very well happen.humbled
February 2, 2015
09:17 AM
Hangonasec @46:
Will there be trumpets?
Well, why not? Trumpets would be a nice touch. Cheerleaders, fireworks and parades would be nice too. One thing is certain, though. There will be lots of atheists and Darwinists lining up to eat crow. And like I said, I'll be watching the whole thing unfold with a can of beer in one hand, a bag of cheetos in the other and a smirk on my face. ahahaha...AHAHAHA...ahahaha...Mapou
February 2, 2015
09:14 AM
I am only at liberty to make a brief prediction. In the not too distant future, a powerful secret will be revealed to the world, a scientific and historical secret that will knock everyone’s socks off, scientists, laymen, atheists and theists alike. Then there will be a ‘before’ and there will be an ‘after’. Wait for it.
Will there be trumpets?Hangonasec
February 2, 2015
04:32 AM
The emotional confusion he is experiencing has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with atheism. You folks are making ridiculous claims that this condition is normal. You folks are creating the confusion and suffering.
We are creating confusion by desiring that our loved ones not see their orientation as abnormal? Absolute nonsense. The emotional confusion comes from finding Faith but being stigmatised by the adherents of that faith. If I had an autistic kid, I certainly wouldn't be telling them they were abnormal, and needed to 'work on' being a bit less autistic. Fortunately, there are churches that encourage people to be happy as they are. 'Treatment' of homosexuals went out years ago. Would you bring it back, maybe by force if you win your bizarre 'war'? What harm are they doing anyone? You think they are damaging their immortal souls, perhaps? What business is that of yours? Ah yes, you have objective morality on your side. You can keep it.Hangonasec
February 2, 2015
04:30 AM
#43 Humbled
If a person is suffering with autism or some other illness or behavioural issue, we treat, or attempt to treat it. We don’t encourage and promote it. That would be insane
If someone behaves in a way that is different from how most people behave then it raises the question – is this an illness to be treated or just part of the variety of human nature.  I assume you don’t want to treat every difference as an illness. But how about this for a rule for deciding: I assume you accept that every individual has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So if their behaviour is not harming anyone and they are not under any kind of delusion, then they should have the liberty to decide if they want to be “treated” and the liberty to decide how they want to pursue happiness (In fact some autistics fall into this category and I strongly believe they should decide whether they want their autism treated or not). Alan Turing is very much discussed at the moment. If he had not been forced into being “treated” he presumably would not have committed suicide and might well have made further massive contributions to society . His life could hardly have been less happy than the one he was forced into.Mark Frank
February 2, 2015
01:04 AM
"I have a close family member who has ‘come out’ both as a Christian and as gay. " Sorry to hear that. Although I would encourage you to use the correct term for his condition, that being homosexual. The term "gay" is misleading. You see homosexuality is a condition, one that requires therapy and treatment. The emotional confusion he is experiencing has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with atheism. You folks are making ridiculous claims that this condition is normal. You folks are creating the confusion and suffering. If a person is suffering with autism or some other illness or behavioural issue, we treat, or attempt to treat it. We don't encourage and promote it. That would be insane But this is what's happening today. This is where the confusion and suffering is coming from. Stop blaming others for the mess you helped create and get your cousin some therapy. There are many rehabilitated homosexuals around who are living proof that therapy to correct this condition exists. Many are now in happy normal relationships.humbled
February 1, 2015
11:36 PM
Mapou – what form do you anticipate said corvid consumption taking? When we are defeated in the ‘war’, that is.
I am only at liberty to make a brief prediction. In the not too distant future, a powerful secret will be revealed to the world, a scientific and historical secret that will knock everyone's socks off, scientists, laymen, atheists and theists alike. Then there will be a 'before' and there will be an 'after'. Wait for it. ahahaha…AHAHAHA…ahahaha…Mapou
February 1, 2015
05:28 PM
Mapou - what form do you anticipate said corvid consumption taking? When we are defeated in the 'war', that is.Hangonasec
February 1, 2015
03:14 PM
Hangonasec @39, I don't believe in hell. I believe in crow-eating atheists. ahahaha...Mapou
February 1, 2015
02:43 PM
I’ll be watching the whole thing unfold with a can of beer in one hand, a bag of cheetos in the other and a smirk on my face
Another one! Even better: you'll have a ringside seat while we atheists burn in Hell. Won't that be fun?Hangonasec
February 1, 2015
02:11 PM
humbled #17 (give me a moment while I split my sides at your chosen nym): I have a close family member who has 'come out' both as a Christian and as gay. Churchy attitudes are causing them extreme emotional confusion. My atheism is not, and nor is it a factor in their orientation. Not your problem of course. Why should YOU give a damn about another human being? Especially the homosexual spawn of an atheist. Christian values in action! Fortunately, I am aware you are not representative. Go save yourself.Hangonasec
February 1, 2015
02:01 PM
Mark Frank:
A very small proportion because for most atheists, atheism is not a cause.
LOL. It's always funny seeing all of those restless atheists armed to the teeth and dressed in black while pretending they are not jihadists and crusaders on a mission to rid the world of the evil of religion. All the while, they ignore the fact that opposites are of the same nature and that they, just like all the other religions that they despise so much, are fighting to impose their belief system on others via whatever means possible. There is indeed an ideological/religious war going on, a war that is about to intensify. Guess what? Pretending you are a different beast will not save you. You atheists will be among the big losers of that war. As for me, I'll be watching the whole thing unfold with a can of beer in one hand, a bag of cheetos in the other and a smirk on my face. ahahaha...AHAHAHA...ahahaha...Mapou
February 1, 2015
01:42 PM
He's worse than the other two, Aurelio! He likes to wind you all up with his signature epilogue of sacred music and holy scripture....!Axel
February 1, 2015
10:59 AM
That's right, BA77, confuse them with a coherent, carefully-crafted edifice of facts leading to a cogent conclusion! You're as pitiless as gpuccio and the Silver Fox! You rotten SOB!Axel
February 1, 2015
09:40 AM
supplemental notes:
The Case for the Soul - InspiringPhilosophy - (4:03 minute mark, Brain Plasticity including Schwartz's work) - Oct. 2014 - video The Mind is able to modify the brain (plasticity). Moreover, Idealism explains all anomalous evidence of personality changes due to brain injury, whereas physicalism cannot explain mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBsI_ay8K70 Materialism of the Gaps - Michael Egnor (Neurosurgeon) - January 29, 2009 Excerpt: The evidence that some aspects of the mind are immaterial is overwhelming. It's notable that many of the leading neuroscientists -- Sherrington, Penfield, Eccles, Libet -- were dualists. Dualism of some sort is the most reasonable scientific framework to apply to the mind-brain problem, because, unlike dogmatic materialism, it just follows the evidence. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2009/01/materialism_of_the_gaps015901.html What Does Quantum Physics Have to Do with Free Will? - By Antoine Suarez - July 22, 2013 Excerpt: What is more, recent experiments are bringing to light that the experimenter’s free will and consciousness should be considered axioms (founding principles) of standard quantum physics theory. So for instance, in experiments involving “entanglement” (the phenomenon Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”), to conclude that quantum correlations of two particles are nonlocal (i.e. cannot be explained by signals traveling at velocity less than or equal to the speed of light), it is crucial to assume that the experimenter can make free choices, and is not constrained in what orientation he/she sets the measuring devices. To understand these implications it is crucial to be aware that quantum physics is not only a description of the material and visible world around us, but also speaks about non-material influences coming from outside the space-time.,,, https://www.bigquestionsonline.com/content/what-does-quantum-physics-have-do-free-will
Quote and Music:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Shakespeare Quotes - Context of the Quote http://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/there-more-things-heaven-earth-horatio Mystery Of Grace-4HIM - music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcNbzvFylmc
February 1, 2015
07:58 AM
In light of this dilemma that these two very different eternities present to us spiritually minded people, and the fact that Gravity is, in so far as we can tell, completely incompatible with Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity (i.e. Quantum Electro-Dynamics),,, including the failure of string theory, M-theory, etc.. ,,in light of that dilemma, it is interesting to point out a subtle nuance on the Shroud of Turin. Namely that Gravity was overcome in the resurrection event of Christ:
Particle Radiation from the Body – July 2012 – M. Antonacci, A. C. Lind Excerpt: The Shroud’s frontal and dorsal body images are encoded with the same amount of intensity, independent of any pressure or weight from the body. The bottom part of the cloth (containing the dorsal image) would have born all the weight of the man’s supine body, yet the dorsal image is not encoded with a greater amount of intensity than the frontal image. Radiation coming from the body would not only explain this feature, but also the left/right and light/dark reversals found on the cloth’s frontal and dorsal body images. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19tGkwrdg6cu5mH-RmlKxHv5KPMOL49qEU8MLGL6ojHU/edit A Quantum Hologram of Christ’s Resurrection? by Chuck Missler Excerpt: “You can read the science of the Shroud, such as total lack of gravity, lack of entropy (without gravitational collapse), no time, no space—it conforms to no known law of physics.” The phenomenon of the image brings us to a true event horizon, a moment when all of the laws of physics change drastically. Dame Piczek created a one-fourth size sculpture of the man in the Shroud. When viewed from the side, it appears as if the man is suspended in mid air (see graphic, below), indicating that the image defies previously accepted science. The phenomenon of the image brings us to a true event horizon, a moment when all of the laws of physics change drastically. http://www.khouse.org/articles/2008/847 THE EVENT HORIZON (Space-Time Singularity) OF THE SHROUD OF TURIN. – Isabel Piczek – Particle Physicist Excerpt: We have stated before that the images on the Shroud firmly indicate the total absence of Gravity. Yet they also firmly indicate the presence of the Event Horizon. These two seemingly contradict each other and they necessitate the past presence of something more powerful than Gravity that had the capacity to solve the above paradox. http://shroud3d.com/findings/isabel-piczek-image-formation The Center Of The Universe Is Life (Jesus) - General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Entropy and The Shroud Of Turin - video http://vimeo.com/34084462
Moreover, as would be expected if General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics/Special Relativity (QED) were truly unified in the resurrection of Christ from death, the image on the shroud is found to be formed by a quantum process. The image was not formed by a ‘classical’ process:
The absorbed energy in the Shroud body image formation appears as contributed by discrete values – Giovanni Fazio, Giuseppe Mandaglio – 2008 Excerpt: This result means that the optical density distribution,, can not be attributed at the absorbed energy described in the framework of the classical physics model. It is, in fact, necessary to hypothesize a absorption by discrete values of the energy where the ‘quantum’ is equal to the one necessary to yellow one fibril. http://cab.unime.it/journals/index.php/AAPP/article/view/C1A0802004/271 “It is not a continuum or spherical-front radiation that made the image, as visible or UV light. It is not the X-ray radiation that obeys the one over R squared law that we are so accustomed to in medicine. It is more unique. It is suggested that the image was formed when a high-energy particle struck the fiber and released radiation within the fiber at a speed greater that the local speed of light. Since the fiber acts as a light pipe, this energy moved out through the fiber until it encountered an optical discontinuity, then it slowed to the local speed of light and dispersed. The fact that the pixels don’t fluoresce suggests that the conversion to their now brittle dehydrated state occurred instantly and completely so no partial products remain to be activated by the ultraviolet light. This suggests a quantum event where a finite amount of energy transferred abruptly. The fact that there are images front and back suggests the radiating particles were released along the gravity vector. The radiation pressure may also help explain why the blood was “lifted cleanly” from the body as it transformed to a resurrected state.” Kevin Moran – optical engineer Scientists say Turin Shroud is supernatural – December 2011 Excerpt: After years of work trying to replicate the colouring on the shroud, a similar image has been created by the scientists. However, they only managed the effect by scorching equivalent linen material with high-intensity ultra violet lasers, undermining the arguments of other research, they say, which claims the Turin Shroud is a medieval hoax. Such technology, say researchers from the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Enea), was far beyond the capability of medieval forgers, whom most experts have credited with making the famous relic. “The results show that a short and intense burst of UV directional radiation can colour a linen cloth so as to reproduce many of the peculiar characteristics of the body image on the Shroud of Turin,” they said. And in case there was any doubt about the preternatural degree of energy needed to make such distinct marks, the Enea report spells it out: “This degree of power cannot be reproduced by any normal UV source built to date.” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-say-turin-shroud-is-supernatural-6279512.html
Personally, considering the extreme difficulty that many brilliant minds have had in trying to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and special relativity(QED), with Gravity, through string theory and M-theory,,,,
A Capella Science – Bohemian Gravity! – video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rjbtsX7twc Bohemian Gravity – Rob Sheldon – September 19, 2013 Excerpt: there’s a large contingent of physicists who believe that string theory is the heroin of theoretical physics. It has absorbed not just millions of dollars, but hundreds if not thousands of grad student lifetimes without delivering what it promised–a unified theory of the universe and life. It is hard, in fact, to find a single contribution from string theory despite 25 years of intense effort by thousands of the very brightest and best minds our society can find. http://rbsp.info/PROCRUSTES/bohemian-gravity/
,,,Taking that failure in mind, I consider the preceding ‘quantum’ nuance on the Shroud of Turin to be a subtle, but powerful, evidence substantiating Christ’s primary claim as to being our Savior from sin, death, and hell: Verses and the grace of 'propitiation'
John 8:23-24 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins. Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Colossians 1:15-20 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. G.O.S.P.E.L. – (the grace of propitiation) – poetry slam – video https://vimeo.com/20960385
February 1, 2015
07:57 AM
,,this conserved classical 'digital' information is found to be a subset of ‘non-local' (i.e. beyond space and time) quantum entanglement/information by the following method:
Quantum knowledge cools computers: New understanding of entropy – June 2011 Excerpt: No heat, even a cooling effect; In the case of perfect classical knowledge of a computer memory (zero entropy), deletion of the data requires in theory no energy at all. The researchers prove that “more than complete knowledge” from quantum entanglement with the memory (negative entropy) leads to deletion of the data being accompanied by removal of heat from the computer and its release as usable energy. This is the physical meaning of negative entropy. Renner emphasizes, however, “This doesn’t mean that we can develop a perpetual motion machine.” The data can only be deleted once, so there is no possibility to continue to generate energy. The process also destroys the entanglement, and it would take an input of energy to reset the system to its starting state. The equations are consistent with what’s known as the second law of thermodynamics: the idea that the entropy of the universe can never decrease. Vedral says “We’re working on the edge of the second law. If you go any further, you will break it.” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110601134300.htm
,,,And this quantum information is found to be ‘physically conserved’ (not just mathematically conserved),,,
Quantum no-hiding theorem experimentally confirmed for first time Excerpt: In the classical world, information can be copied and deleted at will. In the quantum world, however, the conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created nor destroyed. This concept stems from two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. A third and related theorem, called the no-hiding theorem, addresses information loss in the quantum world. According to the no-hiding theorem, if information is missing from one system (which may happen when the system interacts with the environment), then the information is simply residing somewhere else in the Universe; in other words, the missing information cannot be hidden in the correlations between a system and its environment. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-quantum-no-hiding-theorem-experimentally.html Quantum no-deleting theorem Excerpt: A stronger version of the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem provide permanence to quantum information. To create a copy one must import the information from some part of the universe and to delete a state one needs to export it to another part of the universe where it will continue to exist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_no-deleting_theorem#Consequence
Besides providing direct empirical falsification of neo-Darwinian claims as to the generation of functional information, the implication of finding 'non-local', beyond space and time, and ‘conserved’, quantum information in molecular biology on such a massive scale is fairly, and pleasantly, obvious:
Does Quantum Biology Support A Quantum Soul? – Stuart Hameroff - video (notes in description) http://vimeo.com/29895068 Will Human Teleportation Ever Be Possible? As experiments in relocating particles advance, will we be able to say, "Beam me up, Scotty" one day soon? By Corey S. Powell|Monday, June 16, 2014 Excerpt: Note a fascinating common thread through all these possibilities. Whether you regard yourself as a pile of atoms, a DNA sequence, a series of sensory inputs or an elaborate computer file, in all of these interpretations you are nothing but a stack of data. According to the principle of unitarity, quantum information is never lost. Put them together, and those two statements lead to a staggering corollary: At the most fundamental level, the laws of physics say you are immortal. http://discovermagazine.com/2014/julyaug/20-the-ups-and-downs-of-teleportation
Also of interest, the quantum entanglement of consciousness in the brain is of a somewhat different nature than what is witnessed (thus far) in the rest of the body:
Quantum Entangled Consciousness - Life After Death - Stuart Hameroff - video https://vimeo.com/39982578 ,,, zero time lag neuronal synchrony despite long conduction delays - 2008 Excerpt: Multielectrode recordings have revealed zero time lag synchronization among remote cerebral cortical areas. However, the axonal conduction delays among such distant regions can amount to several tens of milliseconds. It is still unclear which mechanism is giving rise to isochronous discharge of widely distributed neurons, despite such latencies,,, Remarkably, synchrony of neuronal activity is not limited to short-range interactions within a cortical patch. Interareal synchronization across cortical regions including interhemispheric areas has been observed in several tasks (7, 9, 11–14).,,, Beyond its functional relevance, the zero time lag synchrony among such distant neuronal ensembles must be established by mechanisms that are able to compensate for the delays involved in the neuronal communication. Latencies in conducting nerve impulses down axonal processes can amount to delays of several tens of milliseconds between the generation of a spike in a presynaptic cell and the elicitation of a postsynaptic potential (16). The question is how, despite such temporal delays, the reciprocal interactions between two brain regions can lead to the associated neural populations to fire in unison (i.e. zero time lag).,,, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2575223/ The following paper appeals to a ‘non-local’, (i.e. beyond space and time), cause to try to explain the synchronization in neural circuits,,, Nonlocal mechanism for cluster synchronization in neural circuits – 2011 Excerpt: The findings,,, call for reexamining sources of correlated activity in cortex,,, http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.3634
But why should I worry about your (or my) soul Aurelio Smith? Well, unlike the multiverse postulation of atheists/materialists, for which we have no evidence, we have excellent evidence for two very different higher dimensional eternities above this temporal realm (just as is postulated in theism, Christian Theism in particular):
Two very different ‘eternities’ revealed by physics: Special Relativity, General Relativity, Heaven and Hell https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_4cQ7MXq8bLkoFLYW0kq3Xq-Hkc3c7r-gTk0DYJQFSg/edit "Einstein's equation predicts that, as the astronaut reaches the singularity (of the black-hole), the tidal forces grow infinitely strong, and their chaotic oscillations become infinitely rapid. The astronaut dies and the atoms which his body is made become infinitely and chaotically distorted and mixed-and then, at the moment when everything becomes infinite (the tidal strengths, the oscillation frequencies, the distortions, and the mixing), spacetime ceases to exist." Kip S. Thorne - "Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy" pg. 476
February 1, 2015
07:57 AM
And by using this ‘non-local’, beyond space and time, ‘quantum information channel’ of entanglement, such as they use in quantum computation, physicists have reduced material to quantum information. (of note: energy is completely reduced to quantum information, whereas matter is semi-completely reduced, with the caveat being that matter can be reduced to energy via e=mc2).
Ions have been teleported successfully for the first time by two independent research groups Excerpt: In fact, copying isn’t quite the right word for it. In order to reproduce the quantum state of one atom in a second atom, the original has to be destroyed. This is unavoidable – it is enforced by the laws of quantum mechanics, which stipulate that you can’t ‘clone’ a quantum state. In principle, however, the ‘copy’ can be indistinguishable from the original,,, http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/Issues/2004/October/beammeup.asp Atom takes a quantum leap – 2009 Excerpt: Ytterbium ions have been ‘teleported’ over a distance of a metre.,,, “What you’re moving is information, not the actual atoms,” says Chris Monroe, from the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland in College Park and an author of the paper. But as two particles of the same type differ only in their quantum states, the transfer of quantum information is equivalent to moving the first particle to the location of the second. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2171769/posts Scientists Report Finding Reliable Way to Teleport Data By JOHN MARKOFF - MAY 29, 2014 Excerpt: They report that they have achieved perfectly accurate teleportation of quantum information over short distances. They are now seeking to repeat their experiment over the distance of more than a kilometer. If they are able to repeatedly show that entanglement works at this distance, it will be a definitive demonstration of the entanglement phenomenon and quantum mechanical theory. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/30/science/scientists-report-finding-reliable-way-to-teleport-data.html?_r=2 First Teleportation Of Multiple Quantum Properties Of A Single Photon - Oct 7, 2014 To truly teleport an object, you have to include all its quantum properties. Excerpt: ,,,It is these properties— the spin angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum?(of a photon)—?that Xi-Lin and co have teleported together for the first time.,,, https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/first-teleportation-of-multiple-quantum-properties-of-a-single-photon-7c1e61598565 Researchers Succeed in Quantum Teleportation of Light Waves - April 2011 Excerpt: In this experiment, researchers in Australia and Japan were able to transfer quantum information from one place to another without having to physically move it. It was destroyed in one place and instantly resurrected in another, “alive” again and unchanged. This is a major advance, as previous teleportation experiments were either very slow or caused some information to be lost. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-04/quantum-teleportation-breakthrough-could-lead-instantanous-computing How Teleportation Will Work - Excerpt: In 1993, the idea of teleportation moved out of the realm of science fiction and into the world of theoretical possibility. It was then that physicist Charles Bennett and a team of researchers at IBM confirmed that quantum teleportation was possible, but only if the original object being teleported was destroyed. — As predicted, the original photon no longer existed once the replica was made. http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/teleportation1.htm Quantum Teleportation – IBM Research Page Excerpt: “it would destroy the original (photon) in the process,,” http://researcher.ibm.com/view_project.php?id=2862
In fact an entire human can, theoretically, be reduced to quantum information and teleported to another location in the universe:
Quantum Teleportation Of A Human? – video https://vimeo.com/75163272
Thus not only is information not reducible to a energy-matter basis, as is presupposed in Darwinism, but in actuality both energy and matter ultimately reduce to a information basis as is presupposed in Christian Theism (John1:1). Of related note, encoded ‘classical’ digital information, such as what William Dembski and Robert Marks have demonstrated the mathematical conservation of,,,,
Conservation of Information in Search: Measuring the Cost of Success William A. Dembski and Robert J. Marks II http://www.evoinfo.org/publications.html
February 1, 2015
07:56 AM
Aurelio Smith, although I hold that there are many fallacies with what you have written, I would like to focus on one fallacy in particular. In 18 you state:
Why do some Christians fear for my non-existent soul? I assure them I feel no responsibility for the state of their non-existent soul.
Much like the Darwinian claim that unguided material processes can generate functional information that far exceeds, in terms of sophistication, anything man has ever programmed into computers, you simply have no scientific evidence for your claim that souls are 'non-existent'. Moreover, we have far more observational evidence for the reality of souls than we do for the Darwinian claim that unguided material processes can generate sophisticated functional information:
Near-Death Experiences: Putting a Darwinist's Evidentiary Standards to the Test - Dr. Michael Egnor - October 15, 2012 Excerpt: Indeed, about 20 percent of NDE's are corroborated, which means that there are independent ways of checking about the veracity of the experience. The patients knew of things that they could not have known except by extraordinary perception -- such as describing details of surgery that they watched while their heart was stopped, etc. Additionally, many NDE's have a vividness and a sense of intense reality that one does not generally encounter in dreams or hallucinations.,,, The most "parsimonious" explanation -- the simplest scientific explanation -- is that the (Near Death) experience was real. Tens of millions of people have had such experiences. That is tens of millions of more times than we have observed the origin of species , (or the origin of life, or the origin of a protein/gene, or a molecular machine), which is never.,,, The materialist reaction, in short, is unscientific and close-minded. NDE's show fellows like Coyne at their sneering unscientific irrational worst. Somebody finds a crushed fragment of a fossil and it's earth-shaking evidence. Tens of million of people have life-changing spiritual experiences and it's all a big yawn. Note: Dr. Egnor is professor and vice-chairman of neurosurgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2012/10/near_death_expe_1065301.html
As to the validity of the Near Death Experience testimonies, the experiences are found, by surprised materialistic researchers no less, to be 'more real than reality':
'Afterlife' feels 'even more real than real,' researcher says - Wed April 10, 2013 Excerpt: "If you use this questionnaire ... if the memory is real, it's richer, and if the memory is recent, it's richer," he said. The coma scientists weren't expecting what the tests revealed. "To our surprise, NDEs were much richer than any imagined event or any real event of these coma survivors," Laureys reported. The memories of these experiences beat all other memories, hands down, for their vivid sense of reality. "The difference was so vast," he said with a sense of astonishment. Even if the patient had the experience a long time ago, its memory was as rich "as though it was yesterday," Laureys said. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/09/health/belgium-near-death-experiences/
Moreover, the fact we do have souls, and the fact that unguided Darwinian processes cannot generate functional information, appear to be two sides of the same coin that support each other. In clarifying this point of the relatedness of information and the soul, it is helpful to learn about the nature of information. In regards to the 'transcendent' nature of information. Dr. Stephen Meyer states:
“One of the things I do in my classes, to get this idea across to students, is I hold up two computer disks. One is loaded with software, and the other one is blank. And I ask them, ‘what is the difference in mass between these two computer disks, as a result of the difference in the information content that they posses’? And of course the answer is, ‘Zero! None! There is no difference as a result of the information. And that’s because information is a mass-less quantity. Now, if information is not a material entity, then how can any materialistic explanation account for its origin? How can any material cause explain it’s origin? And this is the real and fundamental problem that the presence of information in biology has posed. It creates a fundamental challenge to the materialistic, evolutionary scenarios because information is a different kind of entity that matter and energy cannot produce. In the nineteenth century we thought that there were two fundamental entities in science; matter, and energy. At the beginning of the twenty first century, we now recognize that there’s a third fundamental entity; and its ‘information’. It’s not reducible to matter. It’s not reducible to energy. But it’s still a very important thing that is real; we buy it, we sell it, we send it down wires. Now, what do we make of the fact, that information is present at the very root of all biological function? In biology, we have matter, we have energy, but we also have this third, very important entity; information. I think the biology of the information age, poses a fundamental challenge to any materialistic approach to the origin of life.” -Dr. Stephen C. Meyer earned his Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of science from Cambridge University for a dissertation on the history of origin-of-life biology and the methodology of the historical sciences. Intelligent design: Why can't biological information originate through a materialistic process? - Stephen Meyer - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqiXNxyoof8
To further support the contention that the immateriality of information and the immateriality of the soul are correlated to each other, it is also helpful to point out what happens to the physics of an organism upon the death of the organism. The immaterial information, that was keeping the organism alive, 'disappears' from the body upon death of the organism:
The Unbearable Wholeness of Beings - Stephen L. Talbott Excerpt: Virtually the same collection of molecules exists in the canine cells during the moments immediately before and after death. But after the fateful transition no one will any longer think of genes as being regulated, nor will anyone refer to normal or proper chromosome functioning. No molecules will be said to guide other molecules to specific targets, and no molecules will be carrying signals, which is just as well because there will be no structures recognizing signals. Code, information, and communication, in their biological sense, will have disappeared from the scientist’s vocabulary. ,,, the question, rather, is why things don’t fall completely apart — as they do, in fact, at the moment of death. What power holds off that moment — precisely for a lifetime, and not a moment longer? Despite the countless processes going on in the cell, and despite the fact that each process might be expected to “go its own way” according to the myriad factors impinging on it from all directions, the actual result is quite different. Rather than becoming progressively disordered in their mutual relations (as indeed happens after death, when the whole dissolves into separate fragments), the processes hold together in a larger unity. http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-unbearable-wholeness-of-beings
Materialists/atheists would believe, since they hold information to be merely emergent from a material basis, that the information in the organism simply ceased to exist upon the death of an organism. But our science tells us otherwise. In learning what actually happens to the information of an organism, information that was keeping the organism alive, upon death of an organism, it is helpful to learn a little bit about the hierarchy of information in the body. There are two types of information in an organism. First, there is the 'normal' classical/digital information, which Darwinists and ID proponents constantly debate over, that we find encoded in DNA, RNA and Proteins:
Every Bit Digital: DNA’s Programming Really Bugs Some ID Critics - Casey Luskin - 2010 Excerpt: "There’s a very recognizable digital code of the kind that electrical engineers rediscovered in the 1950s that maps the codes for sequences of DNA onto expressions of proteins." http://www.salvomag.com/new/articles/salvo12/12luskin2.php
And then there is also quantum information. In other words, besides the 'normal' classical/digital information that is found in life, there is now also found to be 'quantum' information in life. Moreover, this quantum information is found in every DNA and Protein molecule:
Quantum Information/Entanglement In DNA - short video https://vimeo.com/92405752 Coherent Intrachain energy migration at room temperature – Elisabetta Collini and Gregory Scholes – University of Toronto – Science, 323, (2009), pp. 369-73 Excerpt: The authors conducted an experiment to observe quantum coherence dynamics in relation to energy transfer. The experiment, conducted at room temperature, examined chain conformations, such as those found in the proteins of living cells. Neighbouring molecules along the backbone of a protein chain were seen to have coherent energy transfer. Where this happens quantum decoherence (the underlying tendency to loss of coherence due to interaction with the environment) is able to be resisted, and the evolution of the system remains entangled as a single quantum state. http://www.scimednet.org/quantum-coherence-living-cells-and-protein/ Physicists Discover Quantum Law of Protein Folding – February 22, 2011 Quantum mechanics finally explains why protein folding depends on temperature in such a strange way. Excerpt: First, a little background on protein folding. Proteins are long chains of amino acids that become biologically active only when they fold into specific, highly complex shapes. The puzzle is how proteins do this so quickly when they have so many possible configurations to choose from. To put this in perspective, a relatively small protein of only 100 amino acids can take some 10^100 different configurations. If it tried these shapes at the rate of 100 billion a second, it would take longer than the age of the universe to find the correct one. Just how these molecules do the job in nanoseconds, nobody knows.,,, Their astonishing result is that this quantum transition model fits the folding curves of 15 different proteins and even explains the difference in folding and unfolding rates of the same proteins. That's a significant breakthrough. Luo and Lo's equations amount to the first universal laws of protein folding. That’s the equivalent in biology to something like the thermodynamic laws in physics. http://www.technologyreview.com/view/423087/physicists-discover-quantum-law-of-protein/ etc.. etc..
Moreover, it is important to learn that this ‘non-local’, beyond space and time, quantum entanglement (A. Aspect, A. Zeilinger, etc..), which is found in every DNA and protein molecule, can be used as a ‘quantum information channel’,,,
Quantum Entanglement and Information Quantum entanglement is a physical resource, like energy, associated with the peculiar nonclassical correlations that are possible between separated quantum systems. Entanglement can be measured, transformed, and purified. A pair of quantum systems in an entangled state can be used as a quantum information channel to perform computational and cryptographic tasks that are impossible for classical systems. The general study of the information-processing capabilities of quantum systems is the subject of quantum information theory. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-entangle/
February 1, 2015
07:55 AM
Come now Piotr, don't be lazy.humbled
February 1, 2015
06:52 AM
This will no doubt lead to our destruction like countless civilisations have done before us as they’ve turned from the light and embraced atheistic thought. Humbled, could you identify a few of those "countless civilisation" that have collapsed as a result of embracing atheism?Piotr
February 1, 2015
05:11 AM
But that’s a claim to a right to oppress the freedom of others against discrimination
That may be true. I don't share that value. I am just pointing out that people (some of whom are atheists) do try to overturn some of Humble's values. That's the way society works - people are always trying to overturn other people's values. Inevitably some of those people are atheists.Mark Frank
February 1, 2015
04:36 AM
AS - I am certainly not accusing you of overturning what Humble holds sacred. But, for example, I am pretty sure one of Humble's sacred values would be that marriage should only take place between a man and a woman. There is no question that others have tried to overturn this in various countries including the USA and some of those people were atheists.Mark Frank
February 1, 2015
04:17 AM
Atheism has declared war on everything I hold sacred.
Beliefs don't declare war - people do. Some atheists may have tried to overturn what you hold sacred ("declared war" is presumably a metaphor). I certainly didn't. You are more than welcome to your values and I share some of them. I am pretty sure a lot of theists have tried to overturn the values you hold sacred as well including Christians. And of course some theists have literally declared war on values we all hold sacred.Mark Frank
February 1, 2015
04:04 AM
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