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Altruism, evolutionary psychology, and the heroes of Mumbai


(Service note: If you had trouble finding Uncommon Descent last night, we had to change servers due to traffic problems. Sorry for inconvenience. – d.)

Yesterday, in “From the Small Warm Pond to Cooties,” Barry challenged an attempted “evolutionary” explanation of teasing. Evolutionary psychology’s explanations of just about anything are routinely uninformative, but they tend to fare unusually badly with altruism, of which there were some remarkable examples in the recent Mumbai terror attacks.

In “Heroes At The Taj” (Forbes, December 1, 2008) Michael Pollack thanks his saviors:

Far fewer people would have survived if it weren’t for the extreme selflessness shown by the Taj staff, who organized us, catered to us and then, in the end, literally died for us.
They complemented the extreme bravery and courage of the Indian commandos, who, in a pitch-black setting and unfamiliar, tightly packed terrain, valiantly held the terrorists at bay.

It is also amazing that, out of our entire group, not one person screamed or panicked. There was an eerie but quiet calm that pervaded–one more thing that got us all out alive. Even people in adjacent rooms, who were being executed, kept silent.

It is much easier to destroy than to build, yet somehow humanity has managed to build far more than it has ever destroyed. Likewise, in a period of crisis, it is much easier to find faults and failings rather than to celebrate the good deeds. It is now time to commemorate our heroes.


Also, in “For heroes of Mumbai Terror Was a Call to Action” (New York Times, December 1, 2008), Somini Sengupta reports,
Overnight, Mr. Zende became one of Mumbai’s new heroes, their humanity all the more striking in the face of the inhumanity of the gunmen. As the city faced one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in the nation’s history, many ordinary citizens like Mr. Zende, 37, displayed extraordinary grace.
Many times, they did so at considerable personal risk, performing acts of heroism that were not part of their job descriptions. Without their quick thinking and common sense, the toll of the attacks would most likely have been even greater than the 173 confirmed dead on Monday.


A friend wrote to ask me if I knew of an evolutionary explanation for altruism. I replied:

First, if by “evolution,” we mean “Darwinian evolution,” then altruism would mean helping one’s own kinfolk in order to preserve one’s own genes – which one shares with them (= Dawkins’s ” “selfish gene”). That really doesn’t apply to situations where people help strangers at the risk of their own lives.

An elaboration of the theory (= the meme, also a Dawkins idea) holds that a mechanistic process in the brain causes a unit of thought (a meme) to spread from person to person, so that – for example – Mother Theresa might rescue abandoned children and raise them as Catholic Christians, thus helping her selfish memes. That really doesn’t apply here either. I have made clear before that I consider both concepts better suited to pop culture than to science.

In The Spiritual Brain, Mario Beauregard and I wrote about instances of heroic altruism here in boring Toronto – young men jumping onto the subway tracks to rescue an old woman who had got dizzy and fallen in, and motorists rushing toward the Air France jumbo that crashed near Highway 401 (the provincial artery) and helping the evacuation – which proceeded in such an orderly fashion that no one died.

The really amazing thing – to me at least – is that human altruism can be sparked in circumstances that do not involve life or death. Have a look at this story, for example – the Texas woman Marilyn Mock who bought another woman’s lost house for her. So a claim that a special brain circuit kicks in during a life-or-death crisis doesn’t seem fully explanatory either.

More generally, psychologists who are searching for an animal model are doubtless looking in the wrong direction. They should, in my view, begin by rcognizing that this type of behaviour is characteristically human and probably requires a human level of consciousness. Its principal characteristic was summed up by Mock, who explained, “If it was you, you’d want somebody to stop and help you” – that is, one sees another self as equivalent to one’s own self and regards another’s interests as one’s own. Searching for an animal that does this “naturally” is an uninformative waste of time because humans don’t do it “naturally”; we do it only sometimes, and what’s remarkable is that we do it at all.

Is the human race evolving toward more altruism? Some evolutionary theorists, like Teilhard de Chardin, have argued for such a position, but they are not Darwinians and are generally attacked by Darwinians.

Some good research has been done on altruism in humans; I’ve heard good things about Oliner’s The Altruistic Personality: Rescuers Of Jews In Nazi Europe, though I haven’t read it. David Stove also has some interesting thoughts on the subject in Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity, and Other Fables of Evolution. Here is my long review of Stove’s book. Some other altruism stories are here.

To sum up, as Stove would have it, the fact that altruism is a problem in evolutionary psychology tells you much about evolutionary psychology and little about altruism.
(Note: The photo, taken 2005, is Mumbai from the air, from Know India. )
An aside from my last comment. I believe one of the hypothesized homo sapiens predecessor used the same tools for several million years. This indicates an intelligence but the inability to improve on it. Did something happen to the line a relatively short time ago in terms of earth history that changed this?jerry
December 9, 2008
10:17 AM
Reciprocal Altruism, often cited by evolutionary psychologists, should finally be dismissed because, it is, after all, a contradiction in terms. Reciprocal--doing something for a return. Altruism--doing something without regard to yourself or a return. Reciprocal Altruism--Selfish Selflessness. Contradiction in terms.Clive Hayden
December 9, 2008
10:16 AM
First of all, as I think you probably alluded to somewhere, its not hard to find examples of extreme altruism among animals directed to their own pack, kin, social group, etc. There have been all sorts of stories of heroic animals - dogs dragging their owners' babies to safety, saving their owner's from drowning, and so on. But a dog can change a pack, and thus loyalites whenever circumstances are imposed on him that dictate it. A dog get's seperated from his master. A kind stranger gives him a pat on the head a bite to eat and a place to sleep and the next morning this is the dog's new pack that it will give its life for. Of course altruistic behavior in dogs can be conditioned in a more systematic way, in seeing-eye dogs for example. But is it any less altruistic how such a dog tirelessly and cheerfully, and with unflagging devotion to duty, devotes his every waking moment to guarding the personal safety of his charge? Altrustic behavior unique to human consciousness? Hardly. In the case of human altruism - does it really have nothing to do with loyalty to some kin group? With the Mumbai hostages, you have a group of people all facing the same peril. In such a circumstance you form a kinship with those in your immediate context that are facing the exact same peril as you. This becomes your family - perhaps the last people you may see on this earth. However, do you really think if a person had his actual family members with him in such a setting, that any other person on earth would take precedence over his own flesh and blood? His natural family would always come first. But in their absence, you form a family with whomever you can. If even a dog's loyalties are dynamic and changeable - certainly a human's are as well. Spontaneous displays of extreme generosity, and indeed other types of selflessness or bravery are often done in attempt to broaden a person's kingroup. Certainly if someone buys a house for a stranger, they might expect to have a friend for life, not someone who would slap them in the face. So obviously acts of altruism are done in the hope of something good in return, most often something to do with camraderie which has its own long term rewards. A homeless man in a subway sees his chance for heroism and grabs it in an instant. "Now people won't turn away from me in disgust.", he tells himself. I notice you didn't mention any kindness directed towards the terrorists. That would be the only type of altruism that perhaps you couldn't find a parallel for in the animal kingdom. But then dogs are selflessly loyal to cruel masters as well. Please remember to have your pets spayed or neutered. Thank you.JT
December 9, 2008
10:13 AM
There is no accepted definition for intelligence and when anyone tries to differentiate the differences between humans and other animals, attempts to find common acceptance on what it is has failed. We can point to things humans do that no animals seem capable of but somehow this quality has eluded a distinct definition. Consequently, we humans are just looked at by many as slightly more or this and that and less of something else by the scientists who investigate the phenomena of intelligence. I sat through an exasperating course of the teaching company called Big History and the instructor said the unique thing about humans is they use accumulated knowledge. We constantly build and retain and then improve. Something that does not seem to be present in other species which if they do this, it is minimal. How altruism appears out of this by evolutionary processes is a mystery. It seems more built in or is it part of this accumulated knowledge.jerry
December 9, 2008
10:08 AM
"Searching for an animal that does this “naturally” is an uninformative waste of time because humans don’t do it “naturally”; we do it only sometimes, and what’s remarkable is that we do it at all." I think you are on to something here, it is obvious we are more than the animal kingdom, but you have to define what is 'natural' for humans. Can you elaborate?GSV
December 9, 2008
08:25 AM
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