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But, Jerry, what about all those dogs?


Apparently, Jerry Coyne is now attacking me, re Behe’s recent paper. To judge from his blog post’s title, he has me confused with Discovery Institute.*

(Behe’s paper is available for free download here.)
Dr. Coyne claims that Behe’s findings apply only to artificial selection in the lab. But, at the feet of the great Richard Dawkins, I learned that artificial selection like human breeding of dogs, has proved Behe both wrong and ridiculous, in Edge of Evolution. That is precisely because dog breeding is equivalent to the process that applies throughout nature:

Don’t evade the point by protesting that dog breeding is a form of intelligent design. It is (kind of), but Behe, having lost the argument over irreducible complexity, is now in his desperation making a completely different claim: that mutations are too rare to permit significant evolutionary change anyway. From Newfies to Yorkies, from Weimaraners to water spaniels, from Dalmatians to dachshunds, as I incredulously close this book I seem to hear mocking barks and deep, baying howls of derision from 500 breeds of dogs — every one descended from a timber wolf within a time frame so short as to seem, by geological standards, instantaneous.

All you have to do, it seems, is leave out intelligent design.

Dawkins said so in the Bible and all the wise nodded in assent.

Well, either artificial selection is relevant or it isn’t. Maybe Coyne and Dawkins should talk more.

*We share some initials, it’s true. My middle name is Ileen. The confusion is inevitable.

You're conflating two separate issues here Denyse. Dog breeding and other examples of artificial selection are directly analogous to natural selection in the wild. But Behe's paper is not about selection, it's about observing mutations under experimental conditions and that's what Coyne is talking about when he says: The experiments Behe reviewed deliberately excluded important sources of mutations that create new genes and gene elements of evolution in naturally-occurring bacteria and viruses. Those studies are not, then, a good model for what actually happens during microbial evolution in nature, which is known to involve uptake of new genes and genetic elements from other species via horizontal DNA transfer. Coyne is not discussing artificial selection at all because the issue here is with the mechanisms that generate variation (i.e. mutations) not with selection. With artificial selection, the genetic variation (ultimately generated by mutations) is already present in the population. Thus, the results of artificial selection can be quite rapid.NormO
December 13, 2010
03:25 PM
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