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Let us listen to Dr Robert Malone, dissenting expert, on the COVID-19 crisis


HT LCD, here is a sobering, 3-hour video on the Covid-10 crisis, by a dissenting expert:

U/D: Based on a transcript and a debate on what is in Uttar Pradesh home isolation Covid-19 kits, I post two pictures:


Here is a kit label passed to Malone from someone in Uttar Pradesh, it seems there were/are likely several suppliers and different levels of kits — notice the electronics in one kit above:

I note a Dr John Campbell video that should be pondered:

Let me put in the transcript clip from comment 3:

Joe Rogan 37:52 So were they [= China, v. early in the pandemic, in its protocols] using Ivermectin as well? No. But other countries have, like Japan and India.
Dr. Robert Malone 38:00 Uttar Pradesh, as you know, has crushed COVID.
Joe Rogan 38:05 Can you explain what they did to do that? Because it’s kind of fascinating.
Dr. Robert Malone 38:08 It’s not clear. What are the drugs. So what they did do what we do know. And there’s some backstory to this that we could go into if you want to. But the observation is there was a decision made. The virus was just ripping through Uttar Pradesh. It has almost the same population as the United States. It’s huge. Okay. Dense, urban, poor, all the characteristics of the stereotypes of the Indian countryside. And the virus is just ripping through there and causing all kinds of death and disease. And the decision was made out of desperation in that province to deploy early treatments as packages widely throughout the province, and it included a number of agents. The composition has not been formally disclosed. It was done in coordination with WHO and whatever was in those packages was rumored to include Ivermectin. But there was a specific visit of Biden to Modi, and a decision was made in the Indian government not to disclose the contents of those packages that were being deployed in Uttar Pradesh, which they’re still there. And Uttar Pradesh is flatlined right now. The rest of the world is yelling about Omicron and hospitalizations. Well, South Africa isn’t, but UDA Pradesh is still flatlined in terms of deaths.
Joe Rogan 39:41 So they were visited by someone in the Biden administration, is that what you’re saying?
Dr. Robert Malone 39:44 I just know there’s a meeting between Joe Biden and Modi.
Joe Rogan 39:48 And you believe that out of that meeting?
Dr. Robert Malone 39:51 I don’t know what they said. I wasn’t invited. All I know is that immediately afterwards there was a decision not to disclose the contents of what was being deployed in Uttar Pradesh.
Joe Rogan 40:01 It’s so crazy to imagine that in the middle of a pandemic, there’s one place, one area of India that’s extremely successful in combating the virus, and they’re not going to say how they did it. That’s nuts.

Dr. Robert Malone 40:16 That’s where my stance in all of this is to say, here are the facts. Here are the verifiable data draw your own conclusion.

Food for thought. END

PS, I am sufficiently concerned to cross post here.

PPS: The Senator Johnson panel is here, discussion begins at approximately 40 minutes: refuses to embed. Here are excerpts at YouTube:

Let us listen to Dr Robert Malone, dissenting expert, on the COVID-19 crisiskairosfocus
February 5, 2022
11:07 PM
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