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Can We Endure?


We are deeply divided.

On the one hand, there are those of us who believe Lincoln was right when he said this nation was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. We insist that the fundamental character of this nation – grounded as it is in the transformative and revolutionary principles of the Declaration – is very good indeed. We concede that these ideals have sometimes been imperfectly realized. Nevertheless, that goodness has always been central to our national character and has been demonstrated by the great strides we have made over the centuries toward realizing the ideals of our founding charter.

On the other hand, there are those who believe Nikole Hannah-Jones’ 1619 Project narrative. They say Lincoln was perpetuating a myth, and the ugly truth is that this nation was founded in an oppressive system that has always been central to our national character. Contra Lincoln, they believe this nation was conceived in evil and dedicated to the preservation of that evil, and therefore it must be transformed at a fundamental level.

Those views are irreconcilable.

In 1863 Lincoln understood that the nation was being tested. Could a nation so conceived long endure? When he said those words, the answer to that question was still very much in doubt. Today, we are being tested again, and the outcome of that test is again very much in doubt. The 1619 Project is being taught in literally thousands of schools. How can a nation endure when half of its children are being taught that it has always been evil at a fundamental level? Will this nation endure? It is hard to be optimistic.

Calls for from the Left to suppress speech are especially alarming. But we should not be surprised. Neo-Marxists Herbert Marcuse, in his paper Repressive Tolerance, says that even the thoughts of those expressing belief in the ideas of The Enlightenment and individual sovereignty should be silenced.”

Some people see a great irony here, because the Left at one time was the greatest proponent of First Amendment rights. Be assured; there is no irony. Muad’Dib’s dictum: “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

The Left was never in favor of freedom of conscience in principle. They were in favor of freedom when it was useful for them. Now that it is useful for them to stifle freedom, they are in favor of that.

In the days before the Left achieved cultural hegemony, they wanted freedom of speech for themselves. Now that they have achieved that hegemony, they no longer have any use for freedom. Their intolerance of competing ideas and call to stifle the speech rights of their opponents is merely an application of Muad’Dib’s dictum.

Barry Can we endure? Honestly I think not, it’s to late to stem the tide. Propaganda is a powerful weapon, it works and it’s been unleashed on our young for 50 years ( think Hitler youth) and is constantly being spewed by our major news organizations as well as the dominant social media platforms. Vividvividbleau
December 5, 2021
12:51 PM
Sev “What this country needs is a strong, disciplined, intelligent and inspiring President and I don’t see anyone around so far who meets all those requirements.” What this country needs is a well informed virtuous pubic. Unfortunately we no longer have a working press, what we have are leftist propaganda machines. There is not a cultural institution in America that is not dominated by those who hate our constitution, hate America and despise concepts of individual liberty. I see where Chicago has instituted gender neutral bathrooms for the schools. When you have left reality and now inhabit “Alice’s Wonderland” I know we are in a really bad place. While we are arguing over whether a man who thinks he is a woman is a woman( which is absurd) the Chinese and Russians are educating their students in the sciences and launching hypersonic weapons. Meanwhile we are putting our military fate in the hands of those who were responsible for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and are more worried about white rage. Our military has not won a war in over 76 years!! America is in deep trouble. You can only deny reality for awhile because when reality raises its ugly head it’s not going to be pretty. Vividvividbleau
December 5, 2021
12:30 PM
David P “They teach some narrative about slavery in the schools. The response here is irrational fear.” To oppose the teaching of “some narrative about slavery” and to support the teaching of the actual factual history of slavery is hardly motivated by an “irrational fear” . Vividvividbleau
December 5, 2021
12:04 PM
DP, the history of the last 100+ years speaks for itself. The current path is organically connected. As for the outmoded L/C/R model, where one might have sat in a hypothetical European Assembly 200 years ago when Monarchy defined the position of honour is irrelevant today. Monarchy shattered its credibility in 1914. The issue is not the excuse for pushing lawless oligarchy and subverting the BATNA of lawfulness leading to lawless ideological oligarchy and tyranny, the issue is to realise that this is afoot and deal with it, preserving the buttresses of constitutional democracy. KFkairosfocus
December 5, 2021
11:58 AM
BA, Dune? KFkairosfocus
December 5, 2021
11:52 AM
They teach Darwin in schools. The response here is reasoned and logical arguments. They teach some narrative about slavery in the schools. The response here is irrational fear. "The Left was never in favor of freedom of conscience in principle. They were in favor of freedom when it was useful for them. Now that it is useful for them to stifle freedom, they are in favor of that." How would you know, did you actually ask someone on the left how they feel about freedom? Or are you defining their positions for them? A big no-no for reasoned or logical debate.David P
December 5, 2021
11:46 AM
PS: Plato's warning is ever apt:
It is not too hard to figure out that our civilisation is in deep trouble and is most likely headed for shipwreck. (And of course, that sort of concern is dismissed as “apocalyptic,” or neurotic pessimism that refuses to pause and smell the roses.) Plato’s Socrates spoke to this sort of situation, long since, in the ship of state parable in The Republic, Bk VI:
>>[Soc.] I perceive, I said, that you are vastly amused at having plunged me into such a hopeless discussion; but now hear the parable, and then you will be still more amused at the meagreness of my imagination: for the manner in which the best men are treated in their own States is so grievous that no single thing on earth is comparable to it; and therefore, if I am to plead their cause, I must have recourse to fiction, and put together a figure made up of many things, like the fabulous unions of goats and stags which are found in pictures. Imagine then a fleet or a ship in which there is a captain [–> often interpreted, ship’s owner] who is taller and stronger than any of the crew, but he is a little deaf and has a similar infirmity in sight, and his knowledge of navigation is not much better. [= The people own the community and in the mass are overwhelmingly strong, but are ill equipped on the whole to guide, guard and lead it] The sailors are quarrelling with one another about the steering – every one is of opinion that he has a right to steer [= selfish ambition to rule and dominate], though he has never learned the art of navigation and cannot tell who taught him or when he learned, and will further assert that it cannot be taught, and they are ready to cut in pieces any one who says the contrary. They throng about the captain, begging and praying him to commit the helm to them [–> kubernetes, steersman, from which both cybernetics and government come in English]; and if at any time they do not prevail, but others are preferred to them, they kill the others or throw them overboard [ = ruthless contest for domination of the community], and having first chained up the noble captain’s senses with drink or some narcotic drug [ = manipulation and befuddlement, cf. the parable of the cave], they mutiny and take possession of the ship and make free with the stores; thus, eating and drinking, they proceed on their voyage in such a manner as might be expected of them [–> Cf here Luke’s subtle case study in Ac 27]. Him who is their partisan and cleverly aids them in their plot for getting the ship out of the captain’s hands into their own whether by force or persuasion [–> Nihilistic will to power on the premise of might and manipulation making ‘right’ ‘truth’ ‘justice’ ‘rights’ etc], they compliment with the name of sailor, pilot, able seaman, and abuse the other sort of man, whom they call a good-for-nothing; but that the true pilot must pay attention to the year and seasons and sky and stars and winds, and whatever else belongs to his art, if he intends to be really qualified for the command of a ship, and that he must and will be the steerer, whether other people like or not-the possibility of this union of authority with the steerer’s art has never seriously entered into their thoughts or been made part of their calling. Now in vessels which are in a state of mutiny and by sailors who are mutineers, how will the true pilot be regarded? Will he not be called by them a prater, a star-gazer, a good-for-nothing? [Ad.] Of course, said Adeimantus. [Soc.] Then you will hardly need, I said, to hear the interpretation of the figure, which describes the true philosopher in his relation to the State [ --> here we see Plato's philosopher-king emerging]; for you understand already. [Ad.] Certainly. [Soc.] Then suppose you now take this parable to the gentleman who is surprised at finding that philosophers have no honour in their cities; explain it to him and try to convince him that their having honour would be far more extraordinary. [Ad.] I will. [Soc.] Say to him, that, in deeming the best votaries of philosophy to be useless to the rest of the world, he is right; but also tell him to attribute their uselessness to the fault of those who will not use them, and not to themselves. The pilot should not humbly beg the sailors to be commanded by him –that is not the order of nature; neither are ‘the wise to go to the doors of the rich’ –the ingenious author of this saying told a lie –but the truth is, that, when a man is ill, whether he be rich or poor, to the physician he must go, and he who wants to be governed, to him who is able to govern. [--> the issue of competence and character as qualifications to rule] The ruler who is good for anything ought not to beg his subjects to be ruled by him [ --> down this road lies the modern solution: a sound, well informed people will seek sound leaders, who will not need to manipulate or bribe or worse, and such a ruler will in turn be checked by the soundness of the people, cf. US DoI, 1776]; although the present governors of mankind are of a different stamp; they may be justly compared to the mutinous sailors, and the true helmsmen to those who are called by them good-for-nothings and star-gazers. [Ad.] Precisely so, he said. [Soc] For these reasons, and among men like these, philosophy, the noblest pursuit of all, is not likely to be much esteemed by those of the opposite faction [--> the sophists, the Demagogues, Alcibiades and co, etc]; not that the greatest and most lasting injury is done to her by her opponents, but by her own professing followers, the same of whom you suppose the accuser to say, that the greater number of them are arrant rogues, and the best are useless; in which opinion I agreed [--> even among the students of the sound state (here, political philosophy and likely history etc.), many are of unsound motivation and intent, so mere education is not enough, character transformation is critical]. [Ad.] Yes. [Soc.] And the reason why the good are useless has now been explained? [Ad.] True. [Soc.] Then shall we proceed to show that the corruption of the majority is also unavoidable [--> implies a need for a corruption-restraining minority providing proverbial salt and light, cf. Ac 27, as well as justifying a governing structure turning on separation of powers, checks and balances], and that this is not to be laid to the charge of philosophy any more than the other? [Ad.] By all means. [Soc.] And let us ask and answer in turn, first going back to the description of the gentle and noble nature.[ -- > note the character issue] Truth, as you will remember, was his leader, whom he followed always and in all things [ --> The spirit of truth as a marker]; failing in this, he was an impostor, and had no part or lot in true philosophy [--> the spirit of truth is a marker, for good or ill] . . . >>
(There is more than an echo of this in Acts 27, a real world case study. [Luke, a physician, was an educated Greek with a taste for subtle references.] This blog post, on soundness in policy, will also help)
December 5, 2021
11:35 AM
Seversky, the issue is not population size etc. It is, to recognise a pattern of anti-civilisational, dirty form colour-cultural revolution 4th gen war pushes complete with red guards and Reichstag fire narratives, driven by Frankfurt School derived culture form marxism for what it is: war by subversion and usurpation pursuing a clear design. Then, we must realise that such breaks down the cultural support for lawful government and constitutional democracy, undermining the BATNA of lawfulness that keeps us from falling under lawless ideological oligarchy and tyranny under whatever excuse of the day. If we don't arise, expose, stoutly resist by force of intellect and by countering the 4th gen war strategies, we will fall into a dark age, starting with a full orbed reign of terror. With nukes and other horrors in play. We are collectively insane, embarking on a voyage of ruinous folly. KFkairosfocus
December 5, 2021
11:34 AM
Sev writes: "That leads towards ever larger, more centralized governments." Part of the genius of the constitutional order set up in 1789 is that it diffused power. It diffused power in the federal government by spreading it over three branches. It diffused power in the nation by leaving the vast majority of matters to the numerous states to deal with as each saw fit and allocating to the central government a scope of action limited to only a few narrowly enumerated topics. Progressives, beginning with Woodrow Wilson (and T. Roosevelt to some extent) hate that system. They chafe at the constitution's constraints on Washington's ability to impose a top-down-one-size-fits-all approach to all issues. We began to go off the rails when we allowed progressives to erode those constraints, starting slowing in the early 20th Century and picking up speed in the 1930s and afterward. Yes, as Sev, says, power has been concentrated in Washington. That is a problem. But it was not inevitable, and if we had hewed to the constitutional order it would not have happened.Barry Arrington
December 5, 2021
11:03 AM
I think an issue we're still missing is that we are now faced with trying to govern, administer and provide for populations that are far larger than any in history. That leads towards ever larger, more centralized governments. The problem is that people find it difficult to identify with or trust bureaucracies that are perceived as remote, uncaring and corrupt. You can see this in the popular distrust of Washington or Brussels and probably Moscow or Beijing as well. I was watching a TV documentary about Chinese President Xi Jinping and one of the points it made was that he was heavily influenced by the disintegration of the old Soviet Union following the Gorbachev reforms. He was afraid that the same could happen in a sprawling country like China with its many diverse regional and ethnic groups, hence the crackdown on any kind of dissent. They also see the growing fragmentation of the US as a sign the country is weakening, something QAnon-like conspiracies are seeking to exploit. What this country needs is a strong, disciplined, intelligent and inspiring President and I don't see anyone around so far who meets all those requirements.Seversky
December 5, 2021
10:18 AM
The problem for the left is that the Montagnards always turn on the Girondists. I say this often and wonder if anyone understands. It’s from the French Revolution. Basically the left always eats its own. I know my three children voted for Biden and Democrats. They are well educated and well meaning but not well informed. If my wife or I try to inform them, they will silence us.jerry
December 5, 2021
09:47 AM
As always, brilliant post!KRock
December 5, 2021
09:14 AM
I wrote an article a few years back on this very thing: https://ayearningforpublius.wordpress.com/2020/07/03/from-little-acorns-mighty-oak-trees-grow/ayearningforpublius
December 5, 2021
07:50 AM
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