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Naturalist claims there really IS purpose in life


Accidentally, through Darwinian evolution. But it’s hard to explain. Michael E. Price takes issue with Joseph P. Carter (the universe does not care about purpose) at Psychology Today: He offers to explain how natural selection can create purpose (a position denied by most of its devotees):

Smolin founded his theory on the idea that our universe exists as just one in a vast population of replicating universes: a multiverse (this idea is becoming increasingly conventional and non-controversial among physicists). In a multiverse, Smolin reasoned, universe designs that were better at self-replication would achieve greater representation. And if black holes were the mechanism of self-replication, he reasoned further, then selection would favor universes that contained more black holes. From this perspective, life is merely the accidental by-product of processes ‘designed’ by cosmological natural selection to produce black holes.

There is simply no evidence of any kind for a multiverse, however popular among physicists. One could probably stop reading Price at that point.

The bottom line of both my Complexity article and this blog post is: life is more likely than black holes (or anything else) to be a mechanism of universe replication. Now if you’ve read this far, first of all let me thank and congratulate you, because I know this post discusses an esoteric topic using fairly technical language (I apologize for this language, but think it helps with precise communication). But let me also address a question that you may have at this point: “What could it possibly mean to suggest that life is a mechanism of universe replication?” I would start answering this question right now, but I’ve already gone on too long for a single post. So if you’re interested in this topic, I hope you’ll stay tuned for future posts. More.

This may well be the best naturalism can offer. Just think.

Note: Smolin? Lee Smolin Confirms C.S. Lewis’ Prediction

See also: Philosopher: The universe does not care about purpose but we should anyway

And if black holes were the mechanism of self-replication, he reasoned further, then selection would favor universes that contained more black holes.
The fittest universes would be just chock full of black holes and chock empty of life. Once again we find out that ours is special.Mung
August 7, 2017
01:06 PM

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