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2018 AI Hype Countdown 7: Robert J. Marks on the claim Computers can develop creative solutions on their own!


Fake bugs on yellow background

Programmers may be surprised by which solution, from a range they built in,comes out on top:

Evolutionary software? In evolutionary programming, programmers develop a goal and see how close they can get to achieving it. They propose billions, even trillions of trillions, of possible solutions to the problems. No computer can analyse them all just by motoring through the numbers. So the programmers develop evolutionary search algorithms, that is, algorithms that intelligently search for a solution based on a bias imposed by the programmer. This bias guides the program toward one or more solutions close to the desired goal. Sometimes the results are unexpected and even surprising. More.

Marks was himself surprised by the behavior of a swarm of digital Dweebs he had helped create but maybe he shouldn’t have been.

Robert J. Marks is one of the authors of Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, the lab for which a Baylor deal tried to shut down.

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See also: 2018 AI Hype Countdown 9: Will That Army Robot Squid Ever Be “Self-Aware”? The thrill of fear invites the reader to accept a metaphorical claim as a literal fact.

2018 AI Hype Countdown: 10. Is AI really becoming “human-like”? Robert J. Marks: AI help, not hype: Here’s #10 of our Top Ten AI hypes, flops, and spins of 2018 A headline from the UK Telegraph reads “DeepMind’s AlphaZero now showing human-like intuition in historical ‘turning point’ for AI” Don’t worry if you missed it.

Robert J. Marks II, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Baylor University.  Marks is the founding Director of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural & Artificial Intelligence and hosts the podcast Mind Matters. He is the Editor-in-Chief of BIO-Complexity and the former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. He served as the first President of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, now the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. His latest book is Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics coauthored with William Dembski and Winston Ewert. A Christian, Marks served for 17 years as the faculty advisor for CRU at the University of Washington and currently is a faculty advisor at Baylor University for the student groups the American Scientific Affiliation and Oso Logos, a Christian apologetics group. Also: byRobert J. Marks:


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