All research papers from Nature will be made free to read in a proprietary screen-view format that can be annotated but not copied, printed or downloaded, the journal’s publisher Macmillan announced on 2 December.
The content-sharing policy, which also applies to 48 other journals in Macmillan’s Nature Publishing Group (NPG) division, including Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine and Nature Physics, marks an attempt to let scientists freely read and share articles while preserving NPG’s primary source of income — the subscription fees libraries and individuals pay to gain access to articles.
A definite improvement on A definite improvement on, Just believe us, peasant. We’re Nature. (Hey, if you could AFFORD to pay US$32 for this, you would know that the multiverse is real and Darwin’s followers are right, and … ).
See also: BAHfest:A stopped clock is always right if you can’t test it against other clocks
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