In “A Veil Is Drawn Over Our Origin as Human Beings” (Evolution News & Views,
July 6, 2012), David Klinghoffer comments on the Adam and Eve war (here):
Darwinists and creationists, rivalrous twins in many ways, would like it to be otherwise, yet a veil is drawn over our origins as human beings. That’s the simplest summary of Science and Human Origins, the new book from Discovery Institute Press.
On the intelligent-design side of the evolution debate, we have made our peace with a certain agnosticism. From the scientific evidence, it is stubbornly uncertain how the first humans arose, whether from a lineage including ape-like creatures and far humbler ancestors or not.
This is in contrast to the insistence of theistic evolutionists like Kenneth Miller and Francis Collins. As Casey Luskin points out in Chapter 4, “Francis Collins, Junk DNA and Chromosomal Fusion,” Miller and Collins speak about human-chimp cousinship as having been demonstrated by “case-closed” evidence, “leading inexorably” to a “virtually inescapable” conclusion of common ancestry.
But it’s not so.
Hey, if it is as simple as Darwin’s Christians claim … Why ARE the apes still shrieking in the trees?
Note: Highly sophisticated and intelligent persons have warned UD News that the correct term is “pan hoots.” So after all these years, they are still pan-hooting in the trees. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Or understanding. Or getting it right the first time. (An alert reader says the correct term is pant hoots.)
Har de har.