At his blog, Why Evolution Is True:
I don’t know for sure, but would bet a lot of money, that Krauss plumps for physics while Lamoureaux and Meyer for the importance of either God or his euphemism, a “designer.” More.
Prophecies are difficult, especially with respect to the future.
In the event, Krauss hollered a lot about the Discovery Institute and Lamoureux testified to his faith. Meyer tried to keep things on track despite a migraine.
Note: One of Coyne’s posters, Diana MacPherson announces, inter alia:
Meyer drives me right crazy and I would have loved to tell him that I got his book moved out of the science section at Chapters but I can sympathize with someone having a migraine and what that means when arguing…
Ah yes. Welcome to the intellectual freedom wars in Canada, where migraines are nothing compared to empowered public nannies.
See also: But for Meyer there would have been no debate
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