Well, for sure we would vote for #2, if we were offered some kind of ballot. Anyway, amazing stuff here:
Richard Dawkins’ insanity has now become an English institution – like warm beer and rain. On Saturday morning, a tweet from his account asked why we don’t send lots of “erotic videos” to theocracies, adding that it should be “loving, gentle, woman-respecting” (I guess this involves the pizza delivery boy calling the next day). If we’re going down this road, I also hear that Islamists aren’t very keen on bacon, so perhaps we should bombard the Iranian countryside with pig carcasses? Also, miniature bottles of gin. And photos of hot guys making out – in a “men-respecting” and “gentle” sort of way.
Hey. Maybe Dawkins should test drive it all in a snow dump in Canada first. Especially the pig carcasses.
Snow dump: Well, in near north Canada we have to get snow off urban roads, right? So there are huge dumps of snow. There is even one near the otherwise elite and highly sophisticated offices of Uncommon Descent News.
The thing is huge and awful, and just keeps growing with each weather event but the pig carcasses might sink to the bottom.
It would be a good place to test Dawkins’ idea because no one would notice any assumed assaults on decency until May or so.
Hey, a guy could howl and bark at the moon out there tonight, and —honestly — no one would likely notice.
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