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At Justin Brierley’s Unbelievable: The scientific case for Adam and Eve


Featuring Joshua Swamidass & Nathan Lents:

Joshua Swamidass is the author of ‘The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The surprising science of universal ancestry’. He says that the book could end the war between evolution and creation as it reveals the scientific basis for why everybody on earth could be descendants of a single human couple within the last several thousand years.

He is joined by atheist biologist Nathan Lents who has given his support to the book, believing that it may help Christians who hold to a traditional understanding of the Adam and Eve story, to also accept evolutionary science.

Note: As it happens, “accepting” evolutionary science means ignoring many of Lents’ own musings. See, for example: Nathan Lents is wrong about sinuses but still writing about them


Jonathan Wells On Lents’s Claim That The Human Eye Is Wired Backwards

See also: Adam and Eve and Swamidass and science — a review. The really remarkable thing is that after all this time and all that rhetoric, Adam and Eve remain a defensible idea.

Still, it is nice to see their irrationality so pithily condensed. Such thought-processes could be taken as satire, as well as plain folly. Axel
@Asauber, exactly. The whole premise of GAE is flawed, as if the problem is Christians don't accept evolution, not whether evolution is true. If it isn't true, then Christians shouldn't accept the theory. EricMH
Evolutionary science seems to be nothing more than made-up, science-sounding stories. At least the Bible doesn't pretend to be science. ET
"it may help Christians who hold to a traditional understanding of the Adam and Eve story, to also accept evolutionary science" Trying to get someone to believe a lie is not helping them. Andrew asauber
The lack of analytical thinking In this conversation is pathetically discouraging. Important concepts referred to so superficially, disregarding the contextual meaning of the terms used. Really sad. jawa

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