A guy got his cat cloned, thinking the cat would live again:
But what actually happened was that Huang paid Sinogene Biotechnology Company nearly $35,000 for a Garlic clone — and it doesn’t even look like the original.
Kristin Houser, “Extra Garlic” at Futurism
For sure, too bad about the money.
Otherwise, take that! genetic determinism and blow it out your ear!
Toby, one of the talented editorial assistants at Uncommon Descent News, has a message for those of you who are heartbroken on learning this:
Good news! There is a kitty at your local animal welfare society for each and every one of you. A kitty who is happy to let you cater to his every wish, reasonable or otherwise. Or, come to think of it, he is just as happy to live with you and mind his own business, as long as you let him into the cellar now and then when he senses there might be mice down there. Above all, just let him be a cat. That is the happiest thing he can hope for.
See also: There’s a gene for that… or is there?
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