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Double debunking: Glenn Williamson on human-chimp DNA similarity and genes unique to human beings


Computer programmer Glenn Williamson now claims that ICR geneticist Jeff Tomkins made an elementary error when using the nucmer program to show that human and chimp DNA are only 88% similar. Williamson also asserts that 60 de novo protein coding genes said to be unique to human beings have very similar counterparts in apes, contrary to claims made last year by Dr. Cornelius Hunter, who is an adjunct professor of biophysics at Biola University.

What Dr. Tomkins allegedly got wrong

As readers of my recent post, Human and chimp DNA: They really are about 98% similar, will recall, Glenn Williamson demolished Dr. Tomkins’s original claim, made back in 2013, that human and chimp DNA are only about 70% similar. Williamson’s detailed takedown of Dr. Tomkins’s 70% similarity figure can be accessed here. In short: the version of the BLAST computer algorithm used by Tomkins contained a bug which invalidated his results. Dr. Tomkins responded by performing a new study which came up with a similarity figure of 88% – still far below the 98% similarity figure commonly claimed in textbooks for human and chimp DNA. Tomkins arrived at that figure by using a version of the BLAST algorithm which did not contain the bug, and in my last post, I pointed out the errors identified by Glenn Williamson in Dr. Tomkins’ new paper, relating to BLAST.

But to give credit where credit is due, Dr. Tomkins didn’t rely on just one computer program to come up with his 88% figure; he relied on three. In addition to BLAST, Dr. Tomkins made use of two other programs: nucmer and LASTZ. Creation scientist Jay Wile described these programs in a recent post discussing Dr. Tomkins’ work:

The nucmer program’s results agreed with the unbugged BLAST results: on average the human and chimpanzee genomes are 88% similar. The LASTZ program produced a lower average similarity (73%), which indicates that perhaps LASTZ has a bug or is not optimized for such comparisons, since its results are very close to the results Dr. Tomkins got with the bugged version of BLAST.

In today’s post, I’ll discuss the flaws identified by Glenn Williamson in Dr. Tomkins’s comparisons that were made using the nucmer program.

Basic methodological errors?

As we saw in yesterday’s post on Uncommon Descent, Glenn Williamson claims that Dr. Tomkins’s new study makes some fundamental errors in the way it performs the BLASTN analysis. Now, however, Williamson has gone further, and identified some very basic errors in the way Dr. Tomkins obtained his results from the nucmer program. What Williamson has shown is that even when human chromosome 20 is compared with itself, the calculation method used by Dr. Tomkins when running the “nucmer” program would imply (absurdly) that it is less than 90% similar to itself!

I have been in email correspondence with Glenn Williamson over the past 24 hours, and he kindly allowed me to publish his responses, as well as some emails he sent to Dr. Tomkins. Here’s an excerpt from his first email to me.

Hi Vincent,

I’ve only just seen your post on UD, and I thought I’d fill you in on where we are at with one of the other comparisons (“nucmer”) Jeff did in his recent paper. Basically what he is doing in this comparison is taking every single alignment for each query sequence (as opposed to taking just the best alignment) and taking the average of all those. Obviously all the repeat motifs will find many matches across each chromosome, but only one of those will be (putatively) homologous. If you can follow the email thread from the bottom, hopefully you can understand the issue.

I’m currently running a nucmer job with human chromosome 20 being compared to itself, just to show the absurdity of his calculation method. I should have the results by tomorrow.

I subsequently emailed him, and asked if he could tell me about the results:

I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me know about your results, after you finish running your nucmer job. I was also wondering if you would allow me to quote excepts from your correspondence in a forthcoming post on UD.

Glenn Williamson replied:


Yup, no problems quoting any of the emails…

The first nucmer job I ran took 37 hours (human 20 to chimp 20), and this current “control” job (human 20 to human 20) has taken 37 hours as of right now, so it should finish soon. It will take a couple of hours to put all the results together, so should have something by tonight.

It wasn’t long before I heard from Glenn Williamson again:

It’s done!

And human chromosome 20 is only 88.86% identical to human chromosome 20! 🙂

Unix commands, if you care:

awk ‘NR>5 { print $7″\t”$8″\t”$10 }’ control.coords > control.tab
awk ‘{ sum += ($1 + $2) / 2; prod += ($1 + $2) / 2 * $3 } END { print prod; print sum; print prod / sum }’ control.tab



So basically the alignments covered 1.715Gb for a chromosome that is only 64Mb long (27x coverage). There were 4.8 million individual alignments …

So there we have it. If Dr. Tomkins is right, then not only is chimpanzee DNA only 88% similar to our own, but human DNA is only 89% similar to itself!

Do human beings really have 60 de novo protein-coding genes with no counterparts in apes?

But there was more – much more. In my original email to Glenn Williamson, I had expressed curiosity over a comment he made on a January 2014 post titled, Chinese Researchers Demolish Evolutionary Pseudo-Science, over at Dr. Cornelius Hunter’s Website, Darwin’s God, in which Williamson expressed skepticism over Dr. Hunter’s claim that no less than 60 protein-coding orphan genes had been identified in human DNA which had no counterpart in chimpanzees. To support his claim, Dr. Hunter cited a 2011 PLOS study by Dong-Dong Wu, David M. Irwin and Ya-Ping Zhang, titled De Novo Origin of Human Protein-Coding Genes. Here is the authors’ summary of their paper (emphases mine – VJT):

The origin of genes can involve mechanisms such as gene duplication, exon shuffling, retroposition, mobile elements, lateral gene transfer, gene fusion/fission, and de novo origination. However, de novo origin, which means genes originate from a non-coding DNA region, is considered to be a very rare occurrence. Here we identify 60 new protein-coding genes that originated de novo on the human lineage since divergence from the chimpanzee, supported by both transcriptional and proteomic evidence. It is inconsistent with the traditional view that the de novo origin of new genes is rare. RNA–seq data indicate that these de novo originated genes have their highest expression in the cerebral cortex and testes, suggesting these genes may contribute to phenotypic traits that are unique to humans, such as development of cognitive ability. Therefore, the importance of de novo origination needs greater appreciation.

Commenting on the paper, Dr. Hunter remarked (bold emphases mine – VJT):

A 2011 paper out of China and Canada, for example, found 60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp. And that was an extremely conservative estimate. They actually found evidence for far more such genes, but used conservative filters to arrive at 60 unique genes. Not surprisingly, the research also found evidence of function, for these genes, that may be unique to humans.

If the proteins encoded by these genes are anything like most proteins, then this finding would be another major problem for evolutionary theory. Aside from rebuking the evolutionist’s view that the human-chimp genome differences must be minor, 6 million years simply would not be enough time to evolve these genes.

In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time. The evolution of a single new protein, even by evolutionists’ incredibly optimistic assumptions, is astronomically unlikely, even given the entire age of the universe to work on the problem.

Note the claim that Dr. Hunter is making here: “60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp.” But as we’ll see, these genes do have virtually identical counterparts in chimps, even if they are noncoding.

So, how many ORFan genes do humans really have?

In his comment, Glenn Williamson responded to Dr. Hunter’s claim that humans have 60 protein-coding genes that are “not in the chimp” by pointing out that the first of these 60-odd genes actually has a counterpart in chimpanzee DNA which is 98% identical to the human gene (emphasis mine – VJT):

“So how many ORFan genes are actually in humans???”

Depends what you call an ORFan gene. I looked at the paper that Cornelius cites as having 60 de novo protein coding genes.

Now, granted that I only looked at the very first one (“ZNF843”), it was quite easy to find the corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, with approximately 98.5% identity.

So whether it is protein-coding in humans and non-coding in everything else doesn’t really concern me. What concerns me is whether it has an evolutionary history: clearly this one does.

Like I said, I’ve only done one. I’d happily take bets on the majority of these de novo genes having an evolutionary history (chimpanzee > 95% and/or gorilla > 90%).

Any takers?

I had only come across this exchange in the last couple of days, while surfing the Net, and my curiosity was piqued. So I wrote back to Williamson:

By the way, I was intrigued with your work on orphan genes, and I thought I’d have a look at the 60 genes mentioned by Cornelius Hunter in a post he wrote last year. However, I don’t have any experience in this area. Can you tell me how to go about running these comparisons?

Orphan genes – did Dr. Hunter get his facts wrong?

Glenn Williamson’s reply was very helpful – and it pulled no punches. He accused Dr. Hunter of getting his facts wrong about ORFan genes (emphasis mine – VJT):

As for Orphan genes, I assume you mean this comment? http://darwins-god.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/chinese-researchers-demolish.html?showComment=1421299517820#c1105680265537141676

There are a couple of points to be made here. First is that Cornelius fundamentally misunderstands what an orphan gene is and what an ORF(an) is – they are not equivalent terms. A true orphan gene should be called a “taxonomically restricted gene” (TRG), and no trace of its evolutionary history can be found outside a particular taxonomic group. These would be examples of de novo evolution. With respect to humans and chimpanzees, I don’t know of any TRGs that exist in either genome (with respect to the other), and if there were, I would then check the other great apes to see if it was likely that this gene was deleted in one of the genomes (rather than evolved out of nothing in 6mn years!).

Good point. Williamson continued:

An ORFan gene usually refers to a putative protein coding gene. “Putative” because these are generally the result of a computer program trying to find long open reading frames, and if it finds something over a certain length (300bp? 400bp?) then, since a long open reading frame is quite unlikely, the program thinks that this open reading frame is evolutionarily conserved, and it might be conserved because it codes for an important protein. Have a read of Eric Lander’s paper – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18040051 – where he says we should be removing these ORFs from the gene database unless and until we can actually find their corresponding proteins.

Glad we got that point cleared up. So, what about those 60 protein-coding genes in humans which Dr. Hunter claimed are not found in the chimp? Here’s what Williamson wrote back to me:

So, these 60-odd genes that Cornelius brings up, he is claiming that they must have evolved de novo:

“In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time. The evolution of a single new protein, even by evolutionists’ incredibly optimistic assumptions, is astronomically unlikely, even given the entire age of the universe to work on the problem.”

And that’s why I checked the first one on the list, just to demonstrate that it was in the chimpanzee genome (at 98.5% identity). So if this gene codes for a protein in humans, maybe we just haven’t found the protein in chimps. Maybe it codes for a protein in humans, and there was a single mutation that caused it not to be translated in chimps. Maybe it doesn’t actually code for a protein in humans at all? (Although I think we can check that). In any case, it’s not an example of de novo evolution – it’s not an orphan gene in the sense of being taxonomically restricted.

As to how to do the work yourself .. let me send this one off first and I’ll start another email 🙂

For my part, I am somewhat skeptical about Williamson’s speculation that these genes got switched off in the lin leading to chimpanzees – especially in view of the discovery of three undoubted cases of de novo genes in human beings where the ancestral sequence in apes was noncoding. But given the striking 98% similarities between these genes and their non-coding counterparts in apes, I would also urge caution about Dr. Hunter’s claim that even billions of years would not have been long enough for these protein-coding genes to have evolved. If they were evolving from scratch, yes; but if they were evolving from 98% identical counterparts, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

I learn how to do a BLAST comparison

In his next email, Glenn Williamson kindly informed me how to do a BLAST comparison, and how he obtained his results for ZNF843, which was the first of the 60 de novo protein coding genes cited by Dr. Hunter in his 2014 post. In his response to Dr. Hunter, Williamson had reported that “it was quite easy to find the corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, with approximately 98.5% identity.” Here’s what he wrote to me:

Alright, I’ll run you through a simple BLAST search on the Ensembl website. Although, if you want to do some serious BLASTing, then you probably should install the software on your own machine, and download the genomes onto your hard drive.

Anyway, go to:


and stick the name of the gene: ZNF843 into the search box. That should get you to here:


On the left hand side, there should be an “Export Data” tab. Click it. Deselect all the checkboxes (we just want the raw DNA) and hit “Next”. Hit the “Text” button, and then just Copy the whole output, starting with the “>blah blah blah”. Now, at the top left of the page is the “BLAST/BLAT” tool. Click it.

Paste the copied DNA into the box, make sure you search against the chimpanzee genome (i.e. uncheck the human genome) and then run the search – using the default parameters should be fine for now.

The results can be found here:


Unfortunately the results are given in chunks, and if you want to get an exact number, stick them in Excel and work it out. But if you just want to look at it on the website, click on the “Genomic Location” header to sort them in that order, scroll down to chromosome 16, and you’ll see that it covers the vast majority of the 10.5kb of query DNA, and the matches are around 98.5%-99.5%. Rough guess for the overall identity (including some small indels) is about 98.5%.

If you need help just email me back and I’ll see what I can do. I gotta run now tho 🙂

And here’s what Williamson got when he ran the BLAST comparison on his computer:

I ran it on my local machine:



blastn -query ${QRY} -subject ${SBJ} -max_hsps 1 -outfmt ’10 qseqid qstart qend sstart send nident pident qlen length’



So, only 97.62% identity for that one … 0.57% of the alignment is indels. Boooooooooooooo.

So, for the first of the alleged 60 “de novo” protein coding genes cited by Dr. Hunter (“ZNF843″), Glenn Williamson managed to locate some corresponding DNA on the chimpanzee chromosome, which was approximately 98% identical. Are these genes without an evolutionary history? I hardly think so!

More good news – the results for all the other genes are already in!

In his most recent email, Glenn Williamson shared further good tidings: comparisons for the other 59 genes have already been done!

Just looking into that 2011 paper a little further – they’ve already done all the work for us!


These are the 60 “de novo” genes, and their alignments with chimpanzee and orang-utan 🙂

I’ve had a look at the output, and even to my untutored eye, it’s obvious that any claims that these “de novo” genes are not found in the DNA of chimps and other apes are flat-out wrong. They have virtually identical counterparts on the chimpanzee and orang-utan genomes, even if these are non-protein coding.

Some cautionary remarks about the 2011 paper cited by Dr. Hunter

The 2011 paper by Wu et al. which was cited by Dr. Hunter was critiqued in another article in PLOS Genetics (7(11): e1002381. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002381, published 10 November 2011), titled,
De Novo Origins of Human Genes by Daniele Guerzoni and Aoife McLysaght. The authors felt that the estimate of 60 de novo human-specific genes in the paper by Wu et al. was based on rather lax criteria. What’s more, they seemed confident that the genes could have evolved:

In this issue of PLoS Genetics, Wu et al. [15] report 60 putative de novo human-specific genes. This is a lot higher than a previous, admittedly conservative, estimate of 18 such genes [13], [16]. The genes identified share broad characteristics with other reported de novo genes [13]: they are short, and all but one consist of a single exon. In other words, the genes are simple, and their evolution de novo seems plausible. The potential evolution of complex features such as intron splicing and protein domains within de novo genes remains somewhat puzzling. However, features such as proto-splice sites may pre-date novel genes [9], [17], and the appearance of protein domains by convergent evolution may be more likely than previously thought [2].

The operational definition of a de novo gene used by Wu et al. [15] means that there may be an ORF (and thus potentially a protein-coding gene) in the chimpanzee genome that is up to 80% of the length of the human gene (for about a third of the genes the chimpanzee ORF is at least 50% of the length of the human gene). This is a more lenient criterion than employed by other studies, and this may partly explain the comparatively high number of de novo genes identified. Some of these cases may be human-specific extensions of pre-existing genes, rather than entirely de novo genes — an interesting, but distinct, phenomenon.

In a 2009 paper titled Recent de novo origin of human protein-coding genes (Genome Research 2009, 19: 1752-1759), David Knowles and Aoife McLysaght presented evidence for the de novo origin of at least three human protein-coding genes since the divergence with chimp, and estimated that there may be 18 such genes in the human genome, altogether. Here’s what they said about the three genes they identified:

Each of these genes has no protein-coding homologs in any other genome, but is supported by evidence from expression and, importantly, proteomics data. The absence of these genes in chimp and macaque cannot be explained by sequencing gaps or annotation error. High-quality sequence data indicate that these loci are noncoding DNA in other primates. Furthermore, chimp, gorilla, gibbon, and macaque share the same disabling sequence difference, supporting the inference that the ancestral sequence was noncoding over the alternative possibility of parallel gene inactivation in multiple primate lineages.

Note the wording: “Each of these genes has no protein-coding homologs in any other genome.” Nevertheless, the genes have non-coding counterparts in the DNA of apes: “High-quality sequence data indicate that these loci are noncoding DNA in other primates.”

Whether these genes could have evolved naturally from their ape counterparts is a question I’ll leave for the experts to sort out. One thing I do know, however: they are not “new” in the sense that layfolk would construe that term – that is, functioning genes which have no counterparts in the DNA of apes. Clearly, they do have very similar counterparts in apes, even if those counterparts are non-coding.


Well, I think that’s about enough new revelations for one day, so I shall stop there. It seems to me that any claims that humans have a large number of “de novo” genes with no counterparts in the DNA of chimpanzees and other apes should be treated with extreme caution. In fact, I wouldn’t bet on our having any de novo protein-coding genes having no counterparts in apes, after that takedown.

We already have very good arguments demonstrating the impossibility of proteins having evolved via an undirected process, thanks to the excellent work of Dr. Douglas Axe – see, for instance, his excellent article, The Case Against a Darwinian Origin of Protein Folds. It seems to me that arguments based on de novo genes alleged to exist in human beings, with no counterparts in apes, have much weaker evidential support, and that Intelligent Design proponents would be better off not using them.

But perhaps those who are feeling adventurous might like to take up Glenn Williamson on his 2014 wager:

I’d happily take bets on the majority of these de novo genes having an evolutionary history (chimpanzee > 95% and/or gorilla > 90%).

Any takers?

Well? Is anyone feeling lucky?

POSTSCRIPT: Readers may be interested to know that Dr. Ann Gauger has written a very balanced post titled, Orphan Genes—A Guide for the Perplexed. In her post, Dr. Gauger defines orphan genes as ” those open reading frames that lack identifiable sequence similarity to other protein-coding genes.” Note the word “protein-coding.” She raises the possibility that “they are uniquely designed for species- and clade-specific functions” but draws no firm conclusions.

@Mung: "What other frauds have you exposed?" Ha! Don't get me started on Tomkins' work on the fusion in chromosome 2 ...ThickPython
October 25, 2015
01:28 AM
@Mung: "Apparently, only Creationists have used this particular defective BLAST algorithm. But not just Creationists, of all Creationists, only Tomkins has used this particular defective BLAST algorithm." My sarcasm detector is beeping at me, but I'm still not quite sure what you're trying to get at. Jeff Tomkins is the only creationist I know of that has used this particular defective BLAST algorithm. I know that Todd Wood also used BLAST, but he seemed to have come to the correct result, so it looks unlikely that he was affected by this bug. Are you suggesting that only creationists have been affected by this bug? Well, creationists could well be the only ones that were affected by the bug and not know it. If you look at the release notes for BLAST (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK131777/) and scroll down to version 2.2.29, you'll see that the developers fixed an issue concerning "missing hits when running blastn with multiple queries, word size 7, large evalue, and no low complexity filtering." (Although if Tomkins' new paper can be trusted on this point, it appears they didn't fix it properly). So what seems to have happened is that another researcher (presumably from the secular scientific community) has noticed this bug, reported it to the developers, and they have attempted to fix it. Why didn't Jeff report the bug? Well, I'm not feeling particularly charitable at the moment ... basically I think it gave him the result he wanted, so he didn't look any further.ThickPython
October 25, 2015
01:19 AM
@BornAgain: "Thus it is far too early to take a computer programmer’s word ... " As Vincent has already kindly pointed out, I am not taking issue with the paper itself, I take issue with Cornelius Hunter's treatment of the topic. Cornelius suggested quite strongly that these proteins evolved basically out of nothing, but if the paper is understood correctly, it is clear that these genes are only considered "de novo protein-coding genes" in the sense that there was a point mutation (or three!) in each gene that caused the sequence to be transcribed in humans but not in chimpanzees or orang-utans. Please see the links to the supplementary material in the OP. "Orphan genes have since been found in every genome sequenced to date, from mosquito to man ..." Give me your top five. I know you've linked to a paper here, but I'm asking YOU to do the work. You seem to be throwing your hands up in the air as if this is just one guy's opinion over another, which is always a good opportunity to investigate things for yourself. So yeah, if you can find a list of these human genes that are orphans relative to chimpanzees, then I will take it from there. "But where do they come from? With no obvious ancestry ..." and "As much as a third of the genes in a given species may be unique ..." And again I ask you the question - if one third of the genes in a given species would be good evidence of separate creation, then what percentage of orphan genes would be acceptable between two species such that you would consider common descent a possibility?ThickPython
October 25, 2015
01:03 AM
@BornAgain: Body plans, contrary to neo-Darwinian presuppositions, simply are not reducible to DNA, period! I'm not quite sure I follow. Are you saying that there is some other method of inheriting traits that is not passed on via DNA? Sure there is plenty going on epigenetically, but of that I ask the same question - are epigenetics inherited by means other than DNA? I see you quote Stephen Meyer making a point on the basis of a lower figure for human-chimp DNA similarity, but I'm not sure why you would quote that when the entire point of the post is that these lower figures are wrong. These "vast chasms" between human and chimp DNA just don't exist, so whatever the differences are between us, those differences are (ultimately) explainable by the differences in our DNA. Moreover, as to genetic similarity being supposed irrefutable evidence for common descent ... Just to be clear, I do not consider genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees - in and of itself - to be evidence of common descent. It's a necessary condition, but not sufficient. I've heard of that pig-chimp hybrid thing before, and while I haven't looked into it that much, it does pose a conundrum for creationists: if two animals can successfully interbreed, then they are necessarily of the same Biblical "kind" (according to AiG, CMI, ICR and probably others). Let's call that the "pimp" kind. It follows then that both humans and chimps are in the "pimp" kind, and therefore humans and chimps are related by common descent. So BornAgain, I suspect you're a YEC (?) - do you think humans and chimpanzees are of the same Biblical kind? Or do you reject the fairly solid positions of those creationist organisations?ThickPython
October 25, 2015
12:44 AM
"What concerns me is whether it has an evolutionary history: clearly this one does." At best, it is consistent with a posited evolutionary history, under assumed evolutionary history.butifnot
October 25, 2015
12:33 AM
VJ, on de novos I think you missed the boat. I think it reasonable to assume that de novos grew in the "junk" until they were ready to be implemented. But why the heck would a gene that has meaning grow in junk that has no guidance. I think this does say something important, however, about how the designer goes about making de novo genes. This evidence shows that they are not "poofed" into existence, but that they do grow, mutation by mutation. Yet, if they are growing in unused DNA, or even in DNA used for some purpose other than protein coding (as protein coding has a specific vocabulary, unlike any other code within DNA) the chance calculations remain the same -- ridiculous. It may be demonstrated that a gene exists in say gorilla and human, but has been disabled in chimp. If so, no de novo has been found. But if the first time the thing was "turned on, and produces a useful product" was in humans, it still uses the same chance calculations.bFast
October 24, 2015
11:04 PM
vjt, thank you for your recent posts. Heck, thank you for all your posts. The idea that the universe and the earth is only 6000 years old is not something that ought to be associated with the claims of Intelligent Design.Mung
October 24, 2015
10:24 PM
Hi bornagain, You write:
Mapou, the evidence for ORFan genes did not come from ID proponents to begin with, but came from mainstream biologists. Moreover, the evidence for ORFan genes, from many different studies mind you, is found throughout life, bacteria to multicelluluar creatures, i.e. not just in the human genome. Thus it is far too early to take a computer programmer’s word that he has overthrown all those previous studies for ORFan genes throughout life, with a few afternoons of sequence comparisons on his computer between chimps and humans.
As I understand it, Glenn Williamson was not questioning the existence of ORFan genes. What he is questioning is the assumption (made by some creationists) that these genes have no counterpart in apes. As he stated in his response to Dr. Hunter:
So whether it is protein-coding in humans and non-coding in everything else doesn't really concern me. What concerns me is whether it has an evolutionary history: clearly this one does.
ORFan genes are quite real.vjtorley
October 24, 2015
10:20 PM
Hi bornagain, Thanks very much for your comments and your valuable links. I certainly don't think scientists have solved the problem of how orphan genes arose, and I'm not saying they could have arisen via an unguided process. What I am saying is that: (i) the strong sequence similarities between these genes and the non-coding DNA of chimpanzees and other apes is difficult to account for except on a hypothesis of common descent; (ii) it would be premature for ID proponents to argue that these genes were designed. We need to do some calculations of what kinds of changes would have been required to transform 98% similar non-coding DNA into a functional gene., and how probable (or improbable) those changes would have been, before we can make a design inference. I welcome any evidence that you wish to present, arguing that orphan genes were designed.vjtorley
October 24, 2015
10:15 PM
Apparently, only Creationists have used this particular defective BLAST algorithm. But not just Creationists, of all Creationists, only Tomkins has used this particular defective BLAST algorithm. It took a ThickPython to pick out that one Creationist from all other Creationists selected from all other users. A Miracle.Mung
October 24, 2015
10:02 PM
Mung: Other than those of Tomkins, which other results were invalidated? Surely Tomkins was not singled out. ThickPython: I’m not aware of any other creationists that have done this kind of stuff. The claim is that "the BLAST computer algorithm used by Tomkins contained a bug which invalidated his results." It is simply not believable that Tomkins was the only creationist to use BLAST. It is simply not believable that Tomkins was the only person to use BLAST. Surely Tomkins was not the only person to use the BLAST computer algorithm that you claim is defective. What other frauds have you exposed?Mung
October 24, 2015
09:54 PM
Mapou, I'm certainly not wedded to ORFan genes myself (seeing as DNA does not determine body plans anyway), but, as I said earlier, with all the different studies finding ORFan genes throughout life, not just in humans mind you, it is far too early to rely on evidence generated on a atheistic blog to throw the ORFan genes out in the street just yet. Something about this refutation definitely does not smell right. Now if it gets peer reviewed and passes muster, that will be a different story. And definitely noteworthy, and will indeed turn quite a few heads, since it is a far bigger anomaly, and problem, than either Torley or Python seem to realize at the present time. a few more notes:
Genes from nowhere: Orphans with a surprising story - 16 January 2013 - Helen Pilcher Excerpt: When biologists began sequencing genomes they discovered up to a third of genes in each species seemed to have no parents or family of any kind. Nevertheless, some of these "orphan genes" are high achievers (are just as essential as 'old' genes),,, But where do they come from? With no obvious ancestry, it was as if these genes appeared out of nowhere, but that couldn't be true. Everyone assumed that as we learned more, we would discover what had happened to their families. But we haven't-quite the opposite, in fact.,,, The upshot is that the chances of random mutations turning a bit of junk DNA into a new gene seem infinitesmally small. As the French biologist Francois Jacob wrote 35 years ago, "the probability that a functional protein would appear de novo by random association of amino acids is practically zero".,,, Orphan genes have since been found in every genome sequenced to date, from mosquito to man, roundworm to rat, and their numbers are still growing. http://ccsb.dfci.harvard.edu/web/export/sites/default/ccsb/publications/papers/2013/All_alone_-_Helen_Pilcher_New_Scientist_Jan_2013.pdf Darwin’s (Failed Predictions) - Similar species share similar genes - Cornelius Hunter PhD. Excerpt: As much as a third of the genes in a given species may be unique, and even different variants within the same species have large numbers of genes unique to each variant. Different variants of the Escherichia coli bacteria, for instance, each have hundreds of unique genes. (Daubin and Ochman)   Significant genetic differences were also found between different fruit fly species. Thousands of genes showed up missing in many of the species, and some genes showed up in only a single species. (Levine et. al.) As one science writer put it, “an astonishing 12 per cent of recently evolved genes in fruit flies appear to have evolved from scratch.” (Le Page) These novel genes must have evolved over a few million years, a time period previously considered to allow only for minor genetic changes. (Begun et. al.; Chen et. al., 2007)   Initially some evolutionists thought these surprising results would be resolved when more genomes were analyzed. They predicted that similar copies of these genes would be found in other species. But instead each new genome has revealed yet more novel genes. (Curtis et. al.; Marsden et. al.; Pilcher)   Next evolutionists thought that these rapidly-evolving unique genes must not code for functional or important proteins. But again, many of the unique proteins were in fact found to play essential roles. (Chen, Zhang and Long 1010; Daubin and Ochman; Pilcher) As one researcher explained, “This goes against the textbooks, which say the genes encoding essential functions were created in ancient times.” (Pilcher) https://sites.google.com/site/darwinspredictions/similar-species-share-similar-genes Bigelowiella natans: Evolution Damage Control is Frantic - December 5, 2012 Excerpt: (Extremely complex) Alternative splicing is not the only contradiction (to Darwinism) offered up by this humble (single celled) organism. B. natans also surprised evolutionists with unique, novel genes. In fact it has, err, about ten thousand unique genes. When unique genes first starting appearing in the genomic data, evolutionists figured their evolutionary cousins would be discovered in the genomes of other species. The problem was that we did not yet have sufficient genome data in hand. Surely once the genome data from more species were obtained, the cousins of those pesky unique genes would be found. Unique genes would become a thing of the past. But once again evolutionary theory pointed in the wrong direction. In fact, as the genomic data have increased, so have the unique genes. Now we can throw another 10,000 onto the heap. http://darwins-god.blogspot.com/2012/12/bigelowiella-natans-evolution-damage.html Octopus genome study reveals “alien” results - Aug. 13, 2015 Excerpt: “The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our study describes the first sequenced genome from an alien,”,,, “The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs,,, In fact, many of these genes are brand new, according to Daniel Rokhsar who co-led the study. “We've found hundreds of novel genes that don't have counterparts in other animals and may be involved in this unique camouflage process.” http://www.alphr.com/science/1001361/octopus-genome-study-reveals-alien-results
October 24, 2015
08:45 PM
bornagain, I agree that ORFan genes also falsify Darwinian evolution regardless of the spin they try to put on it. This being said, I don't understand why some in the ID camp are so adamant that the genomes or humans and chimps could not be so similar. I also don't understand why Darwinists are so adamant that it supports their pseudoscience. I am an ID supporter and I am not in the least bothered by it. In fact, I fully embrace it. It is a perfect example of beautiful intelligent design in action. In design and engineering circles, it's called "don't reinvent the wheel" or "if it works, don't fix it".Mapou
October 24, 2015
08:26 PM
Mapou, the evidence for ORFan genes did not come from ID proponents to begin with, but came from mainstream biologists. Moreover, the evidence for ORFan genes, from many different studies mind you, is found throughout life, bacteria to multicelluluar creatures, i.e. not just in the human genome. Thus it is far too early to take a computer programmer's word that he has overthrown all those previous studies for ORFan genes throughout life, with a few afternoons of sequence comparisons on his computer between chimps and humans. In fact, I'm shocked that Dr. Torley was not more careful in his disavowal of ORFan genes before he posted his OP. This could come back and bite him big time when more information comes in from more knowledgeable commentersbornagain
October 24, 2015
07:19 PM
Glenn Williamson:
So whether it is protein-coding in humans and non-coding in everything else doesn’t really concern me. What concerns me is whether it has an evolutionary history: clearly this one does.
It's obvious that some ID supporters have painted themselves in a corner most likely for religious reasons. But the question is, why is this result a plus for Darwinian evolution and not a plus for design evolution? Why could not the designers reuse whatever genes they already had in their giant gene database and modify some of them for different purposes? Indeed this is at the heart of modern intelligent software design. It's called adding functionality through class inheritance and modification.Mapou
October 24, 2015
06:52 PM
ThickPython, my argument that chimps and humans do not share a common ancestor is based on the fact that you can mutate DNA until the cows come home and it does not matter because you are not going to create new body plans by mutating DNA alone. Body plans, contrary to neo-Darwinian presuppositions, simply are not reducible to DNA, period! That finding pretty much renders any Darwinian argument for common ancestry based on DNA alone moot and void: https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/human-and-chimp-dna-they-really-are-about-98-similar/#comment-584045 https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/human-and-chimp-dna-they-really-are-about-98-similar/#comment-584055 https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/human-and-chimp-dna-they-really-are-about-98-similar/#comment-584106 Moreover, as to genetic similarity being supposed irrefutable evidence for common descent, that argument is not nearly as strong as you presuppose because some creatures are, DNA wise, far more similar to humans than Darwinists ever expected they would be. https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/human-and-chimp-dna-they-really-are-about-98-similar/#comment-584064 Moreover, anatomy wise, we are more similar to pigs than we are to monkeys: Human hybrids: a closer look at the theory and evidence - July 25, 2013 Excerpt: There was considerable fallout, both positive and negative, from our first story covering the radical pig-chimp hybrid theory put forth by Dr. Eugene McCarthy,,,By and large, those coming out against the theory had surprisingly little science to offer in their sometimes personal attacks against McCarthy. ,,,Under the alternative hypothesis (humans are not pig-chimp hybrids), the assumption is that humans and chimpanzees are equally distant from pigs. You would therefore expect chimp traits not seen in humans to be present in pigs at about the same rate as are human traits not found in chimps. However, when he searched the literature for traits that distinguish humans and chimps, and compiled a lengthy list of such traits, he found that it was always humans who were similar to pigs with respect to these traits. This finding is inconsistent with the possibility that humans are not pig-chimp hybrids, that is, it rejects that hypothesis.,,, http://phys.org/news/2013-07-human-hybrids-closer-theory-evidence.html Of supplemental note: The severe bias of Darwinists in regards to interpreting the fossil record is gone over here https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/human-and-chimp-dna-they-really-are-about-98-similar/#comment-584303bornagain
October 24, 2015
05:46 PM
Does the ‘ThickPython’ handle refer to the fact that you have swallowed Dr. Torley so completely into believing you have the ORFan problem well in hand?? If you are attempting to use orphan genes as evidence that chimpanzees and humans do not share a common ancestor, then yes, I think it's pretty much under control. What percentage of genes are two organisms allowed to have as orphans to declare that they could still have shared a common ancestor? At what point (as a percentage of genes) would you say two organisms cannot be related? Not asking for hard numbers, just ballpark. @Mung: Other than those of Tomkins, which other results were invalidated? Surely Tomkins was not singled out. I'm not aware of any other creationists that have done this kind of stuff. I know that Tomkins paired up with Jerry Bergman to do a review of the secular literature, so I guess that's invalidated. Tomkins cites two studies that he thinks supports his position - Buggs 2008 (and I use the word "study" loosely here), and Progetto Cosmo 2012. So those are invalidated as well. Progetto Cosmo because he was using a silly calculation method to obtain his 63%-66% result ("How frequently does a 30bp sequence have a 100% identity?") and Buggs I guess because it just looks like something he did on the back of a napkin :) Sometimes I feel sorry for the guy because much of his work over the past few years is for nought, but then I start to question just how honest he has been in his research (and it doesn't help that he has rubbed me the wrong way a couple of times!).ThickPython
October 24, 2015
05:24 PM
Okay, we are a 101% match with Chimps. Now what?Box
October 24, 2015
05:15 PM
Latest findings indicate Chimps are only 82.3% Chimpanzee!Mung
October 24, 2015
05:12 PM
I've just run nucmer again - without maxmatch - against chimpanzee chromosome 20 just to show the difference in behaviour: 1. Run time of about 10 minutes (as opposed to 37 hours!) 2. 36,000 alignments, not 4.8 million 3. Coverage of 81Mbp (as opposed to more than 1bn base pairs) 4. Identity of 96.10%* Now, I put asterisks on that result because even without maxmatch there is still a decent amount of overlap (although nowhere near as much: 36,000 vs 4.8mn alignments!). So I ran these matches through a filter whereby a match is discarded if there exists another match which "wholly encloses" the previous match. So for example, in the results there is a match that spans ~37,000 base pairs, between the loci 93,165 and 129,957 and has a 98.28% identity. Immediately following that are about twenty other matches where the loci fall entirely within the larger match (for example, 98,763 to 99,517; 645bp with 88.67% identity) so these are discarded. After filtering these out, there are ~10,300 alignments, and the overall result comes out the be 97.54%**. Another asterisk??? WHAT? Well, what I've noticed in these filtered results is that the non-syntenic hits tend to be fairly short and low identity ~85%-90%. What I figured out is that these hits correspond rather well to sequencing gaps in the chimpanzee chromosome (which are usually repeat motifs). It would be quite the job to match these up, and I doubt that it would make a material difference to the end result - I dont think anyone would care if if the result was 97.80% (???) instead of 97.54%. In summary, there are quite a few different methods of calculating an overall number, and the details of these methods is up for debate - some methods are more defensible than others. What is not up for debate though is that the end result (regardless of which method) is around 97%, and possibly as high as 98%. This includes ALL of the genome, not just protein coding regions. Conservative methods will get you a slightly lower result; other methods, while certainly defensible, might get you above 98%. If you are just looking at the nucleotide divergence you should get a figure of around 98.8%. If you are looking at coding regions only, you should get over 99%.ThickPython
October 24, 2015
05:08 PM
In short: the version of the BLAST computer algorithm used by Tomkins contained a bug which invalidated his results.
Other than those of Tomkins, which other results were invalidated? Surely Tomkins was not singled out.Mung
October 24, 2015
05:01 PM
Does the 'ThickPython' handle refer to the fact that you have swallowed Dr. Torley so completely into believing you have the ORFan problem well in hand??bornagain
October 24, 2015
04:43 PM
Dr. Torley, ORFans are not so easily dismissed as you seem to believe:
,,”Typical bacterial species. The smallest part of the pie are the genes that all bacteria share. 8% roughly. This second and largest slice (of the pie, 64%) are the genes that are specialized to some particular environment. They call them character genes. By far the biggest number of genes are the ones that are unique. This big green ball here (on the right of the illustration). These are genes found only in one species or its near relatives. Those are the ORFans (i.e. Genes with no ancestry). They said, on the basis of our analysis the genetic diversity of bacteria is of infinite size.” Paul Nelson – quoted from 103:48 minute mark of the following video Widespread ORFan Genes Challenge Common Descent – Paul Nelson – video https://youtu.be/9UTrZX47e00?t=3820 You can see the pie chart that Dr. Nelson used in his talk here on page 108 (figure 2) of this following article: Estimating the size of the bacterial pan-genome Excerpt Figure 2 pg. 108: At the genomic level, a typical bacterial genome is composed of _8% of core genes, 64% of character genes and 28% of accessory genes,,, http://www.paulyu.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Estimating-the-size-of-the-bacterial-pan-genome.pdf Estimating the size of the bacterial pan-genome - Pascal Lapierre and J. Peter Gogarten - 2008 Excerpt: We have found greater than 139 000 rare (ORFan) gene families scattered throughout the bacterial genomes included in this study. The finding that the fitted exponential function approaches a plateau indicates an open pan-genome (i.e. the bacterial protein universe is of infinite size); a finding supported through extrapolation using a Kezdy-Swinbourne plot (Figure S3). This does not exclude the possibility that, with many more sampled genomes, the number of novel genes per additional genome might ultimately decline; however, our analyses and those presented in Ref. [11] do not provide any indication for such a decline and confirm earlier observations that many new protein families with few members remain to be discovered. http://www.paulyu.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Estimating-the-size-of-the-bacterial-pan-genome.pdf Can new genes arise from junk DNA? - August 24, 2015 Excerpt: The first evidence that a strict duplication model might not suffice came in the 1990s, when DNA sequencing technologies took hold. Researchers analyzing the yeast genome found that a third of the organism’s genes had no similarity to known genes in other organisms. At the time, many scientists assumed that these orphans belonged to families that just hadn’t been discovered yet. But that assumption hasn’t proven true. Over the last decade, scientists sequenced DNA from thousands of diverse organisms, yet many orphan genes still defy classification. Their origins remain a mystery. https://uncommondescent.com/junk-dna/can-new-genes-arise-from-junk-dna/#comment-577361 Can new genes arise from junk DNA? - August 24, 2015 Excerpt: Scientists also want to understand how de novo genes get incorporated into the complex network of reactions that drive the cell, a particularly puzzling problem. It’s as if a bicycle spontaneously grew a new part and rapidly incorporated it into its machinery, even though the bike was working fine without it. “The question is fascinating but completely unknown,” Begun said. BA77: Moreover, the essential genes were somehow incorporated into the ‘bicycle’ while the bicycle was being peddled, i.e. while the cell was busy being alive. “How does novel gene become functional? How does it get incorporated into actual cellular processes?” McLysaght said. “To me, that’s the most important question at the moment.” https://uncommondescent.com/junk-dna/can-new-genes-arise-from-junk-dna/#comment-577484 Age doesn't matter: New genes are as essential as ancient ones - December 2010 Excerpt: "A new gene is as essential as any other gene; the importance of a gene is independent of its age," said Manyuan Long, PhD, Professor of Ecology & Evolution and senior author of the paper. "New genes are no longer just vinegar, they are now equally likely to be butter and bread. We were shocked." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101216142523.htm New Genes Are Essential 6-13-2015 by Paul Giem - video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qgGPV1AO1E Is the Origin of New Genes “Basically a Solved Problem”? - Cornelius Hunter - Sept. 11, 2014 Excerpt: If you read the headlines, you would have the impression that the problem is well in hand. For instance, super-star science writer Carl Zimmer wrote in the New York Times earlier this year that “researchers have documented the step-by-step process by which a new gene can come into existence.” Case closed right? Well not quite. In fact, not even close. What Zimmer tells his readers is a “step-by-step process” is what scientists affectionately refer to as a cartoon. In fact, here it is:,,, ,,,This evolutionary narrative is certainly not “basically a solved problem.” In fact, what evolutionists have are high claims of the spontaneous evolution of incredibly complex structures, not because of the evidence, but in spite of the evidence. So what gives evolutionist’s their confidence? It is not that they understand how such genes could have evolved, but that the genes must have evolved because solo genes are observed over and over: "Several studies have by now also shown that de novo emerged transcripts and proteins can assume a function within the organism. All of this provided solid evidence that de novo gene birth was indeed possible.",,, Does any of this mean that the de novo genes evolved from random mutations as the evolutionists claim? Of course not.,,, Only a few years ago they agreed that such evolution of new genes would be impossible. Now they have been forced to adopt it because the evidence unambiguously reveals solo genes, and evolutionists dogmatically insist that everything must have spontaneously evolved.,, http://darwins-god.blogspot.com/2014/09/is-origin-of-new-genes-basically-solved.html
Moreover, there is a disconnect between protein sequences and gene sequences:
A survey of orphan enzyme activities - 2007 Abstract: We demonstrate that for ~80% of sampled orphans, the absence of sequence data is bona fide. Our analyses further substantiate the notion that many of these (orfan) enzyme activities play biologically important roles. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/8/244
October 24, 2015
04:22 PM
2. I don't think anyone will be taking me up on that bet anytime soon given that we've found the alignments in the original paper :D I should note that these appear to be alignments of the exons only. The 97.62% result I gave is for the full length of the gene - introns included (~10kbp).ThickPython
October 24, 2015
04:20 PM
Hi, there are a couple of things that I need to add to this: 1. In order to get the "less than 90% similar to itself!" result, I was using the same parameters that Tomkins used in his study: nucmer -maxmatch -c 100 -p blah human-20.fa chimp-20.fa The problem here is the maxmatch parameter which "Use[s] all anchor matches regardless of their uniqueness". This means that if there is a part of the query sequence that is found multiple times on the target sequence, it will return all those multiple hits. And as everyone knows, there are many repeat motifs spread across all of our chromosomes. This maxmatch parameter means it will return hits for all of those matches, rather than just the best match. Tomkins then takes the average of all of these matches, and applying that same logic leads to the absurd result that the human chromosome is only 88.86% identical to itself.ThickPython
October 24, 2015
04:17 PM
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