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On The Reason Fascism is Inherent in the Progressive Project


In a prior post about climate alarmism, Seversky asked:

Do we really need to wait until Florida or the Netherlands disappear beneath the waves before we admit there might be a problem here?

I responded:

Assume for the sake of argument (1) global warming is happening; (2) the cost of trying to stop it is 10 times the cost of allowing Florida and the Netherlands to go under.  Sev, should we pay that cost even though it is 10X the cost of doing nothing?

Daniel King responded by mocking me, and I responded to him as follows:

I asked you to assume 10X for the sake of argument.  You are unwilling to do so. I am not surprised.  Progressives are so utterly certain of their own brilliance and rectitude, they never even consider opening their minds to consider a problem from a different perspective.  That is why progressives are natural authoritarians.  They believe that because they are so much smarter and morally superior to everyone else, no one can disagree with them in good faith, and it follows that anyone who does disagree with them is evil, not merely mistaken, and must be crushed by any means necessary.

And KF added:

Do you care to expand [this], or would others want to, in the context of the cluster of polarised, scientific issue- tinged debates that now seem to be a major part of public issues and policy trends?

For instance in origins science debates, we have on longstanding record, Mr Dawkins on his view of those who object to his evolutionary materialism, that they are ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked. This view seems to drive much of the tone of debate.

One thing that pricks at my thoughts is the Marxist base-superstructure view, on which any existing frame of thought, authority and governance until the Marxists [whether classic class warfare or the Frankfurt School cultural identity variant makes little difference] showed up.

Thus there is an underlying assumption of monopoly of legitimacy in leadership in thought, issues, policy and politics.

Where, we can clearly see how progressivism — in the sense used in recent decades — is deeply influenced by Marxism.

Echoes of Fascist, Nietzschean superman beyond-law political messiahs who come to rescue the mass victim group in the face of allegedly unprecedented crisis and threat also seem to be there in the above. But then, Fascism was in many respects Marxism 2.0.

This is key KF.  We err when we think of fascism, communism, Marxism, and progressivism as being different things.  They are not.  They are different versions of the same thing.  We especially err when we think of a fascist like Hitler and a communist like Stalin as being somehow polar opposites (with one on the “right” and one of the “left”).  Hitler and Stalin had far more in common than otherwise, and a political analysis that perceives them as opposites is deeply flawed.

If all of these things are versions of the same thing, what thing is that?  That thing is materialist metaphysics applied to politics.  Just as in the origins debate, the materialism is accepted as a matter of blind faith in the teeth of the evidence to the contrary.  And once the materialist underpinnings are established, everything else follows as a matter of simple logic.  It does not matter, for example, that the peppered moth story provides absolutely zero support for the theory.  It is nevertheless considered powerful evidence for the theory.  Because if materialism is true, a materialist account of origins must necessarily also be true and any “evidence” (even non-evidence as in the case of the moths) is sufficient to support it.

You are also correct that Dawkins’ “ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked” comment is of a piece with the self-righteous, smug, and condescending style of modern progressive political rhetoric.

[As an aside, note that it is not only conservatives who believe progressives are smug and condescending.  Even thoughtful progressives recognize and deplore this tendency among their brethren.  Witness uber-progressive Emmett Rensin’s article in the leftist rag Vox:  “The Smug Style in American Liberalism,” (with the word “liberal” standing in for “progressive;” the words are often used interchangeably).  http://www.vox.com/2016/4/21/11451378/smug-american-liberalism ]

Dawkins is completely, utterly and irrevocably convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that materialism is true, and therefore a materialist account of origins must also be true.  And because he is such a rabidly-devoted true believer, he is literally unable to understand how anyone could possibly disagree with him in good faith.  It follows that to him those who disagree with him cannot possibly do so in good faith.  Not only does it not occur to him that they might be correct (not possible), but also it does not occur to him that they might be merely mistaken.  Oh no.  For true believes like Dawkins, only those who are morally perverse or  intellectually infirm can possibly disagree with him.

We see the same phenomenon at work in progressive political rhetoric.  Here is an actual exchange from a recent Facebook debate I had with one of my progressive friends (yes, I do have such):

Progressive Friend:

One can’t just stand there and not vote, or not feed a starving child or adult, or not save a drug addict from getting creamed by a bus.  One should not stand by and watch people prosper at the cost of old people dying or children going into anaphylactic shock or dying from diabetes or whatever.

My response:

If conservatives don’t want to add another 10 trillion dollars to the debt and/or raise taxes to a confiscatory level, they affirmatively want to kill people.  It couldn’t possibly be the case that conservatives want to maintain an adequate social safety net while at the same time not killing our economy with confiscatory taxes and smothering regulations. No, this is not about the inevitable trade-offs when infinite needs meet finite resources. This is about good, loving, kind virtuous people (liberals) and evil, bigoted, hateful people who want to kill old people and children (conservatives).

Progressive Friend:

“This is about good, loving, kind virtuous people (liberals) and evil, bigoted, hateful people who want to kill old people and children (conservatives).” Correct

To be clear, that last comment from my progressive friend was probably meant in jest.  Nevertheless, it demonstrates the attitude I am talking about, if in an extreme way.  Progressives are so convinced they are morally and intellectually superior, it is difficult for them to conceive that anyone might possibly disagree with them in good faith.  Only evil and/or stupid people can disagree with them.

It follows that when one’s opponents are, by definition, evil and/or stupid, one need not treat them with respect and dignity.  Such must be crushed by the mailed fist and the booted heel – which is why progressivism so often walks hand-in-hand with fascist/authoritarian tactics.

But haven’t progressives such as the ACLU often championed freedom?  Yes, they have when to do so predominantly furthered progressive interests.  But this was a tactical, not a philosophical stance, as demonstrated by Maud Dib’s dictum:

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.



BA, Chilling. BO'H: For cause, AP's journalism style guide urges against using the stolen and twisted word, fundamentalism. Originally, this stood for one adhering to historic, orthodox Christian faith in the face of heresies -- yes, demonstrably so -- of modernist theological progressivism. Mix in a little Mencken, toss in a bit of fundy yahoos putting on a Scopes Trial and a shamelessly slanderous movie, Inherit the Wind, spread the term around to speak of terrorists. Then bring it back reeking of taint and plaster it on those who dare to question big-P Progress dressed up in a lab coat. In short, stereotyping, scapegoating and targetting all lurking in one word. Please, drop it. PAV & DfO: Yup. Sadly. Sev: I think there is unfinished business elsewhere at UD, but truth is, right now I am fighting a migraine episode occasioned by a creative synthesis mindstorm I have been cultivating for a week to try to pull this together -- it requires pulling on a lot of nooks and crannies of edu, experience and thought into a more or less unified whole: http://pm101bootcamp.blogspot.com/2016/12/pm101-u1-project-management-what-why.html It turns out, the discussion there is closely related, note the discussion on unhealthy organisation culture. Here is a clip:
. . . Given that there are Idea- and- Implementer hit-men (as opposed to responsible, reasonable critics) out there [= TROLLS!] gunning for those who dare to challenge business as usual, all five factors are important to build a sound critical mass for change. The fewer of these factors that are in place, the less likely will it be that even a first class idea not sponsored by the dominant faction makes it through to the point of success. Where, in an organisation with an institutional culture dominated by irresponsible behaviour, a climate of intimidation/ bullying and ruthless office politics, business as usual is very likely indeed to be on an ill-advised march of folly. Ironically, such an organisation is exactly the sort that most urgently needs healthy innovation. So, a culture of marches of folly, in the end indicts the top leadership of an organisation as utterly failing in their stewardship. But, in many cases, utterly cynical and manipulative, highly machiavellian looter leadership is busily planning its "golden parachute" escape strategy. (Indeed, in the Acts 27 case, the sailors, on a ruse of putting out anchors from the bows, were trying to abandon the passengers to their fate; this was spotted and stopped through intervention of the apostle Paul. [By this time, Centurion Julius had learned -- at sobering cost -- whose counsel was likely to be sound and trustworthy.]) . . . . unhealthy organisations are very common. They can be readily recognised by how quickly they habitually push sound but politically incorrect ideas and their would-be implementers to the fringes; promoting polarisation, hostility, stereotyping, scape-goating and targetting. It is then a simple step to send out the career-busting hit-men to keep such undesirables out or to drive them out.
Ask yourself, what happens when unhealthy organisations following cultural marxist patterns, and pushing agit prop in a lab coat, with utterly amoral evolutionary materialist worldviews begin to dominate media, education, policy discussions and cultural agendas. If you don't hear the ghosts of Socrates and Alcibiades warning you don't go down that road, something is wrong. GUN: I suggest to you that evolutionary materialism dressed up in the lab coat leads to self-falsifying incoherence and utter breakdown. I will append on that as this is already a complex post. KFkairosfocus
December 12, 2016
04:39 AM
I’m not clear on is what you and KF and others mean by “progressivism”.
Then you educate yourself before commenting in a thread about topics you don't understand. Educating you on commonly understood political terms is not our job. But I will point you in the right direction. Start here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W917ZG/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1Barry Arrington
December 11, 2016
10:57 PM
GUN @ 8: Apples and Oranges. If one actually demonstrates that a group is prone to stay really stupid things, as I did in the article your cite (see https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/being-an-atheist-makes-you-stupid/ ), one is making a demonstration. Contrast that to the naked prejudice and animus on display in the Vox article I cited above. You tried a a tu quoque turnaround gotcha. Happily for me, you failed.Barry Arrington
December 11, 2016
10:55 PM
It follows that when one’s opponents are, by definition, evil and/or stupid, one need not treat them with respect and dignity.
Yes, it’s unfortunately a common sentiment, as seen in articles like “Being an Atheist Makes You Stupid”. But in the case of Dawkins, he actually explicitly states that his opponents are probably NOT wicked, stupid, or insane: “You are probably not stupid, insane or wicked; and ignorance is no crime…”goodusername
December 11, 2016
08:22 PM
Assume for the sake of argument (1) global warming is happening; (2) the cost of trying to stop it is 10 times the cost of allowing Florida and the Netherlands to go under. Sev, should we pay that cost even though it is 10X the cost of doing nothing?
This is a bit like the moral conundrum of whether to divert a trolley to kill only one person rather than let it hit five. There is no right solution. Personally, I would say that, given the choices you provide, we should go for the less expensive option. The question is, are preventative measures really likely to cost more than coping with a catastrophe after it has occurred? It is hard to imagine that preventing Hitler and the Nazis seizing power in Germany would have been more expensive than fighting a world war to remove them from power after they had achieved it. Another point I'm not clear on is what you and KF and others mean by "progressivism". A lot of the complaints seem to be more about the smug and contemptuous attitudes and the unwarranted certainty you see in those with whom you disagree on politics and religion. It's more like a convenient label for demonizing those with whom you disagree than a coherent political ideology. It seems to me that both sides are guilty, at one time or another, of a lack of humility, of overstating their case, of making unwarranted claims of certainty, of condemning opponents as foolish, ignorant, insane or evil and so on. If I advocate methodological naturalism and materialism it's not because I think they are some sort of Absolute Truth but because I believe they are the most effective approach we have found so far to trying to explain and understand the world in which we find ourselves. One further question. As an atheist I find it hard to imagine anything that could convert me to some sort of religious belief. But if I ever found compelling evidence of the existence of some supreme being or intelligence I would be fascinated and have no difficulty abandoning atheism. Could believers here even imagine under any circumstances the possibility of giving up their faith in the face of a lack of any evidence for it?Seversky
December 11, 2016
08:03 PM
Bob O'H: [OT]: You never gave an example of a 'non-designed' object, which made any discussion impossible. If you're interested in my take on ID, and how it can identify designed objects from those that are not, you can visit this post from a couple years back, and look at the entries from #86 on, especially #s 86-88.PaV
December 11, 2016
06:45 PM
When I was a teenager back in the 60's, all we heard from the Liberals/Progressives/Leftists was this criticism of American foreign power: "Might makes right!" This, of course, was not limited just to the federal government, but spilled over to all institutions, governmental structures, and corporate entities that resisted their ideology. It is abundantly clear that the Left has simply, and arrogantly, turned this all around. For them, "Right is might!" They are the brilliant ones, the scientific ones, the learned ones; and the hoi polloi are to be discounted and ignored. So, our children have to eat what Michele Obama says they ought to eat. New Yorkers can't be given large cola drinks. Second-hand smoke is deadly, so must be banned, etc., etc. It is all based on pride: you know, the sin of Satan--the one who knew more than God. The Left is convinced that they know more than God, so they feel entitled to shove things down people's throats. It will be interesting to see what this recent election will bring about. Perhaps, if all succeeds--as it should--the Left, the Emperor, will be shown to have 'no clothes.' Maybe, then, we can get back to common sense.PaV
December 11, 2016
06:40 PM
Bob, The point you make is fair to an extent. But, as the Vox article points out, on the left smugness, self-righteousness and condescension are not on the fringe. They are the attitudes of the mainstream left.Barry Arrington
December 11, 2016
01:14 PM
Barry, is this really a problem of liberalism, or is it one of fundamentalism? Is it that any reasonably sized social movement will have adherents that, well, go too far? When you write this:
Nevertheless, it demonstrates the attitude I am talking about, if in an extreme way. Progressives are so convinced they are morally and intellectually superior, it is difficult for them to conceive that anyone might possibly disagree with them in good faith. Only evil and/or stupid people can disagree with them.
Aren't there people on the political right who say very similar things about progressives? I certainly don't want to defend fundamentalists who don't respect people they argue with, but I worry that it's too easy to condemn a whole group of people for the excesses of a few, and it's something I feel neither side should do. Otherwise what hope do we have to work together?Bob O'H
December 11, 2016
01:07 PM
"Progressives are so convinced they are morally and intellectually superior, it is difficult for them to conceive that anyone might possibly disagree with them in good faith." True indeed. This cannot end well. "Only evil and/or stupid people can disagree with them." Most leftists are atheists who don't believe in objective evil. They just think we are stupid. Again, this cannot end well. Something to ponder: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -- John F. Kennedy (1962)Truth Will Set You Free
December 11, 2016
08:56 AM
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