Particles and energy can be translated into each other. So, public policy analyst Stephen Berger asks, might man also be a type of duality, with a natural and a spiritual reality? (This is Part 2 of a series.)
God can make an image of God. Man can only make an image of man. Any machine made by man can at best reflect man, its creator. A machine cannot be in the image of God because it was not created by God. A machine will reflect its creator, man. As man’s senses only perceive the four dimensions, man can only create in the four dimensions. Man cannot create in other dimensions, particularly the spiritual dimension, because human senses cannot perceive those dimensions.
Further there is always replication loss. Man is an imperfect image of God, as we all regularly demonstrate. Some images are more degraded than others. Similarly, any image man creates of himself will be a less than perfect image of himself. Hence, man can never make AI that is in the image of God, He can only make a degraded image of himself.
Stephen Berger, “Will humans ever be fully replaceable by AI? Part 2” at Mind Matters News
Takehome: Our tentative conclusion is that there is an ontological barrier to man ever creating a machine that has a spiritual nature and surpasses him.
Here’s the first article in this series:
Will humans ever be fully replaceable by AI? Part 1 Stephen Berger: We must first determine, what is a person and what is the nature of the universe in which a person can exist? There appear to be more dimensions to our thinking than to our physical existence: Thought processes have been categorized into 6, 12, even 39 distinct types.