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Darwin’s “Sacred” Cause: How Opposing Slavery Could Still Enslave


darwin-as-ape3Those who follow the Darwin industry are very familiar with Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist by Adrian Desmond and James Moore. In that biography they were one of the few biographers to highlight young Charles’ Edinburgh years (October 1825 to April 1827) and show the powerful influences that experience had on the teenager. Here too in Desmond and Moore’s new Darwin’s Sacred Cause, Edinburgh becomes the substantive starting point. This is as it should be since the freethinkers he would be exposed to in the radical Plinian Society (a largely student-based group Darwin seemed to relish given his attendance at all but one of its 19 meetings during his stay there) would have a profund influence on his thinking for the rest of his life. Desmond and Moore correctly acknowledge this, observing that this period “helped condition his life’s work on the deepest social — and scientific — issues” (17). Indeed the Plinians would steep Charles in a radical materialism that the present biographers admit was “mirrored” in his work a decade later (35).

All well and good so far. But not quite.  This is a book with its own cause. From the outset the authors explain frankly that , “We show the humanitarian roots that nourished Darwin’s most controversial and contested work on human ancestry” (xviii). And those “humanitarian roots,” we are told again and  again throughout its 376 narrative pages was Darwin’s passionate and unwavering hatred of slavery.  “No one has appreciated the source of that moral fire that fuelled his strange, out-of-character obsession with human origins. Understand that,” they insist, “and Darwin can be radically reassessed” (xix).  And what is that reassessment?  The reader is not left waiting:  “Ours is a book about a caring, compassionate man who was affected for life by the scream of a tortured slave” (xx).

At issue, of course, isn’t the horrific abomination of slavery nor Darwin’s abhorrence of it (this has long been known and acknowledged by historians) but rather the purported impact that Desmond and Moore claim his abolitionism had on his theory’s development and purpose.  In short, the question is, does the anti-slavery Darwin necessarily make for a “kinder, gentler” Darwin? An affirmative answer must rest upon two supports, one conceptual and the other factual. The remainder of this essay will examine both to answer this question.

One of the more interesting trajectories of this book is it anchoring in Darwin’s early Edinburgh years, a comparatively short period but one fraught with significance for Darwin.  In this starting point I fully concur with Desmond and Moore.  While many look to his voyage on the Beagle (December 1831 to October 1836) as introducing the young naturalist to the fullness of nature’s laboratory that would culminate in his theory of natural selection and a wholly naturalistic evolutionary theory, these authors point to the earlier Edinburgh experiences as establishing the seminal backdrop for all else that would follow.  They point out that Edinburgh was rife with discussions of race, cranial size, and phrenology.  Some attempted to demonstrate the validity of scientifc racism, others the opposite. All — or nearly all — were cast in materialistic terms. Desmond and Moore’s summary is quite accurate:

So this wasn’t the barren period Darwin in his biography would have us believe.  Issues of environmental versus anatomical determinism, and a self-animated versus a Creatively animated nature, were being thrashed out all around him, issues which would have repurcussions for generations, inside and outside Darwin’s own work.  Arguments about brain sizes, innate dispositions and racial categories were still raging, putting a consensus some way off.  Groups were competing to sway the students and Darwin was at the center of it. But the young innocent probably wasn’t so much embroiled as wide-eyed.  Still, many of these themes would later resurface in his own work on human racial descent (43).

During Darwin’s stay at Cambridge, he too was exposed to many ideas, not the least of which was a vocal but conflicted anti-slavery impluse.  Through it all, insist Desmond and Moore, Darwin “held fast with radically pliant ‘brotherbood’ science and shackle-breaking ideology in true Whig tradition” (57).  Indeed Darwin would, according to the authors, reject the measuring, weighting, calculating racial anthropologists (those self-important, confident phrenologists and physiognomists)  he had found in Edinburgh.  “No skull collecting would mark his science,” they insist.” He would find a very different way of approaching black and white, slave and free” (110).

It is important to keep this claim in mind since it is crucial to Desmond and Moore’s thesis that while he became a “secret materialist — happy to have brains secrete even religious notions as physiological byproducts” (132), he would eschew the scientific racism implicit (and more often than not explicit) in this radical materialism in favor of a wholly naturalistic theory confirming a common descent and botherhood of all mankind. They refer to it as generations of “brotherly common descents” (141).

How he accomplishes this forms a considerable part of Darwin’s Sacred Cause. Basically, by establishing common descent as a viable scientific paradigm, Darwin was able to settle the old monogenist/polygenist debate once and for all.  The monogenists viewed human development on earth as emanating from a common pair — this was, for some, most eloquently described in the opening chapters of Genesis.  But there were non-biblical monogenists as well.  Polygenists, however, believed in multiple origins for humanity.  As America headed towards Civil War, the polygenists held the upper hand.  The biblical monogenism of James Cowles Prichard (1786-1848) looked antiquated against the “scientific” racism of Josiah Clark Nott (1804-1873), George R. Gliddon (1809-1857), and others. Desmond and Moore describe in detail how Darwin sought to establish a viable counter to the polygenists with an explanation of human origins that was at once naturalistic and based upon a common descent.  In effect, a science of human oneness and brotherhood.  They describe how the publication of Darwin’s Origin in 1859 tipped the scales permanently in his favor, citing the example of Charles Loring Brace (1826-1890), an abolitionist firebrand who claimed to have read the book thirteen times.

All this is true.  Darwin was adamantly opposed to slavery, Darwin did end — eventually — the polgenists’ claim to scientific respectability.  But this alone would hardly warrant a book.  As mentioned before, historians have long known of Darwin’s consistent antipathy towards slavery.  As for his role in settling the monogenist/polygenist dispute, that too has long been known (n. 1). The essential problem with Desmond and Moore’s effort is their naive assumption that anti-slavery means egalitarian and humanitarian.  This is a conceptual problem that haunts the book throughout. There really is no reason to assume an immediate and direct relationship between the one and the other, and the example of Charles Loring Brace given above goes not only to this point but to demonstrate the selective treatment they give to this whole subject.  Charles Loring Brace was indeed a vocal opponent of slavery and also and ardent Darwinist. What Desmond and Moore do not say is that Brace viewed blacks as inherently inferior and was himself a vocal opponent of miscegenation.  In the words of historian George M. Fredrickson, Brace made “the Darwinian case for differentiation of the races by natural selection . . . [and] ended up with a view of racial differences which was far from egalitarian in its implications” (n. 2). Brace held out little hope for “the mullato” and finished up by declaring, “there is nothing in the gradual diminution and destruction of a savage or inferior race in contact with a more civilized and powerful which is ‘mysterious’ . . . . The first gifts of civilization are naturally fatal to a barbarous people . . . . (n. 3). Fredrickson quite accurately points out that “Brace’s pioneering effort to devolop a Darwinist ethnology in opposition to the American School, although animated to some degree by antislavery humanitarianism, had demonstrated that most of the hierarchical assumptions of the polygenists could be justified just as well, if not better, in Darwinian terms” (n. 4).

The example of Josiah Clark Nott underscores this point.  Desmond and Moore spend considerable time showing how the Alabamian’s rabid polygenism formed the basis for an extreme racism and justification for slavery; they fail to point out that in the end Nott was able to reconcile with Darwinism.  Nott recognized at once that he had been outdone by Darwin’s irreligious formulations.  Writing to Ephraim Squire in the summer of 1860, Nott quipped, “the man [Darwin] is clearly crazy, but it is a capital dig into the parson — it stirs up Creation and much good comes out of such thorough discuassions” (n. 5).  In the end, Nott came to accept Darwin’s theory of man’s common descent.  Indeed he claimed nothing of what he wrote on the race question was negated but simply refined, and who was not to say that even in Darwin’s world races might not be “permanent varieties” (n. 6).  The point, of course, isn’t whether or not any of this is true — it is obvious nonsense and most of Nott’s contemporaries recognized it as such — but whether Darwin’s defeat of polygenist theory and its replacement with his common descent really had any difference in the end toward establishing a science of brotherhood is doubtful.  Brace, Nott, and many others could enbrace common descent precisely because it suggested nothing close to racial brotherhood.

This poor conceptualization of anti-slavery and ipso facto humanitarianism is compounded by a misunderstanding of Darwin himself.  Desmond and Moore correctly point out the crucial impact that the Edinburgh freethinkers had upon him and his theory, but they are simply wrong in contending that he distanced himself from their emerging racial craniology.  Their denials notwithstanding, there were skulls in Darwin’s science.  In his Descent of Man (1871) Paul Boca’s crantiometry is referenced approvingly.  While Darwin was careful to avoid the implication that “the intellect of any two animals or of any two men can be accurately gauged by the cubic contents of their skulls,” he seemed to give accumulated aggregate craniometric data some evidentiary weight.  “The belief that there exists in man some close relation between the size of the brain and the development of the intellectual faculties is supported by the comparison of skulls of savage and civilized races, of ancient and modern people, and by the analogy of the whole vertebrate series” (n. 7).  Citing the work of physician/craniologist Joseph Barnard Davis (1801-1881), Darwin noted that Europeans had a cranial capacity of 92.3, Americans 87.5, Asiatics 87.1, and Australians 81.9 cubic inches.  Clearly, if Darwin did in fact believe in a brotherhood of man it was a very unequal brotherhood.

Darwin’s “bullbog defender” Thomas Henry Huxley provides yet another example.  A devoted Darwinian, Huxley did not translate common descent into common equality.  Like Brace, Huxley was relieved to witness the end of America’s “peculiar institution.”  Writing at the end of the war that had raged for four years across the Atlantic, Huxley said, “But whatever the position of stable equilibrium into which the laws of social gravitation may bring the negro, all responsibility for the result will henceforward lie between nature and him. The white man may wash his hands of it, and the Caucasian conscience be void of reproach for evermore.  And this, if we look to the bottom of the matter, is the real justification for the abolition policy” (n. 8). Even Desmond and Moore must admit that Huxley “shared none of Darwin’s ‘man and brother’ sympathy” (275).

But how keen really was that “man and brother” sympathy for Darwin himself?  After well over 300 pages of explication designed to show how Darwin’s anti-slavery passion led to his “brotherly common descent” we find the crux of the matter:  “It was a humanitarianism that Darwin took pride in. His anti-slavery and anti-cruelty ethic was inviolate. Yet the incongruity of his class holding this ethic sacrosanct while disparaging the ‘lower’ classes (even as colonists displaced or exterminated them) [emphasis added] is impossible to comprehend by twenty-first century standards” (370).  Darwin was indeed a product of his class as any reading of his Descent will prove; in fact, it formed the very basis of his conception of man as a social animal (n. 9).  But it will take more than Desmond and Moore’s eight pages of dismissive discussion of Descent to see that.  Instead the quotation above would imply they’re trying get Darwin off the hook by pleading he was just a “man of his times” and failure to appreciate this dichotomy is mere presentism.  Frankly, it would have been incomprehensible for some in the nineteenth century as well — Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868), Theodore Weld (1803-1895), William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879), Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911), and George Frisbie Hoar (1826-1904) found this kind of hypocracy repugnant.  Darwin’s work was supposed to be prescient, path-breaking, revolutionary.  But by book’s end Darwin looks pretty conventional, even compliantly if somewhat minimally racist himself.  Writing to former slave-holder Charles Kingsley, Darwin admits, “It is very true what you say about the higher races of men, when high enough, will have spread & exterminated whole nations.”  Desmond and Moore admit, “racial genocide was now normalized by natural selection and rationalized as nature’s way of producing ‘superior’ races. Darwin ended up calibrating human ‘rank’ no differently from the rest of his society.  After shunning talk of ‘high’ and ‘low’ in his youthful evolution books, he had ceased to be unique or interesting on the subject” (318).

So in the end we find Darwin’s “sacred” cause was, well, not all that sacred. His cause was less about slavery and more about common descent, which in the final analysis had nothing whatsoever to do with equality.  In fact, it could easily be argued Darwin cleared out the polygenists to give way to a new generation of racial discriminators and engineers.  Based upon Darwinian principles, Darwin’s fascination with breeder and domestic stocks, opened the door to manipulating human “stock,” of managing and even culling the “unfit.” Not that Darwin himself would have condoned that, but surely, Francis Galton (1822-1911), took the evolutionary ball handed him by his cousin and ran with it.  In the end, Darwin’s cause was hardly humanitarian and by no means sacred.  As the lampooning cartoon that opens this essay suggests, if Darwin proved that man is a mere animal related (however distantly) to his ape ancestors then, like the domestic pigeons he was so fond of studying and analogizing from, mankind was capable of being bred, manipulated, and “improved.”  That sort of biological historicism unleashed by Darwinian theory has exacted an enormous price.

Of course, this suggests a connection between Darwin and the more unseemly Social Darwism.  I have likely imposed upon the reader’s time long enough, but for those who would like to explore this in greater detail, Mike Hawkin’s Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860-1945 (Cambridge UP, 1997) is highly recommended.  For now, I will simply say that Darwin’s Sacred Cause has proved not what its authors intended, but instead that passionate opposition to slavery could — indeed did — enslave this Victorian elitist who was shackled (if not by racism) by a theory that was crafted to support his own class and prejudice.  History is full of irony!


1. See Herbert H. Odum, “Generalizations on Race in Nineteenth-Century Physical Anthropology,” Isis 58.1 (Spring 1967): 4-18.

2. George M. Fredrickson, The Black Image in the White Mind: The Debate on Afro-American Character and Destiny, 1817-1914 (New York: Harper Torchbook, 1971), p. 234.

3. Quoted in Ibid., p. 235.

4. Ibid.

5. John S. Haller Jr., Outcasts from Evolution: Scientific Attitudes of Racial Inferiority, 1859-1900, 2nd ed. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1995), p. 80.

6. Ibid.

7. Charles Darwin, Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871; reprinted, New York: Barnes & Noble, 2004), p. 42.

8. Thomas Henry Huxley, “Emancipation — Black and White” (1865),  http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/CE3/B&W.html accessed 2/15/09.

9.  Like his fellow Victorian imperialists, Darwin could view the extinction of indigenous peoples with an unsettling indifference. There is considerable evidence to support the view that Darwin saw struggle as product of culture and class more than race:  “When civilized nations come into contact with barbarians the sturggle is short, except where a deadly climate gives its aid to the native race. Of the causes which lead to the victory of civilized nations, some are plain and simple, others complex and obscure. We can see that the cultivation of the land will be fatal in many ways to savages, for they cannot, or will not, change their habits. . . . The grade of their civilization seems to be a most important element in the success of competing nations.” Descent, op. cit., p. 156.

Darwin always viewed indigenous peoples with the Eurocentric eyes of power and class, and he had thought this long before writing Descent. In The Voyage of the Beagle he wrote the following of the natives he encountered on Tierra del Fuego:

The perfect equality among the individuals composing the Fuegian tribes must for a long time retard their civilization. As we see those animals, whose instinct compels them to live in society and obey a chief, are most capable of improvement, so it is with the races of mankind. Whether we look at it as a cause or consequence, the more civilized always have the more artificial governments. For instance, the inhabitants of Otaheite, who, when first discovered, were governed by hereditary kings, had arrived at a far higher grade than another branch of the same people, the New Zealanders, — who, although benefited by being compelled to turn their attention to agriculture, were republicans in the most absolute sense. In Tierra del Fuego, until some chief shall arise with power sufficient to secure any acquired advantage, such as the domestication of animals, it seems scarcely possible that the political state of the country can be improved. At present, even a piece of cloth given to one is torn into shreds and distributed; and no one individual becomes richer than another. On the other hand, it is difficult to understand how a chief can arise till there is property of some sort by which he might manifest his superiority and increase his power.

I believe, in this extreme part of South America, man exists in a lower state of improvement than in any other part of the world. — Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle, 2nd ed. (1845; reprinted, New York: Tess Press, n.d.), pp. 214-215.

Basing Darwin’s humanitarianism on his abhorrence of slavery and a purported “brotherhood of man” largely misses the point. Historians have long known that Darwin’s racial classifications were based more upon levels of cultural attainment than ethnic groups. See, for example, Goria McConnaughey, “Darwin and Social Darwinism,” Osiris 9 (1950): 397-412.

re: uprightbiped @ #62: If our "nature" is to make rational choices about our behavior, based on our perception of the consequences of that behavior for ourselves and for other people (as I believe it is), then the answer is "yes".Allen_MacNeill
February 19, 2009
06:27 AM
tribune7 @ 66: dittoAllen_MacNeill
February 19, 2009
06:23 AM
StephenB @ 50:
"...if we were not made for a purpose (is) then we cannot frustrate that purpose so there can be nor morality one way or the other. That is why Darwinism leads to purposeless, which in turn leads to amorality. Unfortunately, amorality always leads to immorality, so indirectly, Darwinism contributes to immorality."
According to this very common logical misconception, this should mean that people who accept the theory of evolution as a plausible explanation for biology should show evidence of "purposelessness" and "immorality". And, just as clearly, this should be most likely among people who use the theory all the time; that is, evolutionary biologists. Ergo, one can make a series of easily testable predictions: 1) that in those places (states, etc.) in which the theory of evolution is not tempered with alternative explanations (e.g. ID) there should be measurably higher levels of "purposeless" behavior and "immorality", as reflected in higher suicide and crime rates 2) that among those groups of people in which belief in a "higher power" is measurably higher, there should be lower levels of "puprposeless" behavior and "immorality", as reflected in lower suicide and crime rates 3) "purposeless" and "immoral" behavior, as reflected in suicide and crime rates, should be highest among evolutionary biologists. None of these predictions are supported by the evidence: 1) those countries with the lowest rates of religious belief and the highest rates of belief in the theory of evolution have the among the lowest crime and suicide rates in the world (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). 2) those states with the lowest rates of religious belief and the highest rates of belief in the theory of evolution have the among the lowest crime and suicide rates (and also divorce rates in the United States (New England and the west coast) 3) those states with the highest rates of religious belief and the lowest rates of belief in the theory of evolution have among the highest crime and suicide rates (and divorce rates) in the United States (the so-called "Bible belt" states) 4) evolutionary biologists are dramatically less likely to commit suicide and violent crimes (as reflected in their under-representation among prison populations and in suicide statistics). I am not attempting to show that belief in the theory of evolution leads one to be more or less moral, more or less inclined to "purposeless" behavior, or more or less likely to commit suicide. On the contrary, it seems clear from the evidence that these things are unrelated to one's acceptance of the theory of evolution (or lack thereof). This lack of correlation is precisely what one would expect if there is no necessary connection between statements about what "is" and statements about what "ought" to be. Most of the evolutionary biologists of my acquaintance are quite clear that no necessary connection between "is" and "ought" statements exists. In other words, if one wishes to justify one's moral and ethical prescriptions, it is illegitimate to ground such justifications in science. Just clarify things a little, how many people following this thread believe that people who accept the theory of evolution must be immoral (by definition)? Are atheists immoral by definition? Is a belief in a supernatural "intelligent designer" necessary for one to behave in what we would all agree to be a "moral" way?Allen_MacNeill
February 19, 2009
06:20 AM
Allen, I fear you and I have fairly close political & economic views.tribune7
February 19, 2009
06:01 AM
#64 UB I thought your were going to come up with an original angle but I fear it is the same old debate repeated daily all over the internet. My next move is ... "The tyrants may have agreed with themselves. In most cases I doubt they agreed that what they did was right - they just fell for those less laudable motives. However, let us suppose they did what they did out of a perverted sense of justice, honour or whatever. The point is that the vast majoriity of people disagreed with them. " Your response is something on the lines of "the vast majority of people agreed slavery/child sacrifice/female circumcision was right at time and place X" And my response..... "Those things seemed right to those people at that time and place. They would very likely have expressed this in terms of what they ought to do (in the appropriate language). That's how I guess they woudl have expressed their opinion. Those actions seem wrong to us at this time and therefore I say (passionately and truthfully) they ought not to done those things. That's how I express my opinion." etcMark Frank
February 19, 2009
05:38 AM
Mark Frank, All the tyrants of the world agreed with themselves as well.Upright BiPed
February 19, 2009
05:22 AM
Re #62 Ought man to be anything other than what nature has made him to be? Personally I think "yes". Nature has created people with a mixture of motives - some I approve of (fairness, compassion, loyalty), some I don't approve of (greed, cowardice, sadism). When the less than laudable motives prevail then we are behaving in one of the ways that nature has made us - but I think we ought not to behave that way. When the more laudable motives prevail then we are also behaving in one of the ways that Nature made us - and I think we ought to behave that way.Mark Frank
February 19, 2009
01:39 AM
Ought man to be anything other than what nature has made him to be?
Anybody over there want to answer this question? Careful.Upright BiPed
February 18, 2009
11:52 PM
#60 StephenB If, for example, God exists (is) then clearly we “ought to” worship him. Similarly, if man has a human nature (is), and there is any such thing as a moral code (is), then, clearly, we “ought to” harmonize our behavior with it. Similarly, if we are created for a purpose (is) then clearly we “ought to” follow that purpose. More to the point, we are “good” if we faithfully follow that purpose and we “bad” if we do not follow that purpose. To be good is to function as one was designed and intended to function. So, if humans were designed for union with God, their behavior is “good” if it leads them in that direction, and it is “bad” if it takes them on another path. I don't find any of these "oughts" to be obvious. Even if there is a God who has established a moral code and designed me for a purpose. Why ought I worship that God? harmonize with that moral code? function as I was designed? Just show me how it clearly follows.Mark Frank
February 18, 2009
10:51 PM
The problem of developing the “ought to” from this “is” is really a contextual problem. In the context presented here, the commentators (Eric, Allen, etc.) are quite correct in the sense that a bare naked observation of nature cannot produce a moral imperative of any kind. This context, as presented by Hume however, is quite constricted and calculated to mislead and misdirect. In fact, the “ought to” follows very easily from the “is” if the “is” describes a reality that goes beyond the observation of data. If, for example, God exists (is) then clearly we “ought to” worship him. Similarly, if man has a human nature (is), and there is any such thing as a moral code (is), then, clearly, we “ought to” harmonize our behavior with it. Similarly, if we are created for a purpose (is) then clearly we “ought to” follow that purpose. More to the point, we are “good” if we faithfully follow that purpose and we “bad” if we do not follow that purpose. To be good is to function as one was designed and intended to function. So, if humans were designed for union with God, their behavior is “good” if it leads them in that direction, and it is “bad” if it takes them on another path. On the other hand, if Darwinists are right, that is, if we were not made for a purpose (is) then we cannot frustrate that purpose so there can be nor morality one way or the other. That is why Darwinism leads to purposeless, which in turn leads to amorality. Unfortunately, amorality always leads to immorality, so indirectly, Darwinism contributes to immorality. Further, if there is no God, no after life, and no final judgment, then another “ought to” asserts itself just as clearly---Might makes right. The sophists recognized this even in Plato’s time. Darwinists may want to deny this, but if they do, it just means that they are poor philosophers and do not understand the implications of atheistic materialism. There are only two possible choices--- [A] Purpose and design as made manifest in the “natural moral law.” [B] Purposelessness which leads to “might makes right.” This is the reason why Darwinism is destructive to both the culture and the life of the mind.StephenB
February 18, 2009
10:22 PM
Allen_MacNeill [at 50] is quite correct when he implies that you cannot derive "ought" from "is". (C.S. Lewis also wrote about that, e.g. The Abolition of Man.) Therein is the problem. Someone who recognizes a transcendent moral framework and an intended purpose for mankind can consider not only what is, but also what ought to be, not only how people do behave, but also whether they are behaving as humans ought to behave. But the materialist has only the physical realm, only what is. Man as the product of purposeless natural processes has no intended behavior, no "ought" to how he should behave that is distinct from whatever he actually does. Ought man to be anything other than what nature has made him to be? So I quite agree that you cannot derive "wrong" from watching nature. That is essential to my point. Whatever Darwin didn't like emotionally, from a materialist perspective he is categorically unable to conclude that anything nature does is wrong. In this way, whatever is "natural" become "normal" and never, ever "wrong." Darwin may not like what happens, but he shows the implications of his theory when he uses it to predict. And others, accepting the processes of nature over vast numbers of years as normal, have no rational basis for trying to oppose or defeat the way of nature. If some are wiped out, then that is just the way it goes, the way it has always gone. Why should we expect otherwise? So the "prediction" not "prescription" dodge fails completely. As indicated by the original post of this thread, what matters is that his theory does not require a "kindler, gentler" outcome, despite whatever personal, emotional feelings Darwin may have retained.ericB
February 18, 2009
08:00 PM
Not necessarily. At the time, I found Atlas Shrugged to be intriguing, but not compelling. Same thing for the Old and New Testaments, and the Origin of Species. Indeed, as a teenager, I found almost everything I read to be intriguing, but not compelling. If asked today, I would list the following books as compelling...for me, of course (alphabetical by title): NON-FICTION: The Blind Watchmaker (Dawkins) Human Action (von Mises) Origin of Species (Darwin) The Revolution (Ron Paul) Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (Wilson) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn) FICTION: Little/BIG (Crowley) Always Coming Home (LeGuin) The Dispossessed (LeGuin) The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (Tolkein) The Left Hand of Darkness (LeGuin) The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein)Allen_MacNeill
February 18, 2009
07:56 PM
Allen -- What exactly was your point in asking this question? It seemed you put more stock in Atlas Shrugged than the Bible.tribune7
February 18, 2009
06:34 PM
In #52 tribune7 asked:
"And in the formation of your personal philosophy, have you ever managed to read the New Testament?"
Yes, multiple times, beginning when I was about ten years old. That was about the same time when I first tried to read the Origin of Species. Have you ever managed to read it? BTW, I've also read the Old Testament (in both the Christian and Jewish version, called the Tanach, which arranges the books in a very different order), the Apochrypha, the Rig Vedas, the Baghavad Gita, the Q'Uran, the Book of Mormon, most of Buddha's sutras. Indeed, my wife is a classical scholar whose specialty is the origin and evolution of the Mediterranean religious cults around the year 0 AD, and so we have many of these texts in the original languages in our personal library (which currently stands at approximately 7,000 volumes). What exactly was your point in asking this question?Allen_MacNeill
February 18, 2009
09:54 AM
Footnote: Re laminar: ,i>Why is it self evident that we all have certain rights just because we were ‘created’? Try Locke's cite from "the judicious [Richard] Hooker] in Ch 2, Sect 5 of his 2nd essay on civil Govt: . . . if I cannot but wish to receive good, even as much at every man's hands, as any man can wish unto his own soul, how should I look to have any part of my desire herein satisfied, unless myself be careful to satisfy the like desire which is undoubtedly in other men . . . my desire, therefore, to be loved of my equals in Nature, as much as possible may be, imposeth upon me a natural duty of bearing to themward fully the like affection. From which relation of equality between ourselves and them that are as ourselves, what several rules and canons natural reason hath drawn for direction of life no man is ignorant. Once we walk away from that equality in the image of God, we open the door to all sorts of assertions of superiority/inferiority that end up in self-serving, self-referential absurdities. H G Wells gave a grim warning on possible consequences in the opening chapter of War of the Worlds:
No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water . . . Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us . . . . looking across space with instruments, and intelligences such as we have scarcely dreamed of, they see, at its nearest distance only 35,000,000 of miles sunward of them, a morning star of hope, our own warmer planet, green with vegetation and grey with water, with a cloudy atmosphere eloquent of fertility, with glimpses through its drifting cloud wisps of broad stretches of populous country and narrow, navy-crowded seas. And we men, the creatures who inhabit this earth, must be to them at least as alien and lowly as are the monkeys and lemurs to us. The intellectual side of man already admits that life is an incessant struggle for existence, and it would seem that this too is the belief of the minds upon Mars. Their world is far gone in its cooling and this world is still crowded with life, but crowded only with what they regard as inferior animals. To carry warfare sunward is, indeed, their only escape from the destruction that, generation after generation, creeps upon them. And before we judge of them too harshly we must remember what ruthless and utter destruction our own species has wrought, not only upon animals, such as the vanished bison and the dodo, but upon its inferior races. The Tasmanians, in spite of their human likeness, were entirely swept out of existence in a war of extermination waged by European immigrants, in the space of fifty years. Are we such apostles of mercy as to complain if the Martians warred in the same spirit?
This was in 1897/8, grimly prophetic I'd say. GEM of TKIkairosfocus
February 18, 2009
07:20 AM
Let's just be clear on what Darwin wanted/thought should be the implications of his theory. He thought it ought to influence an entire new metaphysics. He thought it ought to inform legislators and be applied culturally and socially. He thought that civilized societies ought to strive for greater and continued advancements and they ought to do so through the better members of society out-breeding the worse. He thought that society must, by no means, curtail the principle pillars of his theory - the heritability of both desirable and undesirable traits culled by natural selection. He thought there ought to be no law or custom which allowed the lesser members of society to outbreed the superior ones. He hoped that whatever checks existed on the free marriage and reproduction of the unfit would be increased indefinitely. By Descent he was fully aware of Galton, Spencer, Gregg, Huxley anf Haeckel, and how they were using or intending to use his theory. Defend him as you will, but defend his true statements. Question the motives behind those who care to demonstrate these but question the motives of those defending against them as well. Flannery's essay is excellent, by the way. Racism and abolition are not mutually exclusive and Darwin was, indeed, both a racist and a eugenist (and social Darwinist, though in practice this differed from eugenics), by definition. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racist http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/eugenicsCharlie
February 18, 2009
06:46 AM
Allen, with regard to your blog site, the point your missing is that the dispute isn't that observed natural forces can't cause genomic changes affecting behavior, but whether these observed forces are capable of explaining all biodiversity. And ID at its purist isn't even an attack on evolution per se -- Behe and others support common descent -- but is just a simple observation that aspects of biological entities exhibit traits only found in objects of known design, and that the rejection of assumption of design for these objects is based on dogma rather than science.tribune7
February 18, 2009
06:07 AM
Check your precepts, Allen. The principle of equal protection (and rights and ability to involve oneself in government) is a rejection of innate racial superiority. The reason for not having equal protection generally involves a belief in racial supremacy i.e. such and such a people are childish (or inherently debased) and unfit for participation in public life etc. I believe that they are indeed “self-evident”, and don’t believe that anything further need be said about the subject. So why are rights routinely violated? In addition to “Harrison Bergeron”, I was also influenced very deeply (at a very tender age) by reading Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (I think that was the same year I finally read the Origin of Species all the way through). And in the formation of your personal philosophy, have you ever managed to read the New Testament?tribune7
February 18, 2009
06:05 AM
By the way, several commentators in this thread and others have asserted (without corroboration) that although there is abundant evidence for microevolution (which they apparently accept), there is no evidence for macroevolution (which they do not accept, mainly because of its implications for their religious beliefs). I started to write a response to this, but it started to get very long, so I made it into a post on my own blog. You can read it here: http://evolutionlist.blogspot.com/2009/02/macroevolution-examples-and-evidence.html After you do, I would appreciate any comments (and especially substantive criticisms) you might have...but please, save the ad hominems for each other. Thank you for goading me to write what will become yet another chapter in my forthcoming evolution textbook from John Wiley & Sons (due out in 2010).Allen_MacNeill
February 17, 2009
07:44 PM
So, ericB, nature is what makes things "right" or "wrong", eh? Have you, perchance, read anything by G. E. Moore on this particular subject? I have, and what I learned from it was that "right" and "wrong" have nothing to do with "nature" at all. Indeed, conflating "is" statements with "ought" statements is the whole problem here, wouldn't you agree?Allen_MacNeill
February 17, 2009
07:43 PM
Neither "superiority" nor "talent" have anything to do with the principle of equal protection under the law, nor with equality of opportunity, both of which are guaranteed under the United States Constitution. And thank you for assuming that I do not think that there are such things as "higher" or "lower" races. Indeed, I don't think that there are "higher" or "lower" species either. The whole concept of superiority/inferiority is essentially political (and, in most cases, religious), not scientific. The theory of evolution, especially as it is currently understood, makes no value judgements about "higher" or "lower". And fitness is simply a measure of relative reproductive output, not "superiority" or "inferiority". As to my feelings about my students, I am extremely grateful to them for giving me the opportunity to follow my curiosity about biology wherever it leads. No, I do not discriminate between them. Indeed, I was hired by Cornell to concentrate most of my efforts on students who need extra help learning biology. I was very humbled to receive a special award from my department for my efforts in this regard, but even more humbled to receive a prolonged standing ovation from my students at the award ceremony. As for my mental acuity (or relative lack thereof), my teenage daughter will heartily discourse on my advanced state of mental decreptitude (and my wife will nod silently in the background, remembering all those things I said I would do, but forgot about). I have never claimed to be "superior" to anyone, and am constantly abashed at how little I know about virtually every subject with which I am acquainted. As for our rights, I believe that they are indeed "self-evident", and don't believe that anything further need be said about the subject. In addition to "Harrison Bergeron", I was also influenced very deeply (at a very tender age) by reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged (I think that was the same year I finally read the Origin of Species all the way through). According to some of the commentators at this website, that should mean that my next accomplishment should surely be an act of unparalleled brutality: perhaps a string of murders, or bank robberies, or maybe drowning a basketful of cute little puppies. Or maybe not...Allen_MacNeill
February 17, 2009
07:40 PM
Allen_MacNeill, your defense of Darwin [29, 30] falls short and cannot succeed. It qualitatively misses the mark. Even fully granting that "Darwin would have been horrified by some of the uses to which his ideas were put" and that he was only "predicting" not recommending what follows, his personal emotional reactions or preferences are irrelevant. The historically significant consideration is not about what Darwin felt or emotionally preferred as an individual. It is that the implications of his theory make such outcomes as the elimination of "inferior" people a normal process of nature. Thus it normalizes those events and consequences (at least for those who deny a transcendent moral standard). It becomes unreasonable (within such a view) to consider such outcomes "wrong." Is nature and its processes in the wrong? How could that be? If Darwin personally disliked this or that, his emotions carry no weight in the matter whatsoever, and may only indicate a lingering but logically inconsistent effect from his earlier theologically informed influences. The man's emotions are irrelevant. What his theory does for the normalization of what Darwin (merely) predicted *based on his theories* is the historically significant fact. If his theories did not have such implications, Darwin would hardly have predicted them. So the "prediction" not "prescription" dodge cannot fly. Whose theory was Darwin using to predict with, if not his own? [Just passing through for now. Good discussion to all.]ericB
February 17, 2009
07:33 PM
"It should be self-evident that we are endowed by our Creator with certain rights." As one of Gods chosen people myself and my kin are endowed with greater rights than others... I don't actually believe that rubbish but some of my relatives do. Why is it self evident that we all have certain rights just because we were 'created'?Laminar
February 17, 2009
01:29 PM
“Equal treatment under law” has absolutely nothing to do with either egalitarianism nor the idea of the innate superiority of particular races (or particular persons, for that matter). It most certainly does Allen. You are conflating "superiority" with "talent" . Abilities, of course, are heritable. I'm sure you don't mean, though, that certain races are "situated higher up" or "have a higher rank, quality or importance" than others. Darwin did. The radical Republicans that ran things back in 1866 did not. And I'm sure you don't feel superior to even your slowest students. I certainly hope you don't. Consider this: If you had a stroke that limited your mental capacity and physical ability or came down with some form of dementia, would that make you inferior? It should be self-evident that we are endowed by our Creator with certain rights. OTOH, maybe if you take out the "our Creator" part it no longer becomes self-evident. And “Harrison Bergeron” is a fine story. A teacher had us read that in high school, to his everlasting credit and our everlasting benefit.tribune7
February 17, 2009
12:37 PM
"This is well put. You probably ought to keep that opinioin under your hat, though, or you may get expelled by your colleagues." Yes, very well put, but also something that most of the scientists I work with or have met would agree with, I think most of the non-scientist academics I know would agree with it as well, but maybe this just reflects the kind of people I like to hang out with. From my view of the scientific community I don't think Allen is in much danger here.Laminar
February 17, 2009
12:35 PM
----Allen: "In my opinion, the most dangerous thing about the current trend toward “political correctness” is the idea that the force of government should be used to bring about equality of outcome. If there are any significant differences between people, the only way that this can be done is to violate the principle of “equality of opportunity.” This is well put. You probably ought to keep that opinioin under your hat, though, or you may get expelled by your colleagues.StephenB
February 17, 2009
12:09 PM
"Equal treatment under law" has absolutely nothing to do with either egalitarianism nor the idea of the innate superiority of particular races (or particular persons, for that matter). "Equal opportunity" means exactly that: equal opportunity, not equal outcome. There is no logical contradiction between the idea that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. should be given "equal protection under the law" and provided with "equal opportunity" enforced by law and the idea that, given such conditions, certain individuals (or even "races") might outperform others. On the contrary, everything we know about genetic and phenotypic variation between individuals (and closely related groups) indicates that this may very well be the case. Any teacher knows this. You work as hard as you can to give exactly the same information, attention, assistance, etc. to every single one of your students, and some will perform abysmally, most will perform adequately, and some will bring tears to your eyes and a lump in your throat (and a silent admission that you yourself were never that brilliant). By his own description Thomas Henry Huxley was the son of a drunk and a member of the lower classes, and he outperformed virtually every member of the hereditary aristocracy of his age. He was able to rise to the position that he did in Victorian society because the majority of the polity in Britain believed in "equality of opportunity". Huxley (and Darwin) could believe in the same thing, and yet believe that certain people might not perform at the same level given "equal opportunity", and there would not be any contradiction between their beliefs about these things. In my opinion, the most dangerous thing about the current trend toward "political correctness" is the idea that the force of government should be used to bring about equality of outcome. If there are any significant differences between people, the only way that this can be done is to violate the principle of "equality of opportunity" (read Kurt Vonnegut's short story "Harrison Bergeron" at http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/hb.html to see what such a society would be like).Allen_MacNeill
February 17, 2009
11:13 AM
Allen in #29, An excellent comment. It really gives me something to think about.crater
February 17, 2009
10:08 AM
JT, as you have come to realize it was not the 14th Amendment that banned slavery. What the 14th Amendment did was require "common equality" under the law, at least with regard to race. IOW, it is an answer your question as to who from that era were thinking that the common descent of the human race translated into common equality. Now, 30 years later our illustrated Supreme Court followed intellectual fashion as its wont and ruled the words didn't mean what they said. But even in Plessy v Ferguson, Justice Harlan's harsh dissent showed there were those from that era who did not hold to an innate superiority of race.tribune7
February 17, 2009
09:01 AM
Forget what I said, it was the thirteenth amendment that banned slavery.JT
February 17, 2009
08:33 AM
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