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GP on the Origin of Body Plans [OoBP] challenge


. . . here (at 194) in his amazing engineering thread as he responds to Dionisio:


Thank you for summarizing that interesting discussion.

I will summarize it even more.

1) Nobody knows how morphogenesis is controlled and guided.

2) Moran is no exception to that.

3) “Experts” are no exception to that.

4) However, according to Moran (and, unfortunately, he is probably quite right): “experts do not see a need to encode body plans and brain in our genome”

5) You and I, and probably some more sensible people, do see that need.

6) So, it seems, the problem is not about what we know, but about what we see as a need.

Now, I notice that Moran says:

“experts do not see a need to encode body plans and brain in our genome” (emphasis mine)

OK, that can mean two very different things:

a) Experts do not see a need to encode body plans and brain in our genome, but they think that body plans and the brain are encoded elsewhere


b) Experts do not see a need to encode body plans and brain anywhere.

I will not ask Moran what he really meant, because I think it unlikely that he would respond. So, I can only guess.

I would say that he means b). Why? Because, if he means a), I could probably partially agree, and that is a rather unlikely situation, IMO.

Now, a) just means that the procedures are encoded elsewhere. That is probably true, at least in part. That “elsewhere can still mean two different things:

a1) At some epigenetic level, that we can imagine

a2) In some other way, that at present we cannot even imagine

Well, I believe that all of that is true. The procedures are encoded in the genome, both at the level of proteome (see my OP here, for that) and at the level of non coding DNA (Ouch! Moran will not like that). And they are also encoded at many epigenetic levels. And they are also encoded at other levels that at present we cannot imagine.

But there is one certainty, for me: they are encoded somewhere.

Because, you see, most neo darwinists would rather go with b): they really believe that those things are not encoded anywhere.

Now, while you and I certainly find that idea completely absurd, let’s try to understand what they think.

The best, and most honest, admission about that, in my memory, was made by Piotr, some time ago, in a discussion that was exactly about the procedures for cell (and tissue, and organ, and body) development. He said, if I remember well:

“I think it’s just the memory of what worked”.

OK, that’s a very honest statement of a neo darwinian perspective. But, as it is honest, it includes a precious little word: memory.

Now, you and I, having some love for informatics and programming, know all too well that “memory” is not a vague concept.

Memory of information must be stored to survive and be available. And that requires, in our human experience, some storage medium. Usually some physical (and often expensive) storage medium.

IOWs, no memory storage medium, no party.

So, I would like to ask Piotr (if he still reads this blog, that is unlikely), or Moran (if he likes to answer, that is unlikely), or anyone else:

Where and how are the procedure for cell (and tissue, and organ, and body) development stored?

Because, you see, they are certainly available in some way, otherwise how could the embryo of any organism generate the full body?

I suppose that the most likely argument of any neo darwinist, at this point, would be that those procedures must, after all, be very simple. A few HARs, a few hundred, at best a few thousand, nucleotides, and the deed is done.

Done? The human body plan? The human brain and nervous system? The whole immunology network? And so on, and so on?

You and I, having some love for informatics and programming, know all too well a very basic truth: very simple programs require some limited memory to be stored, but very complex programs require a lot of memory.

So, is the information for human brain really so simple? Is it like squeezing, say, Windows 10 in 1-2 KB at most?

OK, we know that the biological designer must be very good, but so good?

Ah, but I forgot: neo darwinian evolution can do practically anything: even miracles, provided we don’t call them miracles! >>

He goes on, in 201:

>>By the way, let’s comment some more on this interesting issue of development, always in the light of the results presented in this OP.

Vertebrates are considered as a subphylum of chordates: chordates with backbones.

So, in a sense, the basic body plan is set up in chordates, with the appearance of the notochord, and other features.

As we know, phyla correspond to basic body plans. But, strangely enough, they all appear very “suddenly”, during the so called “Cambrian explosion” (approximately 541 – 520 million years ago).

We know well all the debates about that amazing event. Of course, neo darwinist have tried their best to hypothesize that the explosion is not an explosion at all, and that the true information for all those new body plans was being “manufactured” more gradually during the previous times. And so on.

But the evidence of the fossils remains what it is, and I don’t think that our “polite dissenters” have succeeded in explaining away the “almost miracle” of the Cambrian events.

However, with vertebrates we are apparently observing an event slightly later than the Cambrian explosion itself. The emergence of a very important (for future developments) subphylum in the well established phylum of chordata.

That allows to localize better the emergence of the new information, to somewhat later than the Cambrian, but anyway well more than 400 million years ago.

Now, if we judge from the following natural history, it seems that the emergence of vertebrates was a very successful innovation: indeed, chordates not vertebrates are a rather small bunch of organisms today, while vertebrates are, in comparison, one of the main representative groups of animals, from many points of view, even if we don’t consider the side aspect that we, as humans, are part of it.

So, it is rather interesting to observe, according to the data presented in the OP, that the transition to vertebrates was a very exceptional “jump” from the point of view of some specific functional information in the proteome, certainly the biggest step we can observe in the accumulation of human conserved protein information. In that sense, it is a much bigger step than the simple appearance of the phylum chordata, with the appearence of more than twice human conserved information (3,708,977 bits vs 1,685,550, not corrected for redundancy).

If we want to make hypotheses about that interesting fact, we could probably reason that the new body plan of vertebrates includes at least two major innovations that will be very important in all the future natural history of that branch:

1) Cephalization, and in particular the gradual development of the brain, and therefore of all new functiona connected to that

2) Adaptive immunity, which appears for the first time in jawed vertebrates.

Both these innovations have a common denominator: they are linked to the appearance and development of two very complex regulatory systems, both aimed to a very complex and nuanced interaction with the outer environment.

IOWs, they are both, in different ways, complex systems that process information from the outer world.

That is an important concept, because it bears a fundamental implication:

If the bulk of the huge informational jump that appears in the vertebrate proteome is really linked to the premises for the development of the central nervous system and the brain and of the adaptive immune system, then it is perfectly reasonable to think that much of that new information must be strongly connected, as one can expect in any big and complex system that mainly processes information and reacts to it in very complex and nuanced modalities.

Another way to say it is that, in that huge informational jump, a great part of the total information can be expected to be irreducibly complex.>>

Sobering issues, well worth headlining and inviting further discussion. Let’s see if objectors to design thought have a good, cogent and plausible counter-case that is suitably empirically well-grounded in actual observations rather than ideologically loadesd reconstructions of the inherently unobservable remote past of origins. END

PS: I have been very busy RW.

InVivoVeritas #77, #95, #104 Your excellent work makes one realize, at least in my opinion, that physically stored information cannot be the complete picture. Surely, besides DNA, there is other storage media — e.g. membrane patterns, ion channels, sugar code, electromagnetic fields — but all of this simply cannot suffice. The fertilized ovum does contain neither a map of the brain nor the instructions of how to build it. There must be a non-physical source of information involved.Origenes
April 4, 2017
04:33 AM
GP et al, interesting onward discussion. I find the way histones seem to get set right then function as a standard component across life forms particularly interesting as a contrast with the jumps in homology in effect when we move into new domains of life for other protein families. The linked info jumps of course are FSCO/I-rich, and the pattern reminds of, don't re-invent the wheel. I am also being reminded just now on how early, body-plan effecting muts are overwhelmingly lethal, whilst it is the embryologically later, less impact-ful ones, that we see in organisms that survive to be born and grow up (or the equivalent). Blind mutation does not look to be a truly promising explanatory candidate. KFkairosfocus
April 4, 2017
02:45 AM
GP, we await the new OP. KFkairosfocus
April 4, 2017
02:44 AM
RVB8, your remarks, sadly, boil down to:
a: we have no observational data that directly shows actually observed origin of body-plan level biodiversity through blind chance and/or mechanical necessity. b: given, the remote past of origins is beyond observation, and that we have no direct empirical observation of how FSCO/I can be and is caused by said blind forces, we cannot meet Newton's rule on causal inference on traces of the unobserved being explained on forces seen to cause the like traces. c: by contrast, there is a trillion member observational base on the origin of FSCO/I, it is always seen to come about by intelligently directed configuration. d: where, this is backed by search-challenge in sufficiently large configuration spaces. e: cell based life is full of FSCO/I. most obviously in D/RNA and proteins, also in the functional organisation, the biochemical rxn network etc. f: there is a school of thought that connects these dots by inductive inference on reliable sign backed up by search challenge analysis per inference to best current explanation. _________________________________ g: In absence of an inductively well-warranted account of origin of FSCO/I, across time we objectors have scanted the concept and linked ones. (Never mind, we have had to create cases of FSCO/I that exemplify its origin to make such objections.) h: Likewise, we mock the idea of blind search challenge in large config spaces, ignoring evidence of deep isolation of protein fold domains in AA sequence space etc. i: Further, we project Biblical Creationist motivations to those who make design inferences. j: Moreover, we follow the Lewontin principle and ideologically impose a priori materialism by redefining the nature and methods of science.
In short, you have made ideologically motivated, fallacy-driven responses to a matter of empirically anchored inductive analysis. This error, you and others of like ilk urgently need to correct. KFkairosfocus
April 4, 2017
02:42 AM
gpuccio: That's interesting. Thanks.Dionisio
April 4, 2017
01:27 AM
Dionisio: I think that a protein like PAX-6 has probably pleiotropic functionality at all steps of its evolutionary history. But that functionality becomes different at different steps. So, it's not that the protein was less functional before the vertebrate transitions: it simply acquires the specific functionality needed for the vertebrate body plan at that transition. And it is a lot of specific functionality: so much so that it practically does not significantly change any more in that evolutionary branch. That, indeed, is an exception, because most proteins receive a supplementary boost at the transition to mammals. Instead, the 830 bits, 95% identities, 1.966824 baa of PAX-6 between Callorhincus milii and humans is really an exception. It's very similar to the 2.0 baa of histones, that are considered among the most conserved sequences in metazoa. The amazing difference is that histones are completely engineered just from the beginning: they already have those 2.0 baa of homology with humans in Cnidaria!gpuccio
April 4, 2017
01:13 AM
About embryo and body development problem The information in the Embryo: Much beyond the Information for Body Development. The Estimate of the Amount of Information needed for a human baby development to birth seems a huge over estimation. But let’s ponder this issue by considering a problem somewhat similar (but radically different) - however good enough to help us validate, confirm or infirm the Information Estimate under discussion. Now taking a strong materialist, empiricist position on embryo development (the things might not be as they appear). It should be assumed that most information that give shape, form and human behavior and intelligence to a human organism (except some acquired “items”) is somewhat present in the embryo: the female ovum fecundated by a male spermatozoid. Let’s contemplate a little bit what this means: what is the scope and extent of this information: * is information needed to develop the baby to delivery time in his/her mother’s womb * is information that make baby alive and progressing in manifesting biological and neurological functions as the baby grows the baby and later the infant, toddler, child, adolescent and adult is a “soft-body growing machine” * We humans know how to design mostly hard-body machines. The design and growth of soft-body machines seems to be a “know-how” probably associated with exotic, “out-of-this-world” engineering techniques. * The embryo must carry information not only characterizing the human organism , construction, development and mechanical capabilities and behavior, but information that somehow capture all human organisms functions and capabilities: perception of environment, muscular control, thinking, reason, intelligence, problem solving, etc. All this must be present - at a minimum in its “core format” in the embryo (original cell with 2^14 atoms) Now let’s imagine a parallel - but much simplified case (hypothetical scenario). Let’s assume (a thought experiment) that there exist a MacBook (or Windows laptop) “seed” or embryo. I.e. primordial (uni-cell) element/entity that contains sufficient information for: * it is sufficient to produce (construct) a real MacBook laptop * it is sufficient to know how to take some feeding substance from the “laptop mother womb” and to use internally those row materials, to convert them appropriately into parts and pieces of the growing laptop its sufficient to carry not only how to build the laptop, piece-by-piece, transistor-by-transistor, metal plate by metal plate, LCD cell by LCD cell, printed circuit boards, semiconductors, microprocessor, RAM memory, hard drives or solid state drives. etc, but also: * it is sufficient to carry all laptop software hierarchy - from kernel, drivers, operating systems, application software, graphics software. * it is sufficient to know how to “install”, “test” and “start” the software into the developing laptop. Now, the human embryo, human new-born, human child and adult are entities that diferes Radically from the hypothetical Laptop seed growing into an Adult laptop. And at least with respect to: * Human embryo, new-born, adults are REAL while the laptop embryo is just an imagined scenario * Everything imagined for the embryo laptop really happens for the human embryo/organism * while we engineers will have a real hard time to imagine how the laptop embryo growth may become a material reality, there is absolutely no doubt that an infinitely more challenging “technical proposition” has a routine reality and materialization in our lives. * everything in terms of information needed for the growth of human embryo into a child then adult seems to be present in that original biological cell. * So what do we have then inside the Embryo assuming that there is no information coming from outside (from the mother, or from who-knows-from-where) during development? * we have a organism construction factory design information * we have a parts (cells) construction factory * we have a sophisticated assemblage factory * we have sophisticated design plans, organizations, blueprints, scheduling and coordination plans. * we have organism body model, development model, brain development model, “start gradually organism engines” model, * we have plans on how to assemble and put together an intelligent being (machine) with amazing thinking, problem solving, reasoning capabilities and conscientiousness. * We have plans on how to build this human organism of a superior level of autonomy and self-sufficiency * We have plans on how to build this human organism capable of self-reproduction. All the above point to us that we are facing transcendental engineering solutions for transcendental ideas: life, seed, self-reproduction capability, logos, All the above point to us that life, living organisms, humans in particular are transcendental ideas brought to us with transcendental engineering. Considering evolution or any other naturalistic fables when we are contemplating the amazing engineering of life is an insult to reason.InVivoVeritas
April 4, 2017
01:04 AM
gpuccio: Apparently -as you have clearly demonstrated here and in other threads- in the case of radical changes of biological systems, major information addition might be required from engineering perspective. However, can a protein have pleiotropic functionality in its current form and shape, without getting another information boost?Dionisio
April 4, 2017
01:00 AM
gpuccio: Thank you for the sneak preview of your future OP. I look forward to reading it. The regulatory proteins seem like a fascinating field of modern biology.Dionisio
April 4, 2017
12:58 AM
Dionisio: Just an anticipation you could be interested in: From my data, that I am still developing and that will be presented in a future OP, Transcription Factors as a whole are not the category that is more strikingly engineered at the vertebrate transition: they are, but not much more than the average protein. In that sense, PAX-6 is more an exception than the rule. Other groups of regulatory proteins, instead, are amazingly engineered.gpuccio
April 4, 2017
12:45 AM
Dionisio: "The comment posted @85 seems somehow related to the nonsense posted @36. However, this could be just an illusion." No! Mung would never do such a thing! :)gpuccio
April 4, 2017
12:26 AM
gpuccio @66: Very interesting paper you referenced @66: "Transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms of early cortical development – an examination of how Pax6 coordinates cortical development" Thanks.Dionisio
April 4, 2017
12:05 AM
InVivoVeritas @95:
Still we cannot comprehend that the unimaginable large information for body construction plan quantified in INFO’ above can be contained, codified in the 10^20 atoms of the originating cell.
That's because we just don't understand evolution. :) We should consult the experts, like the Canadian biochemistry professor who publicly affirmed knowing exactly how morphogen gradients form, or his academic colleagues, who together know exactly how morphogen gradients are interpreted. Or ask one politely dissenting interlocutor in this thread who has demonstrated having exclusive unrestricted access to Wikipedia! However, let's make sure we ask only honest (i.e. not tricky) questions. Always remember that potentially tricky words (example: exactly) should be written in bold characters, so that the experts see them before answering the questions. Ok? :)Dionisio
April 3, 2017
11:39 PM
gpucio It seems that the way I estimated the Body Construction Plan Information in post #95 above aligns nicely with the "body development model" you sketched in your entry #29 that I quote below:
What kind of information is necessary in a cell so that it can differentiate along some pathway or some other pathway in different conditions? I will try to be even more clear with a generic example. Let’s say that we have a simple multicellular organism A where a cell “a” generates 30 cells that are all similar: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That’s all, in the development of that organism. Now, let’s say that from that organism derives a more complex, but still rather simple, multicellular organism B where an original cell “b” generates three different layers of cells, each with very different features and functionalities, and specific spatial arrangements: ccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeee
April 3, 2017
11:13 PM
gpuccio @82:
PAX 6 is implied in a huge number of events and networks, many of them not really well understood. “Are there other cases of proteins that could be analyzed in conjunction?” Yes, a lot of them. But let’s do one thing at a time.
Agree. No rush on this. As you have shown in your OPs and follow-up comments, it takes quite an effort to analyze just one protein. Your PAX-6 example raises fundamental questions about the observed information jump at one point. However, as you just stated in the above quoted comment, Pac-6 may have pleiotropic functionality and also it is not the only player in the game. You've clearly indicated that there are more proteins involved in the developmental processes. For some of them you've seen information jumps too. All that taken together compounds the magnitude of the problem and the coverage of the posed questions. Did I understand this right? Please, correct anything I write that is wrong or inaccurate. Thanks.Dionisio
April 3, 2017
11:06 PM
I am trying below to render the way I estimated the Amount of Information needed to Construct a human baby Body by assemblage of cells of different types. Copied from Slides in the Presentation specified below. Using a huge simplification to arrive empirically to a defensible number. The topic Extremely Difficult Engineering Problems are Brilliantly Solved in Living Organisms presented on 25 February 2017 at AM-NAT BIOLOGY CONFERENCE – and soon to be available on youtube – touched this problem as a tangible, undeniable super-function of organisms: sexual reproduction, problem that cannot be resolved but only through exceptionally engineered elements: information, processes and procedures, i.e. through Super, Exceptional, Transcendental Intelligent Design. Below x^y is a notation for x power y and x^y^z is a notation for x power y power z. SLIDE 1. Q: What is the estimated amount of information needed to drive body construction through cellular division? We are going to consider this question for the human species. Here are some primary facts on which will base the computation for our estimate. * There is an estimate of 37*10^12 cells in an adult human body We are assuming that a human baby at the moment of delivery will have 37 times fewer cells, i.e. a count of 10^12 cells. * We calculated x = number of cellular divisions to reach from the single fecundated ovum cell to a count of 10^12 cells in the delivered baby by solving the equation below logarithmically: 2^x = 10^12 and found out that Number of Divisions ND is about: ND = x = 42 The number of distinct cell types in the human body is estimated to be 200 SLIDE 2. Estimated amount of information -continued The estimation is based on the following: When a cell divides there are the following options available: * The place where the daughter cell will “link” to the “mother” cell after division. We considered that there are 8 placement options – one for each of the 8 corners of the mother cell considered a cube – as illustrated below (8 = 2^3). (( Below was a picture (not included) of a Cube: At Each of the 8 corners of the cube there was a small cube - to illustrate 8 possible placements of a daughter cell Relative to the Mother cell)) * The type of cell for the daughter cell. Let’s assume that there are only 32 type of cells in human body (32 = 2^5). So, each cell division may produce any of the 32 type of cells. For a conservative estimate of information we considered 32 cell types instead of 200. Thus after each cellular division for EACH daughter cell there are a total of 8 * 32 = 256 = 2^8 options – as ‘body construction options’ SLIDE 3. Estimated amount of information -continued Estimation procedure for body construction options for 1st Round of cellular division: D1 * We have one cell to divide (the original cell) * We have 2^8 = 256 independent outcomes for each resulting daughter cell * So the combined number of construction options for round D1 of division is: 1 * 2^8 = 256 Estimation procedure for body construction options for 2nd Round of cellular division:D2 * We have two cells to divide (total cells after round D1) * We have 2^8 independent outcomes for each resulting daughter cell * So the combined number of construction options for round D2 of division is: 256 * 256 = 256^2 The table on next page shows the above results and extends results for all 42 Division Rounds. Please note that we use products of (multiplication between) individual cell construction options since these are independent options between the constructed daughter cells. SLIDE 4. Estimated amount of information -continued Column 1: Division Round Column 2: Number of cells that divide in this Round Column 3: Number of Options for Each Daughter Cell Construction Column 4: Combined number of Construction Options for All Daughter Cells Being Constructed in This Division Round
1 ; 2^0 = 1 ; 256 ; CO1 = 256 2 ; 2^1 = 2 ; 256 ; CO2 = 256^2 3 ; 2^2 = 4 ; 256 ; CO3 = 256^4 4 ; 2^3 = 8 ; 256 ; CO4 = 256^8 5 ; 2^4 = 16 ; 256 ; CO5 = 256^16 .. ; …. ; …. ; .... 41 ; 2^(41-1) = 2^40 ; 256 ; CO41 = 256 ^2 ^40 42 ; 2^(42-1) = 2^41 ; 256 ; CO42 = 256 ^2^ 41= 256^ 2,199,023,255,552
SLIDE 5. Estimated amount of information -continued The combined number of construction options for all daughter cells in division round 42 is: CO42 = 256^ 2,199,023,255,552 = 10^ 5,295,775,764,950 The overall number of body plan construction options across all 42 division rounds is the product: COtotal = CO1 * CO2 * CO3 * CO4 * …. CO41 * CO42 However since the CO42 is such a huge number: larger than a 1 followed by over 5 trillion zeroes, it is sufficient to consider it as an estimate of the information for the baby’s body construction plan: INFO: INFO = 10^ 5,295,775,764,950 Note that if we consider that for the construction of each daughter cell through cell division we have only 2 options instead of 256 the calculation of CO42 changes into: CO’42 = 2^ 2^ 41= 2^ 2,199,023,255,552 = (approx) = 10 ^661,971,970,618 which is still a HUGE number: INFO’ = 10^ 661,971,970,618 SLIDE 6. Estimated amount of information -Conclusions We concluded that a conservative estrimate for the baby construction plan is unimaginable huge number: INFO’ = 10^ 661,971,970,618 The literature estimate for the number of atoms in a cell is 10^14 atoms. Let’s assume that the actual number for a fecundated female ovum is one million times larger than that, i.e. 10^20 Still we cannot comprehend that the unimaginable large information for body construction plan quantified in INFO’ above can be contained, codified in the 10^20 atoms of the originating cell.InVivoVeritas
April 3, 2017
10:53 PM
gpuccio @92: The comment posted @85 seems somehow related to the nonsense posted @36. However, this could be just an illusion. :)Dionisio
April 3, 2017
10:53 PM
J-Mac @81: Thanks for your commentary.Dionisio
April 3, 2017
10:46 PM
Mung: Nice to see you! :) I really missed your brilliant arguments! Where did you pick the "eviscerated" idea? Brilliant, brilliant... :)gpuccio
April 3, 2017
10:44 PM
rvb8: Just a curiosity: Why do you come to this "largely ignored stage", at all? Why do you waste your time with us? Do you think you have some kind of mission? But you admit, yourself, that you are "a poor interlocuter". Maybe if you stick to your "wider audience", to your "four sites" supported by brilliant scientists, you could in time learn something, and become a better discussant! :) Let's go to your "argument" (the only thing that seems to have the form of an argument, at least). You say:
Let us ask some sensible questions about body plans, ones scientists use to explain us, and flys etc. Why do we move forwards, and not backwards? Why is our head, where it is? Why are we largely symmetrical? Well, sponges aren’t ‘designed’ this way, and they are complex multi-cellular animals. So what is it about symmetricity, front/back movement, and heads being where they are that is beneficial to the symetrical, head on top, move forward not backward, animal? Once you understand this question, selection, and mutation are th best answer. Design, is a weak one!
Well, I am not sure I understand the question. After all, I am only a fellow traveller of the deluded crowd of self imposed geniuses that roam these halls. But, wait a moment: An airplane moves in the air, can host people inside, and even keep the pressure right at high altitudes. A table clock does not move, just stays where we put it, cannot host anything. Moreover, the two objects have clearly very different form and simmetry. Once you understand this example, it's obvious to anybody that selection, and mutation are the best answer, and design, is a weak one! Well, I hope you will forgive this blatantly Bible based argument. It's the best I can do... :)gpuccio
April 3, 2017
10:42 PM
Not convincing groovamos, however, I believe you should have the freedom to explain your ideas, and the Kairos invented concept of FSCO/I, as well.Science is all about new ideas, confronting those new ideas with experimentation, and reaching solid conclusions, based on those empirical approaches. I am simply saying that after almost 20 years since Dembski fortold the doom of Evolutionary Biology in 'The Wedge', we have as yet nothing approaching good science from ID. Science being science, it would not do to shout down a brilliant insight such as, 'wow that looks complex, must have been outside help.' So naturalists such a myself will continue to say that the ingredients, and necessary energy (gravity, the sun, earth molten core, water etc) for life, are in front of us and easily understood. The 'unnaturalists', such as yourself and the other Christians will continue to say, 'No! Jesus had a hand in IT!' One of these approaches is testable, the other relies on faith, something beyond the bounds of science. I'll leave you to figure out which is which.rvb8
April 3, 2017
10:27 PM
rvb8 @87:
However, endless incredulity makes your argument look unsupported by any actual science or evidence . . .
Incredulity, let us remember, about the wild, unfounded, laughable claims of the materialist creation story. Yes, I will gladly stick to incredulity. As opposed to the credulity that evidently allows some here to believe just about any wild story that supports the materialistic narrative, no matter how preposterous.Eric Anderson
April 3, 2017
10:19 PM
rvb: The article on, ‘Evollutionary (sic) development biology’,in Wikipedia would be a convenient non-threatening place for you ostriches to start with. Again, you won’t like it. It’s full of clear evidence based theories, with elegant hypotheses explaining likely routes, and even predictive possible futures Oh great more promissory "science". So you know what I did? After realizing that I don't normally encounter "threaten(ed)" people on this board other than ones who fling pejorative and name-calling I went to the page to which you refer and I did a search on 'information'. And there were actually 6 instances and every one of them were paired with 'further' as in "further information". So I decided that to spend time reading would be a waste, because really you Darwin worshipers seem to be threatened by the quantification of information in the genome and elsewhere, speaking of "threatening". Let me put it to you this way rvb. How many bits of information does it take to build your facial appearance? I'll even make it easy for you: ignore skin tone and hair distribution How many bits dude, and where exactly does this information reside that determines your facial features so that all of your associates recognize you? We all experience facial recognition every day, proving also that there is an informatic template of which our associates are possessed, correlated to information which built your face, otherwise facial recognition would not exist. You could not ask for better proof of information context of your face morphology. That's it: (a) how many bits and (b) what and where is the storage medium - for the specification of your facial appearance?groovamos
April 3, 2017
09:38 PM
Kairos, I know the odds. It is ID's only argument! It is the, 'This is simply beyond my ken'; 'I simply don't believe this is possible'; 'Look at the numbers..' etc etc ad infinitum. However, endless incredulity makes your argument look unsupported by any actual science or evidence; like, fossils, DNA, Lenski studies, Nobel Prize winners etc. Long meaningless posts, supported by 'hangers on', does not good science, or science arguments make. Honestly, bring yours, and your fellow travellers arguments to a wider audience. Don't lock away this ground breaking genius, that the world has been ignoring, in a small largely ignored stage. Give it to the ignorent world. FSCO/I, must be shared, do not hog this insight that nobody knows about. Recieve your reward, and I don't mean in the, 'here after'.rvb8
April 3, 2017
09:15 PM
RVB8: Instantly, you are setting up and knocking over strawmen. GP's argument is not about "Bible-based arguments." You are just showing what you wished you were dealing with. Some years ago now, to give another perspective, this is how I looked at one facet of the body plan origin challenge:
Meyer observed [in his 2004 paper]:
One way to estimate the amount of new CSI that appeared with the Cambrian animals is to count the number of new cell types that emerged with them (Valentine 1995:91-93) . . . the more complex animals that appeared in the Cambrian (e.g., arthropods) would have required fifty or more cell types . . . New cell types require many new and specialized proteins. New proteins, in turn, require new genetic information. Thus an increase in the number of cell types implies (at a minimum) a considerable increase in the amount of specified genetic information. Molecular biologists have recently estimated that a minimally complex single-celled organism would require between 318 and 562 kilobase pairs of DNA to produce the proteins necessary to maintain life (Koonin 2000). More complex single cells might require upward of a million base pairs. Yet to build the proteins necessary to sustain a complex arthropod such as a trilobite would require orders of magnitude more coding instructions. The genome size of a modern arthropod, the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, is approximately 180 million base pairs (Gerhart & Kirschner 1997:121, Adams et al. 2000). Transitions from a single cell to colonies of cells to complex animals represent significant (and, in principle, measurable) increases in CSI . . . .
Thus, the sort of novel body plans observed in the Cambrian fossil life revolution reasonably required 10 – 100+ millions of functional four-state DNA bases. This is more than 100,000 times the 500 – 1,000 bit threshold at which the undirected search resources of the observed cosmos would be inadequate to carry out a credible search of the relevant configuration spaces. Some would doubt such a range, so let us do a fresh calculation: 50 new tissue types to make up the organs for a new body plan would easily take up probably 10 - 100 proteins [[including enzymes etc] per type, i.e we are looking at 500 - 5,000 proteins as a reasonable/ conservative estimate — VERY conservative at the low end. 500 * 300 = 1.5 *10^5 codons, or 4.5 *10^5 bases, plus regulatory, let’s say about 10% more, 1/2 mn bases.At the upper end, we would arrive at 4.5 *10^6 bases. But this estimate is too low: Arabidopsis thaliana [[a flowering plant] 115,409,949 DNA bases Anopheles gambiae [[a mosquito] 278,244,063 bases Sea urchin 8.14 x 10^8 bases Amphibians 10^9–10^11 Tetraodon nigroviridis (a pufferfish) 3.42 x 10^8 In short, 10 – 100 million bases for a novel body plan is reasonable, even generous. And in any case the config space of 500 k bases is: 9.9 *10^301,029 possibilities. Let us recall too, that say an insect routinely emerges from a single cell (the egg) and develops into an adult organism by a replication, specialisation and integrated body plan development process. In the case of complete metamorphosis, there is first one body plan the larva, then there is an intermediate pupal "soup" stage that refashions itself into a completely new plan, the adult. For the explanation that this has come about by chance variation and natural selection, step by step, from a "simple" unicellular ancestor to be well-warranted, we need to see a good account with observational evidence, of how this can happen. That account has to explain how the embryological development algorithm that transforms a single cell into a complex organism based on specialised cell types, organised into tissues, organs and integrated coherent systems comprising a viable life form, came to be. On the face of it, the bare concept that such a complex algorithm could have come about by accidental duplications and chance variations that hit on new function, then were incorporated somehow into the regulatory processes of the organism and just happening to give us a fully integrated functioning organism that unfolds from the single cell to the organism on a body plan is not plausible absent specific empirical evidence that this is what can happen and did happen. That, within the resources of our solar system over the course of the sort of window of at most several hundred millions of years to a few billion years. if the usual timelines for the Cambrian life revolution are reasonable, we may be talking about a window of maybe 2 or 3 - 10 MY, 540 or so MYA. In fact, there is no such body of undeniable observations.
GP has been doing a much more sophisticated analysis and is even more generous to the Darwinist narrative. No practical difference. And, we have yet to address the most pivotal of all, the first, cell-based life body plan. KFkairosfocus
April 3, 2017
08:58 PM
gpuccio, I can’t answer your in depth reply. So take your brilliant insights to a wider audience and let them be eviscerated there. Given that someone, somewhere else, can answer you. I can safely dismiss your in depth reply as spurious nonsense.Mung
April 3, 2017
08:48 PM
Let us ask some sensible questions about body plans, ones scientists use to explain us, and flys etc. Why do we move forwards, and not backwards? Why is our head, where it is? Why are we largely symmetrical? Well, sponges aren't 'designed' this way, and they are complex multi-cellular animals. So what is it about symmetricity, front/back movement, and heads being where they are that is beneficial to the symetrical, head on top, move forward not backward, animal? Once you understand this question, selection, and mutation are th best answer. Design, is a weak one! Once again, feel free to bring your astoundingly poor reasoning, to other sites. I am a poor interlocuter for the self imposed genius that roams these halls. You can indeed tear me down. However, I also know that the contributors to at least four science sites that I know of, would make short shrift of your Bible based arguments.rvb8
April 3, 2017
08:20 PM
bill cole @70, quoting Moran:
Which do you think is more likely? Here’s a hint. The pufferfish genome is only about 12% of the size of our genome but pufferfish have bodies and brains. Clearly, they don’t need a lot of extra DNA to make their bodies. Humans don’t need it either.
Seriously? This is his argument? Talk about an argument from ignorance. Not to mention failed analogy.Eric Anderson
April 3, 2017
05:36 PM
Dionisio: PAX 6 is implied in a huge number of events and networks, many of them not really well understood. "Are there other cases of proteins that could be analyzed in conjunction?" Yes, a lot of them. But let's do one thing at a time. :)gpuccio
April 3, 2017
03:14 PM
The only logical explanation for the origins of body plans is that the body plans had existed before the organism came to be-the so called top to bottom origins of organisms. The bottom to top origins of body plans-an evolutionary one-just doesn't cut it because too much foresight and experimentation is required. The natural, random processes just don't have that... as simple as that... The ID/God must have had a lot of fun and satisfaction in designing and perfecting some of the creatures... In Job 39:26 He asks Job about some features of his creation: 26"Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars, Stretching his wings toward the south? 27"Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high?…" No human can even make a change to what one of those birds was designed to do...Job couldn't do it and the scientists today can't do it either... All they can do is complain about the so called "bad designs" they couldn't do themselves and can't do anything about the improving designs and making them better... So, all they have left is to worship the natural processes for their superior intelligence and dumb luck for being smarter than them that drives it... Why don't we ever have Nobel Prizes awarded to dumb luck? I guess there would be no-one to pick them up and there would be some pissed off communities of those who spent most of their life trying to figure out how the dumb luck did it and not being awarded for it... taking the credit for what the dumb luck did , as if they had created it themselves, is the way to go... Can anybody see how cleverly this deception was designed? It was designed in such a way that people who promote this nonsense would eventually believe it... "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."J-Mac
April 3, 2017
03:07 PM
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