Theistic evolution: Darwin was right and we defend Darwinism from critics from whatever quarter. But we feel that God did it somehow anyway (even though Darwin and most of his followers do not think that)…
In a time of such ferment around evolution, theistic evolution attracts lazy people with theology credentials and a gift for easy sloganeering. In my line of work (O’Leary for News), one learns to spot these types, whether one wishes to use, abuse, confuse, or refuse them.
Put simply: If I belonged to a church that wanted to “take a position” on evolution, I would ask, “Why? Even the Royal Society isn’t sure what its position should be. If we haven’t already gone and said something stupid in the Lord’s name— which we must now, alas, defend—why don’t we just keep quiet and pay attention to all the stuff that is currently going on?
Such people aren’t honestly asking for the opinion of non-specialist observers anyway; they just want “votes” for some religiosity scam.
Lazy? Most of their arguments sound that way. E.g.:
“What kind of a God would … ?” If you believe in God and believe that your interpretation of reality is correct, he’s that kind of God. Of course, you could revisit either thesis. Was there something else you wanted me to tell you?
“The concept of a mere ‘designer’ diminishes God.” Maybe God needs self-image counselling then. In the Scriptures, he is willing to portray himself not only as a craftsman but as the long-suffering husband of a serially adulterous wife. And when someone offers to tell us about himself, maybe we should listen…
or, my favourite:
“God can use randomness to achieve his ends.” If there are “ends” at all, it is not random. So what are we really talking about? Defending Darwin while pretending not to? Why? What’s the obsession there anyway?”
What keeps theistic evolution going, besides inertia in religious circles?
See also: Darwinism: The steam engine of modern biology
Steampunk Darwin (Barry Arrington)
Wayne Rossiter on the essentially arbitrary nature of TE distinctions
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