No, not a typo: Facebook and Youtube are not much different, really.
Facebook dumped Bret Weinstein and now YouTube has demonetized him:
Weinstein, whatever you may think about his enthusiasm for… Darwinism, was serious as a biology teacher at Evergreen State. And here’s what happened when he confronted the Raging Woke about one of their pro-illiteracy demands:
Weinstein didn’t realize that atheism today means illiteracy, innumeracy, and total control by the biggest totalitarian power — with no appeal. 2 + 2 better make 5. Atheism has no values to defend. Literacy and numeracy is just an accident.
Maybe Weinstein wouldn’t be an atheist if he understood the stakes more clearly.
See also: Yes, there really is a war on math in our schools. Pundits differ as to the causes but here are some facts parents should know.