From New Scientist on our universe’s five most startling coincidences:
1. Dark matter and energy balance
2. Universe lines up along “axis of evil”
3. Universe flat as a pancake
4. Space is all the same temperature
5. Higgs boson keeps the universe stable
Having decided that these cirumstances are not coincidences, the New Scientist staff happily burble,
One idea explains all the weird coincidences in the universe
Don’t believe in coincidences but stuck for an explanation? Time to call up the anthropic principle and the multiverse
Why believe in the multiverse? Because a process such as inflation (see “The universe is flat as a pancake. Coincidence?“), if left unchecked, could produce a multitude of causally disconnected universes. String theory, still most physicists’ favoured route to an overarching theory of everything, conjures up an entire landscape of maybe 10100 or more universes, all with slightly varying properties.
Actually, even the pace of inflation is currently disputed. It is hardly the law of gravity.
But some still see the multiverse as an abdication of scientific responsibility: a fancier way of simply saying “coincidences happen”. And, if true, it means some astronomers out there are forced to justify a universe even more replete with coincidences than ours, while others could be bored stiff in a completely random cosmos. More.
Reality check: We see fine-tuning; we do not see a multiverse, and could never do so.
So yes, the multiverse explains everything if one is ready to part company with reason, evidence, and common sense. How strange that people who claim to love science so much should be its murderers.
See also: Forbes regrets to inform us that there is no evidence for a multiverse yet. But everyone is working on it. Otherwise, fine tuning is the only explanation.
Rob Sheldon: The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. Or IS it? One gets the sense that Prof Sarkar is trying not to step on toes as he explains why the Nobel should never have been awarded for dark energy.
Multiverse cosmology at your fingertips
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