He’s the guy in the blue shirt, talking about the National Academy of Science.
Jeff Schwartz is best known as the lead author of The Mind and the Brain, which addressed key findings on how the mind controls and shapes the brain. (Move over, Steve Pinker, you’re hogging the bench again.)
Incidentally, Bill was commenting on Time science writer Jeffrey Kluger’s Cordon Bleu theory of the origin of life (stir and slow cook). I have never read a serious OOL researcher who talked in such a blithely optimistic way.
This highlights a key feature of current materialism:
When science appears to support materialism, the materialist quotes the science. When it doesn’t, he just makes stuff up and calls it science.
Maybe Kluger thinks that Gonzalez, Sternberg, Marks, and Crocker all do that too, so he just doesn’t get what their problem is?
Also just up at The Mindful Hack:
Hurting oneself to hurt others not a useful social strategy … duh!
Decline of secularism leads to panic among new atheists?
Great review of The Spiritual Brain in Canada’s Medical Post, by a reviewer (a retired surgeon) who also offers a detailed page on the true causes of pain.
Large questions require the language of myth, not shopping bills