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Extraterrestrial life: UFO fans assail White House, demand disclosure

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In “White House: There’s no sign of E.T. or UFO cover-up” (MSNBC, November 5, 2011), Nancy Atkinson reports, “Science policy official responds to petitions calling for full disclosure”:

“The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race,” Phil Larson from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy reported on the WhiteHouse.gov website.”In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”

The petition calling on the government to disclose any knowledge of or communication with extraterrestrial beings was signed by 5,387 people, and 12,078 signed the request for a formal acknowledgement from the White House that extraterrestrials have been engaging the human race.

Yes, tis is just culture news.

But it is culture news. It’s nonsense in itself, but what it tells us is worth considering. In science, the quest for space aliens is pursued by far-fetched theories, and in popular culture via crackpot conspiracy claims.

Because no one wants to consider the possible implications of the fact that the evidence currently suggests we’re alone. Why?

As one observer noted: Why on earth would NASA hide space aliens, when they would make the agency’s fortune? But that isn’t going to sway people with such a deep-seatd emotional need.

The Paradigm Research Group, one of the organizations promoting the petitions, said that the response by a “low-level staffer” was unacceptable and that it would begin a new petition campaign.

There. See?

See also: Red dwarfs less alien to life? But none of this adds up to Them being Out There …

and Extraterrestrial civilizations: Have we tried looking for their city lights yet?

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Nothing you wrote factually indicates he is anything other than sincere. What you wrote was structured and presented to do nothing but ridicule and call his motivations into question.
Yep. Some people deserve nothing less. Greer belongs to that hallowed group of people that you ignore, ridicule and warn others about on general principle.
The reason I commented about it at all was the dismissive, ridiculing tone of the original post as if those who seriously consider the existence of extraterrestrials and are open to the idea that they have visited the earth are somehow all necessarily fools, delusional, dupes or charlatans. Your posts simply reaffirms the same kind of ridiculing, dismissive attitude.
My dismissive attitude comes from decades of hearing about 'high ranking military types' who have a secret but aren't allowed to tell it because the big, bad government wants to keep the poor plebs in the dark. But would you consider buying our latest DVD in which we interview the second cousin of the grandfather of the cattle rancher's daughter who knew a guy who's father's orthodontist had an affair with an un-named airforce reservist who was in Roswell in 1947"?
It seems to me that people who attack with prejudice these kinds of , ideas and beliefs are operating from a sense of their own beliefs being threatened, whether they attacking ID, or are IDists attacking other views with the same modus operandi.
What possible vested interest do I have in suppressing the truth about UFOs? I've seen a UFO. And I'd love to find out that 'we're not alone'. I'm attacking the charlatans like Greer and the maggots who crawl out of the woodwork in their wake.
There really is no call for ridicule or attacking the motive or integrity of those who simply act as agents presenting information, evidence or argument.
There is when it's a charlatan like Dr. Steven Greer. Jello
And what I was referring to was the Disclosure Project’s head honcho. A total charlatan.
Nothing you wrote factually indicates he is anything other than sincere. What you wrote was structured and presented to do nothing but ridicule and call his motivations into question.
Heh, you’re this close to throwing out the ‘trained observer’ line. And has anyone of these ‘high-ranking’ fellows actually been prosecuted? Can you refer us to the relevant court cases?
This is more of the same kind of dismissive rhetoric that ID advocates are used to. I watched the full disclosure press conference video. The testimony offered there seems to me to be about as credible as testimony gets. I don't care if extraterrestrials exist or not - it has no impact whatsoever on my belief system. I don't care if Greer is a crackpot or not. The reason I commented about it at all was the dismissive, ridiculing tone of the original post as if those who seriously consider the existence of extraterrestrials and are open to the idea that they have visited the earth are somehow all necessarily fools, delusional, dupes or charlatans. Your posts simply reaffirms the same kind of ridiculing, dismissive attitude. It seems to me that people who attack with prejudice these kinds of views, ideas and beliefs are operating from a sense of their own beliefs being threatened, whether they attacking ID, or are IDists attacking other views with the same modus operandi. There really is no call for ridicule or attacking the motive or integrity of those who simply act as agents presenting information, evidence or argument. William J Murray
What I referred to was the testimonial evidence that was gathered by the Disclosure Project;
And what I was referring to was the Disclosure Project's head honcho. A total charlatan.
those aren’t your garden-variety average witnesses on display there telling the usual “I saw bright lights in the sky” stories. Those are high-ranking ex-military officers and other high-ranking, former government employees with high clearance and documentation that supports their testimony, who are under non-disclosure orders and agreements and risk prosecution by coming forward.
Heh, you're this close to throwing out the 'trained observer' line. And has anyone of these 'high-ranking' fellows actually been prosecuted? Can you refer us to the relevant court cases? Jello
Attacking the motivations of those who present arguments, evidence and information, and negatively characterizing them with ridicule and terms like "crackpot", instead of addressing the evidence presented, and the argument at hand, is the same kind of rhetoric and alinksy-style tactics as those who have been attempting to destroy the pro-ID movement for the past 20 or so years. What I referred to was the testimonial evidence that was gathered by the Disclosure Project; those aren't your garden-variety average witnesses on display there telling the usual "I saw bright lights in the sky" stories. Those are high-ranking ex-military officers and other high-ranking, former government employees with high clearance and documentation that supports their testimony, who are under non-disclosure orders and agreements and risk prosecution by coming forward. It's easy to see it when your own views, evidence and argument are being dismissed with ad hominem, appeal to motivation and ridicule; it's often a lot harder to see it when you're the one applying it to some other idea. If you're going to sweepingly assert that every single experiencer that has testified about extraterrestrial contact a liar or delusional, you have no room to complain when others sweepingly dismiss those in your particular camp with similar irrational appeals. William J Murray
Oops, forgot the link. http://www.cseti.org/index.shtml And seeing you're already there....Incredible news!!!!
CSETI Expedition Yields First Ever Photograph of an Extraterrestrial
http://www.cseti.org/reports/joshuatree09pictures.shtml Yes, this is the kind of lunatic we're dealing with. Jello
Did someone mention the Disclosure project? Let's take a quick look. The Disclosure project is organized and promoted by a certain Dr. Steven Greer. A bigger crackpot would be hard to imagine. He's the 'brains' behind CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. A more effective drain upon the finances of fools it is hard to imagine. For the knock down price of $2500....
You are Invited to attend a special week with Dr. Steven Greer and the senior CSETI Contact Team to make contact with ET civilizations.
....which basically involves sitting in a circle in the desert chanting at the sky. For those of you who can't afford to meet the ETs halfway, well, the redoubtable Dr. Greer has the solution....
The ET Contact Tool is a self-contained course on making contact with ET beings authored by Steven M. Greer, M.D., which includes working scientific instruments for detecting anomalous activity.
Yes, you too can contact aliens on your iPhone! Still not convinced that Dr. Steven Greer is a complete charlatan? Try the CE-5 Inititative;
The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI.
Dr. Steven Greer is a crackpot of the first order, and he wants your money. Jello
I think I had one of their lp albums. Should have held onto it. CannuckianYankee
But they're... Termites! mike1962
Is that you Modeen? The Interdimensional Outer Space Being ? mike1962
Yeah -Klaatu was supposed to be some secret "super group" with Beatle members in it. Funny that the "komplete klaatu" takes up less space than the two alblums I used to have. Joseph
Haha. I remember Klatu when everyone thought they were The Beatles in disguise. Weird music at it's best. CannuckianYankee
News, Speaking of aliens and alleged cover-ups, does UD have any control over the advertisements that appear on this blog? Recently there was an advertisement for a film that appears to suggest: Space aliens use crop circles as part of a larger blueprint for an energy source (or some type of machine) that will save humanity from its energy woes. Apparently the film includes interviews with Deepak Chopra and David Icke, among other "notables." in the alien conspiracy crowd. Do we really want that kind of advertisement to appear here? CannuckianYankee
The Carpenters did a great rendition of this song. Eric Anderson
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft Joseph
Yeah, I can fully understand not being convinced by the evidence, or regarding the available evidence as being highly controversial or thin, but to characterize it as "nonsense in itself" is, IMO, rooted in an a priori, ideological dismissal of the idea, not in a cool and charitable assessment of available facts and evidence. William J Murray
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COMETA French report stating that 5% of reported UFO cases were "utterly inexplicable and the best hypothesis to explain them was the extraterrestrial hypothesis." Collin
But it is culture news. It’s nonsense in itself, but what it tells us is worth considering. In science, the quest for space aliens is pursued by far-fetched theories, and in popular culture via crackpot conspiracy claims.
I don't see anything remotely warranting the apsersion of being "nonsense in itself" in considering the theory that intelligent alien life exists, or in the idea that they've visited the Earth. I think there is considerable evidence in support of those ideas, not the least of which is very credible testimonial evidence, such as that released by The Disclosure Project. William J Murray
The White House didn't fair to well the last time UFO's visited: Aliens Blow Up The White House http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3qu-sCei3U bornagain77

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