You know, of course, that Brazil is suddenly drowning in ignorance and superstition now that an ID sympathizer has been appointed to head up a higher ed program assessing U standards:
A respected university scientist in the field of electrical engineering, Dr. Neto has more than 100 publications to his name. He also has an exceptional record as a leader in higher education in Brazil, the fifth most populous nation on Earth. Neto has been a leader in science education in his country, and he has served as President of the Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities.
Just as important, Neto has championed diversity of thought and open discussion in science. As the rector of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo, Neto helped establish the Discovery-Mackenzie Research Center, devoted to the study of scientific evidence for intelligent design as well as the exploration of the relationship between science and faith. This cooperative venture between Mackenzie University and Discovery Institute in the United States is led by the great Brazilian chemist Marcos Eberlin, a member of Brazil’s National Academy of Sciences. David Klinghoffer, “New Head of Brazilian Education Agency Supports Free Speech in Origins Debate” at Evolution News and Science Today
But given what we’ve seen over the years here at Uncommon Descent, there’s no way that Darwinism can sustain open discussion. Expect more rhetoric about the Dark Ages.
See also: Brazil picks ID sympathizer as science boffin; science media henhouse in total flap. There is no discussion of the guy’s admin skills or anything else that would be directly relevant to his new position. One thing the anti-Neto noise will do is make a great many Brazilians and others aware of ID who weren’t before.
Darwin’s fossils freak out over ID in Brazil