Here’s a good one:
NCSE’s Eugenie Scott Serves as Chief of Darwinian Thought Police for University of Kentucky Faculty
Casey Luskin February 11, 2011 9:29 AM
As reported on ID the Future interview, Martin Gaskell’s attorney Frank Manion stated that during the course of Gaskell’s lawsuit, it became clear that Eugenie Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), consulted University of Kentucky (UK) faculty about whether UK should hire Gaskell.
She gave Gaskell a clean bill of health–not because she endorsed hiring Darwin-skeptics, but because at the time she believed Gaskell was a died-in-the-wool evolutionist–“accepting of evolution.” According to her e-mail, Eugenie Scott wrote:
Gaskell hasn’t popped onto our radar as an antievolution activist. Checking his web site and affiliations (and also with a friend in Nebraska) it seems as if, as you already know, he is very religious, but accepting of evolution. Certainly he is an old-earther, and seems to be a bit of a fan of Hugh Ross, the best known OEC. This is a little troubling, as Ross though fine on astronomy, radioisotope dating and etc., still chokes on biological evolution, and requires the hand of God to specially create the “kinds” at intervals through time. No indication that this is Gaskell’s position, however.
(E-mail from Eugenie Scott to Thomas Troland, 10/21/2007)
At this stage, it’s clear that Eugenie Scott views Martin Gaskell as “accepting of evolution” with “no indication” that he agrees with Hugh Ross. Gaskell passes her litmus test.
It’s later apparent that Eugenie Scott changed her mind about Gaskell, coming to the view that he was a Darwin-skeptic–or as she later calls him an “ID Creationist.” This led her to flip-flop about whether UK was right in denying Gaskell the job.
So, if you are alumni at the University of Kentucky, your university consults a shrill Darwin lobbyist about whether to hire an astronomer.
Do you also encourage your children to listen to big corporate-sponsored gangsta rap?
No, seriously, I mean no insult, I am simply saying that these things are not thrust on people. They choose them.
It’s just as bad where I am, though we are fighting. Keep watching this space.