Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Cambridge ‘Dissent over Descent’ Lecture


My apologies for not posting more here recently. I now have a blog on my university’s website dedicated to the future of the university, where I have done a bit of posting.  But mostly I have been trying to finish a new book on science as an ‘art of living’ for new series by the UK philosophy publisher, Acumen.  ID followers should find it of interest.

I have been also travelling and lecturing. On my audio lecture page, scroll to 28 at the bottom, and you’ll find a talk and the Q&A given at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, sponsored by Genesis Agendum on my recent book Dissent over Descent. You’ll hear from the Q&A that I was by no means preaching to the converted!

Hopefully, if I get a little time soon, I will review here Karen Armstrong’s latest book, The Case for God, which touts the ‘ID is bad science and bad theology’ line. Armstrong has done quite a lot to make discussion of religion respectable in secular public discourse, but she does so in a way that would keep science and religion ‘separate but equal’. In fact, this particular book argues for a completely mysterious conception of God whose only virtue seems to be that it’s vague enough to cover a bit of every world religion. But I will get to the ID-relevant parts of the book in a later post.

I personally find the distinction of science and religion as a non issue. About 10 months ago Timaeus made a long series of posts at ASA and essentially said a lot of things that I believe. One of them is that there is only one truth. And if so, why should science and religion conflict or remain separate since each seeks this truth. To me they are like two large Boolean Circles that overlap. And in some areas where God impinges on the real world, there could be possibly some ways of assessing some of it through science. On a recent discussion I witnessed recently, it was noted that science does poorly on origins. And it is origins that may be one area where God might intervene. I realize that even this much intervention by God is too much for the atheist but it is also too much for a lot of the theists too and is one of the reasons why ID is considered bad theology by many. This latter attitude I find surprising since one basic tenet of the Western concept of God is that He is unfathomable but yet certain theists impose a very tight reign on just how He would/should act..jerry
July 24, 2009
01:03 PM

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