Duane Smith is another blogger complaining about Kenneth Chang’s NYTimes piece on ID. According to Smith (go here), in admitting that ID raises questions of real scientific merit, Chang’s article redistributes the burden of proof when in fact “the burden of proof is on Intelligent Design creationism and not mainstream science.”
Reality moment, everyone: In this postmodern age, there is no universally binding standard for who bears the burden of proof. Rather, who bears the burden of proof depends on who can most deftly shift the burden of proof or, alternatively, who is unable to deflect that burden. It now appears that the ID community has successfully shifted the burden of proof onto the evolutionists.
According to Richard Rorty, truth is what people let you get away with. Rorty also teaches that we must “keep faith with Darwin.” The American public is no longer letting the evolutionists get away with shifting the burden of proof from themselves, but is now forcing the evolutionists to bear it, despite their temper tantrums.
Rorty deconstructing Rorty and with it Darwinism. What a great day to be alive!