It looks as though the folks at BioLogos are targeting all the main works of design theorists, and the flavor of the month this time is William Dembski’s The Design Inference. Retired Calvin College mathematics professor James Bradley has been called in to do the demolition. His “scholarly” take-down of Dembski’s book is here:
The first of two blog posts by him against Dembski’s book is here:
All of this seems quite hamfisted. Why review a book 12 years AFTER its publication? Why focus only on the book and ignore all that Dembski has subsequently written on design inferences (e.g., in his books NO FREE LUNCH, THE DESIGN REVOLUTION, and THE DESIGN OF LIFE, all of which extend and clarify his ideas in THE DESIGN INFERENCE). Dembski himself is publicly on record for saying that his most precise formulation of design inferences is in his article “Specification: The Pattern That Signifies Intelligence.” And what about Dembski’s subsequent work on active information as a marker of design through the Evolutionary Informatics Lab ( None of this work receives mention by Bradley.
I’ll leave it to people on this forum to look at the two links above and formulate their own thoughts (preferably in comments posted to this thread) about whether Bradley has adequately refuted Dembski.